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From a Cradle to a Grave

Hayley is willing to do whatever it takes to protect her baby; Francesca, Jackson and Oliver meet to discuss the future of the werewolves in New Orleans; Cami and Davina come together to take down Klaus.

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Jasmine Reigns

One of the best season finales of the entire TVDU for sure 🔥🔥 can’t wait for season 2 it’s easily one of my favorite seasons!


This show is beyond incredible, how it never won any kind of award is beyond me. Everything in the season was amazingly written, the storyline, the characters, the plot twists, the chemistry was all perfectly written. This season finale is one of the best episodes in the entire series because this episode gave every possible emotion one could ever ask for, sadness, anger, annoyance, happiness, and shock factors left and right. I also feel this episode did a very good job having every main character a chance to shine in the spotlight and give incredible performances, from Elijah’s heart broken speech at the cemetery, klaus’s and Hayley’s anger sadness and devastation, to marcels talk to klaus, davinas devotion to her friends and Camis 1 on 1 with klaus. Amazing season sofie and can’t wait to see the 2nd one.


Also don’t think Klaus has a favorite sibling, think it depends in the circumstance when he shows affection to either Elijah or Rebekah of course Rebekah has stuck with klaus the longest but Elijah has time in and out shown undeniable devotion to klaus and is the reason klaus even decided to keep the child in the first place. I truly believe klaus loves both his siblings unconditionally and even though he doesn’t show it as often as we’d like he’d lay his life for both and give up anything to save them as would both Rebekah and Elijah! But for sure the scene between Rebekah and Klaus in this episode is unmatched by very few moments throughout the orginals…..but it is matched 😉!


Klaus and Rebekah my fav characters back again even for a short while


Definitely 1X22 is some of the best TVD verse content ever- everything is amazing and executed perfectly well.


This is one of the best season finales in the TVD universe in my opinion :)

Nebulous Shooter

Watching it again, I forgot how good the 1st Season actually was.

Sade L.

Don’t mind me..just bawling my eyes out after seeing that Klaus and Rebekah scene for the 100th time lol this finale is so well done..definitely my fave in the series


The scene where Marcel saves Hope then takes her and Klaus follows and all that follows that. I LOVE IT SO MUCH! I mean, for one, Klaus didn't panic when Marcel ran off with the baby, none of them did. Klaus walked in calmly when he got there. He wasn't mad at Marcel for doing it, he understood and was grateful to him for saving Hope. Then Marcel apologising for bringing Mikael to Town, and Klaus forgiving him. AND KLAUS ASKING TO HOLD HOPE! He asked Marcel if he could hold his own child. Then the way she looked over at Marcel and he smiled, and Klaus smiled, and they were both just crying and smiling and AGH! A Father and his children! I love them! Everything about that scene. (Until Mikael showed up watching them... Ugh!) And then Marcel agreeing to allow Klaus to compel him to forget Hope is alive! That shows so much trust and I love it. And of course, Rebekah would be the one person Klaus would trust with Hope. I love him giving her the little Knight he carved when they were children too. I just love that this is his way of saying she is completely forgiven. But also, he KNOWS she's always wanted a family, she wants to be human and have kids and just live that normal human life, and he's giving her the chance to do that with Hope. And yeah... That ending... Hahahahaahahahahahahahahaha

Jasmine Bellucci

One of the best finale in the whole TVD universe. I can't wait for season 2 wich is gonna be even better than this one!

Sean Stuart

Been following along with the abridged episodes but had to watch this one. because the episode is so great and knew Sophie would cry and laugh and really enjoy this.