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Buffy takes Dawn to her first day at the newly-restored Sunnydale High, only to discover it still holds the deep dark secrets of the past, and a remorseful Willow turns to Giles and the coven to learn to control her magic.

Here we go guys. The beginning of an end 😢

Link to the reaction:





I am binge watching your reactions now lol. In regards to last season; so many people take it so seriously because it is dark. Even SMG said it's her least favorite. I, however, think that the scene with Giles cracking up is what the season is all about. They all MESSED UP their lives so bad. Giles leaves, and Xander and Anya implode, Willow is a junkie, Tara is dead, Dawn is a hotmessy klepto, and Buffy is having sex with Spike and slining burgers. It IS funny in context. From Gile's point of view, this is probably the one thing he feared because it clearly means he was WRONG. They did need him. Badly. I think he laughed out of relief.


SO much this^ I love this season. The more I watch it, the better it gets.

Jonathan Hall

I think your breakdown of season 6 is the best I've ever heard from anyone.


The ending scene is a scene I often rewatch it is so epic. About Spike's cuts I always thought he tried to cut his soul out not his heart. Looks like the cuts also go lower on his abdomen and I think he would feel pain in his heart and think that's where his soul is?


Yay! Season 7 is one of my favourites. Really looking forward to your reactions Sofie. When Buffy is over would you consider reacting to another Joss Whedon show Firefly?

The Witch Hawk


Enas Bassiony

Spoiler?!!! How is that spoiler!!!! .. lol .. is it spoiler to say there is good acting moments or that we're starting to get more details on the stuff we should literally be getting details on ... cause neither this nor that makes sense as a spoiler 😂😂😂😂 .. like is it even possible to think we won't learn new stuff or that we don't know by now that all the actors are extremely talented and they all have their moments .. seriously whats the logic there?


It's 100% a spoiler, because you're setting very pointed expectations for Sofie for the next episode. Especially the last sentence. Imagine if someone said after 6x06, "Wait until next week, some great singing will be happening. And we'll get some progress with Buffy having been pulled from heaven."

Rey Gallogo

Stargazer, If after 6x06 they said “can’t wait for the next episode” but didn’t mention the singing, is that spoilery?


Okay, completely disagree with how different Angel and Spike were as human. Sure, Spike wasn't going out getting drunk all the time, like Angel was, but there's a lot more nuance there. Both shows make it very clear that Angel and Spike are pretty much two sides of the same coin; right down to their names. Liam is the Irish version of William. Where William was a poet, Liam/Angel clearly has an affinity for drawing. We see this both when Angel lost his soul and was using targeting people, but also when he had a soul; he used it to sketch the one vamp he mentored that Kate was after, and he was sketching Darla after realizing she was back for real. Coincidentally, or maybe not, Cordelia bought him a bunch of art supplies in the AtS season 1 finale. Liam was 100% a daddy's boy, acting out for his father's attention; and even saying how he was "living down" to every low expectation his father had for him; while wanting nothing but his approval - something Darla even points out to him. The man likes Barry Manilow, for crying out loud... And you keep focusing on things like, Angel tried kill people - yeah, after decades of wondering around, in his desperation he sought out Darla, in the hope of unburdening himself - which in hindsight now might have been foreshadowing him doing exactly the same thing a century later in "Epiphany". And even then, he only killed murderers and rapists, but when push came to shove, he couldn't fight his new nature; and protected the innocent. It also sounds like you're referring to "Are You Now or Have You Ever Been," in talking about him trying to cut himself off. And yeah, he was trying to make it through the day; his soul was meant to be a burden after all. But like the Thesalac put it, Angel stuck his neck out for the humans in the hotel and they put a noose around it; so yeah, he walked away. But keep in mind, where we saw Angel living in hotels in the 50s, by the 90s Angel was back living on the streets, eating of rats. So his trajectory of having a soul wasn't linear. And now here's Spike maybe 3 months into having a soul, to Angel being well over a century.

Enas Bassiony

Stargazer .. That is certainly not the same ...singing is a spoiler .. acting obviously isn't .. in fact you guys jumping on someone saying the love a certain episode and writing in all caps "this is a spoiler" is the actual spoiler .. because a reply like that is taking the comment out of it's context as "this is one of my personal fav episodes" and turning it into "this episode is a highlight and important for everyone" .. so be careful with that

Enas Bassiony

Rey Gallogo .. of course not .. a spoiler is to mention something specific that will happen and isn't known by default ... for example if someone spoiled that there is singing aka mentioned that it's a musical vs just saying the love next episode .. or if we're talking about hinting then if after Sofie said she wishes Spike had a soul someone would come in the comments and say "you wait till the end of S6" but generally mentioning you like a certain episode is definately not a spoiler .. making a big deal out of that like these guys did IS actually the spoilery part

Phoenix Dawn

It is one of my most favourite endings ever! Soo great! Couldn't wait for your reaction to it!


Such a great ending! Forgot how good that scene was! I love the parallels you draw between Angel and Spike. Mad props to Spike for actually earning his soul. It's no wonder he's having a bad time rn tho... If I remember correctly Angel spent like 80 years on and off living a hermetic life because he just couldn't deal with his past. But with the end, I think Angelus would have made more sense for the S2 Villian, but I think practically speaking David Boreanaz was probably too busy filming Angel so they got Drusilla instead (Still great!). You did make one interesting observation during that scene that I don't wanna spoil too much... but... you might be onto something? Lol. Great reaction!


It's always bothered me how they all hate Faith for going evil and killing someone, but at least she went to jail to atone for it. Why isn't Willow in jail for killing a human? (Don't get me wrong I love Willow and Warren had it coming). But man does the Scooby group love their double standards.


This season is best on a rewatch so much you might miss but just go with it :)

Mariella Nilsson

I think they tried allot to help faith themselves before it came to her being in jail. Buffy tried, angel tried.


Oh man, watching you do the mental gymnastics there at the end - that was all of us experiencing this episode for the first time. I can’t wait until the moment everything clicks for you and we get to experience the reaction!