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Hayley becomes concerned for herself and her baby when someone from her past makes a revelation; Klaus has an dangerous and unexpected encounter; Rebekah receives an enticing offer from Marcel.

I'm sorry, I couldn't post this yesterday.

Link to the reaction:





Just a heads up - this is episode 7. You have episode 6 in the title. Thanks for the upload! - Edit: She fixed it!


To answer your question on why the baby can make hybrids, it’s because it’s the first ever pure hybrid from the bloodline of the first ever hybrid. Klaus’s blood was supposed to be the blood that turned hybrids but Esther cursed him and made the doppelgänger (Elena) be the key to it in the hopes that it would prevent Klaus from ever creating a hybrid army since according to the spell she had to die. That’s why In the original spell in TVD the doppleganager was “supposed” to die in the spell that killed the girl werewolf and Elena’s aunt, but Klaus caught on to the plan and spared Elena thinking ahead that his mother would tell him the complete opposite of what he had to do to create hybrids of his own


Elijah has great reasonings to have doubted klaus intentions, Klaus had great reasoning for retaliating against Elijah and biting him and Rebekah has great reasonings for potentially conspiracy against klaus mostly after hearing what he did to Elijah not just daggering him at the start but now biting him. That’s the beauty of the show, everyone has good reasonings for what they do and loving them all makes it that much harder to choose a side. I do find it amazing to see Klaus actually care for his child as it’s something that rarely happens in which Klaus will show any sort of interest and care in for anyone or anything, and even though he’s struggling at times it’s new to him and you can tell he’s trying his best. Likewise with Elijah, he’s trusted Klaus time and time again and most of the times it ends with him daggered like in TVD when he spared Klaus’s life then got daggered or following him to New Orleans to get him to care for the child which also ended with him daggered, but despite it all you saw the exchange between Elijah and Klaus and Elijah genuinely felt bad for letting hayley convince him of Klaus’s intentions weren’t pure because this is also new for Elijah. Which is to see Klaus care for once in a long time about someone else aside from his own personal gain. Great reaction and happy you understood everyone’s point of view 👍


Klaus couldn't possibly kill Tyler, Caroline wouldn't forgive him after all he did to him, his pack and his mom. Tyler was acting out of pure rage, rather than reason, because couldn't win against Klaus, his was a death wish out of pain for what he lost.

Jasmine Bellucci

Loving ur reactions to this show so far. I think the originals is so much better than TVD, and i can't wait to see ur reaction to the next episode wich is one of my favorite in this season


No is not dear. TVD won 39 Awards, TO none. Liking more one show than the other is one thing, it's an opinion a matter of taste but in terms of quality, writing, originality, cinematography, structure, acting, complexity, world building, and messages, TVD run very high on artistic level and the recognitions that had from the industry and the public are not by chance, also TO would have never existed without TVD. TO is still a great show but not comparable to TVD.

Jasmine Bellucci

"hun" i said i think, so it means it's my opinion and an opinion can't be right or wrong. I don't care about what TVD won, i still prefer the originals.


Right...Finding out that magic can undo compulsion....That could have come in real handy over on TVD...RIGHT? Season 6 Elena lmao You also made a good point about the blood of the baby...I understand why it is compelling plot wise, but logically so i do not understand at all what is the justification for Klaus's child to be able to turn hybrids....The doppelgänger could do that it had nothing to do with Klaus at all, the point was he 'couldn't' turn hybrids with his blood that's what he figured out in season 3....Tiny plothole imo talk me through why if you disagree I guesses it doesn't make a lot of sense to me

Jay zay

I prefer the originals aswell. And I believe regardless of the rewards if u ask the majority of people that have watched both they most likely prefer the originals aswell

Jay zay

I wanna say something but it will be spoilers so I can’t.


Posted an explanation happy to answer any questions you may have as well 👍


Don't get all defensive, what? Are you fact allergic? The "I think" is an assumption, that is incorrect, and I told you why, so what is the problem? So, you like TO more, that doesn't mean that you have to put TVD down on wrong assumptions. And by the way "opinions " should be based on facts and among civil adults when somepone correct your opinions with some facts, means that has done the research for you, the resarch you should do on everything you want express an "opinion" about. So, adults thanks that someone that spare you to go aroung looking for fact to get your OPINIONS straight and solid. You are welcome!!

Jasmine Bellucci

U can't correct opinion bc it's an opinion and it is not based on facts but just what u like or u don't like, so WTH are u talking about? I said i think because it is a thought that i have, so yeah, I STILL THINK that TO is way better of TVD, but it's just less popular since it's a spinoff

golam rabbi

TO has solid storyline, Tvd was more of a early teenagers show , can not be taken seriously over the age of 21. And they got awards for “teen drama” category , at the time of when vampire/supernatural was trending which is not something to claim haha


Patpet gunna have a field day with this comment 😂😂😂

Jasmine Bellucci

I don't get it why they told me i was getting defensive when they're the one who was after i said i think the originals is better actually 🤷🏼‍♀️

Jay zay

Yh TVD came out at the perfect time. Right after the first twilight movie and every teen was craving supernatural movie/shows like that. The originals wouldn’t exist without vampire diaries? Obviously not the vampire diaries came out first, but the originals wouldn’t have gotten their own spin off show if they weren’t so popular in the vampire diaries.


I only watch buffyverse rections from sofie but i had to reply to this: "The "I think" is an assumption, that is incorrect, and I told you why, so what is the problem" lmao. "I think" is bloody synonymous with "my opinion is..." and is not at all an assumption of anything, Holy hell. 🤣 .. also, when I watched TVD and TO, I preferred TO


dont worry Jasmine, the same person attacked me and others for our opinions. Just ignore them sadly

Jasmine Bellucci

Well, Bella... They got what they deserved here then. Ppl has to learn to respect other ppl opinions wth


yes i am aware and agree but when they were attacking me, sofie has told me to ignore them. I'm hoping they get removed though cuz they dont deserve to be a part of this community. They claim to be an adult yet they lack the effort to act like one. Its ridiculous and frankly super annoying.