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Two Swords

King's Landing prepares for a royal wedding; Dany finds the way to Meereen.

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Welcome the sexiest GOT character, oberyn 😍


Hope you're going to do the Season 3 Histories and Lore too.


The Hound's issues mostly surround the trauma with his family. His brother burned his face, but then his father covered it up and pretended it was an accident to protect Gregor's reputation. So he had to grow up in a house with a brother who was insanely abusive and a father who wouldn't protect him. It caused some rebelliousness in that he refused to become a knight even though his father mainly wanted his sons to be knights. He only had contempt for knighthood, if his brother Gregor could be a knight there wasn't any honor in it. I also think it is the origin of his empathy for the Stark girls. When you are a child your family seems like the whole world, and he was the weakest in his family so he must feel a certain way when he sees the comparable weak young girl in a world where everyone is against them.


Love Oberyn. Dorne is the southernmost Kingdom. They retain their royal titles because they were the only kingdom that the Targaryen conquest could not defeat. They retained their independence for over like 150 years until they married into the Targaryen family and became united (however, they still retain aspects of independence like their royal titles).


I’d say “traditional” titles more than royal. Dorne is in a way like Wales after the Norman conquest of England. Wales remained independent for sometime after and their rulers were known as “princes”. Also Dorne wasn’t really independent it’s just after Robert’s Rebellion the Dornish didn’t want to have anything to do with the families that were responsible for the death of one of their own, and Robert was comfortable with letting them have their space.


oh yeah Daario Naharis being recast was unfortunate. I also liked the look of the original better.


Fun little fact- the actor that plays Oberyn was a guest star in Buffy for an episode. He played the college guy Eddie that Buffy befriended briefly in The Freshman before being killed by Sundays group.