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The Laws of Gods and Men

Stannis and Davos set sail with a new strategy; Tyrion faces down his father in the Throne Room.

What a scene! 

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I believe Peter Dinklage got an Emmy for this performance.

Ryan Martinez

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how Emmy's are won. Peter, murdered that scene with his acting. The goosebumps you got are the same mine was watching it as it aired. And inbetween seasons 3 and 4 I read all the books and knew this scene was coming, and even still it left me just amazed.


Are you referring to Shae in the books (who is much different)? I think it is pretty obvious in the show that Shae has feelings for Tyrion. Otherwise, she would not have become jealous of Sansa. And she rejected the money that Varys offered her that would have allowed her to live out her days rich. She also rejected Tyrion's offer to set her up as a wealthy woman. So, she wasn't just a "prostitute" while he is "a dwarf who had a lot of money." It seems to me she testified because she was a lover scorned. She thought that Tryion was the one who never loved HER and that he thought she was just a "whore."


If Shae were afraid that Tyrion being with Sansa would lead to him losing interest in and tossing her aside it should only increase her motivation to take a payoff and leave before this could happen. She has no reason to believe that she has any value to Cersei beyond being a potential hostage to manipulate Tyrion. If she was actually paranoid, it would again be cause for her to wish to exit the situation immediately with whatever is on offer before someone found her.


He didn't just tell her she had to leave. He made her feel like just a whore when he had spent so long convincing her that she wasn't that to him.


It's not petty to engage in self-preservation. Keep in mind that, not only was Shae masquerading as Sansa's servant and would have been instantly interrogated for this alone after Sansa disappeared, but she was also known to be Tyrion's mistress by probably dozens of palace workers. Hell, Tywin knew who she was and forbid Tyrion from taking her to King's Landing back in season 1. We'll never know for sure, but it's very easy to envision the off camera leadup to her testimony as her being given the choice to make herself useful or risk being implicated herself. Given that Tyrion has just made his "feelings" very clear to her, what reason would she have to risk her life for him? The thing is that the Shae character doesn't come off as stupid to me. If she didn't trust Tyrion to pay her once she leaves and she thought that he just wanted her to leave because she could flip sides on him then she should also worry that her refusing to leave may necessitate him to remove her in another way, her wishing to stay despite this would make it appear that she actually trusts him to not do this. Given this, she's consciously remaining in danger despite the fact that she knows that she could receive the same benefit, with far less risk, and not have to ever "service" or even see Tyrion again. This makes no sense for a smart person to do without some emotional reason and otherwise smart people do some dumb shit for love. My money's on she did love him but no longer does and is mostly testifying to save her own ass.

Tim Zaum

Hello, I have a problem: I think Sofia is watching GoT on Hulu. I watch it on Sky Ticket here in Germany and also tried it with DvD but somehow Hulu's playing speed is slightly different from these two options and I can't sync up. As I can't use Hulu here in Europe, had anyone a similar problem and solved it? Thank you :) Edit: Solved! Apparently american ( original) Version has a slight different framerate as the european one, so I had to search for an american Version of GoT :)

Jessica George

Isn't it interesting how you go from being so disappointed in Theon, to wanting him saved? I love Yara as well. Poor Theon! I think his acting is really well done too.