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Hey guys,

Going through a big move right now with no wifi to edit-film. 

Though I already filmed some videos I'll try and post GOT 6x08- The originals 2x08 and Buffy 7x05  tomorrow...probably from a coffee shop 😅.

The schedule will be a bit messy this week since I'm still trying to figure out the equipment, the background and of course the wifi so bare with me please. There's not much left. 



hey its all good! but when should the next oth video be up? its okay if you cant answer with the messy schedule lol


Sorry, I thought you had already moved. I've been under the weather myself (bronchitis)... so I've lost track of what you're doing.

Mariella Nilsson

Take your time and thanx for The uppdate!!

Lex Larae

Take all the time you need no worries we’ll still be here waiting. 🖤 good luck moves are never easy or fun