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As You Were

Buffy’s old boyfriend, Riley Finn, shows up unexpectedly as he tracks a demon about to hatch eggs that could wipe out Sunnydale.

Link to the reaction: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5q2xse3oqj2il5l/Buffy%206x15%201.mp4?dl=0



Dustin A Shanafelter

Agreed. I really don't get all the Riley hate. He's flawed, but so are ALL the characters, and he's far from the worst when it comes to negative traits. I honestly think a big part of it is simple, tribal bullshit. Riley came after Angel, and the people who love Angel automatically look for reasons to hate Riley (kind of a non-funny, real world toxic version of how Willow was 'hating' Sam in this episode because she came after Buffy lol). I think Riley was the PERFECT catalyst to help Buffy when she was down, and the way they portrayed him was not only consistent with their history, but even gave Riley some great character growth, and much needed closure after his previous exit from the show.


Along with Doublemeat Palace, this is the most unfairly hated episode of the series, featuring the most unfairly hated character of the series. Riley's military dialogue was cheesy at times, but the last two scenes with Buffy/Riley and Buffy/Spike were so meaningful, pivotal and well-written. Loved that we got this closure to Riley and that they gave him a happy ending! He was a good guy and ultimately a good influence on Buffy as evidenced from this episode.

Blain H Granado

Ivana Milicevic as Samantha Finn. That is all I wanted to say lol


Perhaps the most underrated episode. It's wonderful. Not sure exactly why the fandom crapped on it back in the day.

Martin Waits

Because Riley is really boring and a lot of people were glad to see him get on that chopper. Just sayin.

Robin Davies

An interview with Sarah Michelle Gellar was filmed during the making of this episode by a British film crew. It's called Buffy Meets Blackwood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znb3l6hIbqA&t=8s

The Witch Hawk

You are so right! As a teen I was loath to see Riley on any episode, but now as a 30something I appreciate the transformative value of his reappearance.

Phoenix Dawn

I love this episode. But my favourite thing is Willow's changing tone "Whatta bitch" hehehe

Ava Sinclair

This isn't my favorite episode but I never got the Riley hate. I genuinely liked him a lot in season 4 and I thought he was good for Buffy, until they changed his good nature to make him all butthurt and sensitive about his gf being stronger than him in season 5. It was nice to see him back, and I'm glad he got his happy ending.