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I'm sorry for the delay guys, They've just fixed the Wifi today.






"...If you liked the last episode you're all sadists!" Really? Say rather, "If you liked the last scene of the last episode, you're a sadist." because the episode up until the Red Wedding stuff was actually fine for the most part, and you were enjoying it too. That was the thing, though: They get you all built up and feeling good just to traumatize you at the end. It's the most difficult scene to watch in the whole show imo, and when someone sees me tear up and then says something like, "Come on, it's just a TV show," it makes want to get angry - and occasionally I have. Sure, I KNOW what it IS, but that doesn't mean I can't get invested enough in the story to FEEL what the author or producers HOPED I would feel. To me, having emotional reactions to the story (even after many rewatches!) make it more worth watching! I have loved every one of your reactions to this, Firefly and now Breaking Bad that I have seen (oh, Star Wars too); you've become my favorite creator and soon I will watch some of your reactions for things I haven't yet seen... I hope the rest of your birthday week then was happy and same for the years following! Now I'm on to 3-10 and 4-1 before I sleep. Goodnight ;*


You're NOT stupid, you just missed that, despite all the clues thrown at you - just as I missed it my first time 'round. No worries, you still use your insight well, notice things others miss and make better guesses than most creators I have seen.


Not at all, just glad to see you still going on :D


George RR Martin actually left the Red Wedding chapter until last in the book when writing it, because it was so upsetting to him to have to do that to the characters and say goodbye to them. He didn't take the decision lightly it was just what was needed for the story.


ramsey is def what joffery thinks he is lol. Joffery is all talk, ramsey is all action

Tommy Smith

At the time of the red wedding Robb was definitely not winning the war. He had some hope with getting the Freys back but overall he was still severely outnumbered by the Lannisters and Tyrells and the north was still overrun with ironborn. The fact that Robb was clearly losing the war was the biggest reason Frey and Bolton turned on him.


So, a couple comparisons I feel like I need to make between the books and the show....Firstly I feel like the Red Wedding isn't as emotionally impactful in the books; Robb Stark isn't a main character in the books and the reader isn't as emotionally invested, his wife isn't at the wedding so she isn't killed, and although Catlyn is at the wedding her body is found by the Brotherhood Without Banners and she is resurrected by the Lord of Light (this doesn't happen in the show). Secondly is Stannis; he never considers sacrificing innocence to further his agenda. Although he does allow the Red Woman to make sacrifices they were all people who were guilty of other crimes that Stannis was going to execute anyway. Also Ser Davos convinces Stannis to go North by appealing to his sense of duty. Something Stannis says to Jon at the Wall in the books "Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights. I had the cart before the horse, Davos said. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne."


One more thing about Stannis in show vs the books is that they aged him up in the show. In the books he is kind of young being "only" about 35. Which although isn't actually young it's definitely young enough to not have everything figured out perfectly.


The Tyrells had the largest army in Westeros. I’ve read before that the Starks and Lannisters have about 20,000 soldiers each, but the Tyrells had like 70,000


Thank you for ruining sausages for us forever Ramsey LMAO


This is a watch along, not a read along fyi. And EVERYONE is aged up in the show, but I guess in your head this is just the story of Stannis, so it wasn't relevant before.


read along since the books are a 1000x better. And no I don’t think this is a story of Stannis, but he’s just the most interesting character…along with perhaps Jamie Lannister and Victarian Greyjoy.


Yeah well, we both know where Stanis is heading. Get over it, it's a different character and a different story and you're just gonna confuse and ruin it for Sofie, if she ever decides to read the books later, by being unable to separate them. Victarian is proof and point, he's not interesting at all, in fact he's a virtual nonentity in the show, it's not relevant hear.


You are really being sooooo weird right now you know that? Like overly and irrationally bothered by what is a pretty neutral post. I don’t know what’s going on in your personal life but you should talk to someone. I’ll finish this conversation with this, I think this show is trash. And the show itself will confuse and ruin itself for anyone who cares about and prefers story over shock value and “subverting expectations” case and point how you mentioned that they subvert the character of Stannis to something unrecognizable from the source material and ruin his story, or don’t even introduce very cool characters like Victarian Greyjoy. And it’s not like I’m the only person who thinks this…hell most people who didn’t even read the books thinks the show starts going off the rails in season 5. And as for Sofie, she’s a grown woman and doesn’t need you white knighting for her. If she’s got some issue with me bringing up something from the books, which I doubt, she can say so herself.