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Hell's Bells

Xander gets cold feet on the brink of his wedding to Anya, after a bizarre stranger plants seeds of doubt in his mind by showing him what their future together will be like.

Season 6 continues to charm and delight with it's lighthearted, comedic plot twists.

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Zeph 802

Late to the party but if Sophie is up to suggestions, The Good Place is definitely a top contender for me, along with This is us


“Season 6 continues to charm and delight with it's lighthearted, comedic plot twists.” That made me chuckle 😉. And I feel you. I watched this when it originally aired, and I’m still salty about Joss and Marti not letting at least this couple have a happy ending. They are our comic relief and we really needed some relief this season. I get the show is more a drama, but they could have still written conflict for them to face as a married couple.

Martin Waits

I really dislike this episode; it's one of only a few that I haven't re-watched. But the rest of this season is really good.

Ryan Martinez

Anya walking down the aisle is one of the most heartbreaking moments I've ever witnessed.


This is a hard episode for me. I like them as a couple. "Season 6 continues to charm and delight with its lighthearted, comedic plot twists." Really? This one rips me apart. I would never have guessed I was more of a romantic than she.

Bobby P

Very good point from Sofie about the lack of supportive male friends for Xander, which I hadn't thought about before, but which may have made the difference in his ultimate sense of defeat. Had Giles been there, who would have spoken to his responsibility, commitment and self-determination - or even Riley, with whom he had a good connection and friendship - things may have gone differently at the end. Instead he bottles it up, ruminates on it alone and convinces himself that he is destined to become his father. Sad, but his innate insecurity - there from Day 1 of the show - definitely comes to the fore in this episode, and prevents him from making the next step in his growth.

Flora Smith

Riley, definitely. Giles has rarely more than tolerated Xander (and that’s being generous) Him not being there feels 💯 more realistic than him being there and supporting him

Bobby P

Fair point regarding Giles. I just think Xander - as do the rest of them - has an innate respect for Giles that may have come into play had he opined on the 'right' thing to do. That said, I could certainly imagine a Riley/Xander interaction in this episode that may have swayed the balance a bit, especially the Riley we saw in the last episode who has it together and clearly has a good marriage.

Flora Smith

I think where I diverge is with the idea that Xander isn’t doing the right thing by not going through with the wedding when he’s not ready tbh. Especially in light of the insane trauma he’s just experienced by thinking, even briefly, that his worst fears about himself, fears that are literally rooted in being raised in an abusive household were true

Bobby P

Yes it makes sense given all we've seen of his fears up to this point, but he really doesn't have a good counter-view in this episode, other than the conversation with Anya at the end - by which time it seems he's made up his mind. As to whether this was the right decision for him and Anya, only future episodes will show... :)


Your right!; When I read it with that tone it takes on a different meaning.

Idun V

We're getting so close to 'that' episode, I'm freaking out.


When Anya finally got her final speech 🎤 is where the tears started rolling! 🥹

Wisdom of the Sphynx

Between Buffy, Angel, and GoT, we are gonna have to recommend a happy most of the time comedy for SoFie


“You knew me. You saw me.” What’s heart wrenching for me is the fact that Anya was so far removed from love that she didn’t even understand the concept of it. She then meets someone unexpectedly who’s everything and more to her. Then… this happens. From her point of view it’s going to be very difficult to trust ever, ever again and it’s completely understandable.

Idun V

I didn't mention the name or number of the episode and I didn't mention what type of 'freaking out' I wouldn't count that as a spoiler.


Sorry for being late to the party on this one. I'm pretty sure when I first watched this episode, I really liked, but over time and multiple re-watches, I've come to kind of hate it. They try to do two different things, a what-if a la The Wish, and... I don't know what with the wedding party shenanigans. They should have committed wholeheartedly to Xander experiencing an alternate future with Anya and making it the primary focus of the episode. That could have been on part with The Wish and The Zeppo. The biggest problem I have with this episode - especially since I am far and away NOT a Xander fan - is that they go to the trouble of traumatizing Xander, have him not just be told or see, but experience firsthand this nightmare future; which culminates in HIM picking up a frying pan and brutalizing, possibly even killing Anya - and he's basically told to walk it off and get married, because it wasn't really real. Then in the next episode, they ignore that it happened at all and make the decision entirely him getting cold feet and doubts about whether or not they were ready to get married...


The lack of Giles in this episode, or even so much as a mention of why couldn't make it if he even sent a gift, kind of underscores an unintentional but running thread throughout the series that Giles really doesn't like Xander.