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Cami's efforts to help Kieran lead to a violent episode; an explosion in the bayou adds to the distrust between the wolves and the vampires; Hayley learns a surprising piece of family history from Marcel.

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Ashish Dahal

Oliver would not have let her handle him like that if he did not know she is a part of Klaus' family. he did not fight back, not fighting back is not being weak, it's knowing what to do and what not to

Shaquona Oxendine

Hey Sofie are you posting a second originals episode tonight?

Jay zay

It’s not that Hayley is powerful. It’s because she knows they can’t kill her. If she wasn’t under the originals protection and she walked in there like that she would have been dead in a second😂. She is doing the same think Marcel is doing using her bond to the originals to her advantage.

Melanin Ky (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-31 08:28:37 Which is a huge flex and I love that for Marcel & Hayley lols
2022-10-24 15:33:32 Which is a huge flex and I love that for Marcel & Hayley lols

Which is a huge flex and I love that for Marcel & Hayley lols


But She is more powerful though, if you remember when she strong armed Oliver to tell her the deal they had made with klaus she said the last months of her pregnancy were all hormones as she almost pretty much snapped his arm, which is why she’s much stronger than a normal werewolf. Think sofie was referring to how she had man handled Diego (a vampire) rather than the way she entered and carried herself during the altercation but yes your right on why she carried herself that way

Jay zay

Yh she probably is stronger but I don’t think should would have been able to man handle Diego if Diego didn’t fear the consequences of fighting back if u ygm


In terms of speed I think your right but in terms of strength, the way she man handled Oliver is pretty much how a vampire does, mostly cause Oliver doesn’t like hayley so I’m pretty sure he was trying his hardest to getting out of that arm bar hayley put him in and she was effortlessly fighting against it, think she’s much stronger now than before