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I literally lost my mind over this. I'm that obsessed with this episode. Can't wait to start signing along with every song. Maybe we can do a signing along session together 😂

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xicwr4f60yfrt63/Buffy%20S6x07%20encoder.mp4?dl=0




I knew about David Fury and Marti Noxon but I've never heard that story about Emma, hilarious!

Joanne Garcia

I love that no one spoiled this for you. Your genuine surprise and amazement is what makes reactions so great!

Leora Nechama

I love that you realized the underlying creepiness of Under Your Spell. It really did such a great job at not just being a random musical episode but moving the plot along ad letting us understand the characters in ways we may not have otherwise. I love and write musicals and this episode is wonderful. Sweet's voice is insane. James is in a band btw. Buffy's portrayal of depression is one of the reasons this is one of my favorite seasons. It's darker but it's relatable and the characters are growing up dealing with complex issues and I love it.

Thom Purdy

I've truly come to appreciate your reaction style. Instead of talking over the episode and missing important lines, you stop and react. It works beautifully, and was perfect for this episode! Your enthusiasm, joy, and delight are contagious! I love you! I'm glad you weren't spoiled about it, but, when it originally aired, it was promoted from the beginning of the season. Since it's about 10 minutes longer than the average episode, it only aired once in its entirety. Subsequent reruns were edited to fit into a one hour time slot. Fortunately, I had taped it, and watched it about 30 times until I got the DVD. Truly, my favorite episode!!

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I am SO sorry for this super long comment. I just have a lot of love for this episode. I actually love that you keep pausing and rewinding and, for this ep, replaying the songs cuz that was ME when I first watched this episode. I'm stunned that you were able to pick up on the Little Mermaid vibes for the very first song cuz that's what Joss Whedon intended. He even had her stake the last vamp in the song at that moment so that the vamp dust could mimic Ariel's infamous shot with the waves crashing behind her. The song itself makes me a bit emotional cuz this is the first time Buffy is acknowledging that she WANTS to live rather than focus on the heaven she'd been in before. It's a long road ahead but just admitting she wants to feel alive is a HUGE step. I actually LOVE Sarah's singing in this episode. It's clear who has singing backgrounds (Anthony and Amber) and who doesn't (Alyson and Nicholas) but I was really taken by Sarah's voice (the song Walk Through the Fire is my ultimate fav from this episode) and Anya's voice (the bunny verse and her duet with Xander are SO FUN). Sarah actually hated her voice here cuz she's a total perfectionist and apparently Joss didn't give them all enough time to prepare, at least not to her standards. But she's got a very sweet voice and I think they did a good job giving her songs that matched what she could do with it. I never really looked deep into the lyrics for Under Your Spell cuz I was just too entranced with Willow and Tara. I noticed the intention behind that last verse cuz it was pretty obvious lol but I never noticed how creepy the lyrics were when we KNOW that Willow literally put a spell on Tara. Everything has a double meaning to it and made the song sad despite what it was supposed to be. I think I only really noticed it now cuz you keep rewinding and replaying and focusing a lot on the lyrics. You're brilliant, Sofie! Tara realizing what the flower meant when Dawn said she was glad they weren't fighting anymore...man, I tear up every single time. This is her realizing that the one person she chose to build a life with was manipulating her. After escaping that same toxic environment with her birth family, after what she's been through with Glory...she thought she could trust Willow only to realize she was so wrong. It's HEARTBREAKING. If I'm not wrong, Dawn is trained in ballet in real life. That might have been why they gave her a ballet piece instead of a song. She wasn't musically trained but I did LOVE her sweet voice for the 2 lines she sang before she got kidnapped. The demon was played by an actual Broadway star. His voice is PHENOMENAL. Even the last line he sang as he disappeared "see you all in hell" sounded so wonderful. Giles' song always makes me cry cuz he is the father that Buffy deserves and yet he's right. She's giving into her depression instead of fighting back because she knows he's there as her safety net. Even for simple things like talking to Dawn. Buffy is doing a lot for someone her age. She's basically a mom to a teenager now. It's a lot of responsibility so of course it's hard but she's kind of shirking it. She wants to be back in that safe space when she was 16 and Giles was the grown up making all the calls. I get where he's coming from but I also think Buffy needs his support and his presence, considering what she's going through. Giles leaving was actually Anthony's doing - he wanted to spend more time in Britain with his family. Also, Buffy didn't hear Giles singing was intentionally different that the other songs cuz it shows how disconnected she is from the world around her. Walk Through the Fire will ALWAYS be iconic. The lyrics were spectacular, the music incredible, the metaphors alone were chilling...the fact that Joss had fire trucks driving past in the last verse was BRILLIANT. It's a freaking masterpiece. Buffy's quick exchange with the demon when she first arrived was so sad. Her depression was so real that she'd rather be taken hostage underworld as a demon's bride rather than live her life surrounded by her friends and loved ones. Even the demon thought her outlook was bleak. I just feel so sad for her and, at the same time, I empathize because I've been there. I think Buffy's depression is portrayed quite realistically, especially in a show where vampires are the norm. Something to Sing About was so wonderfully sad. Sarah can really portray depression well. It's in her eyes and her face when she sings about Heaven and how she just can't find anything good in life to sing about anymore. It's beautiful. Fun fact - the guy who sings about the mustard is David Fury, one of the series writer and producer, and the girl who sings about the parking ticket is Marti Noxon, another writer/producer for BTVS. The demon, named Sweet though they never say it in the episode itself, was played by Hinton Battle, a real Broadway star. He's incredible. His voice was perfect and his comedic timing was impeccable. I liked the way he said his lines during Xander's reveal that he was the one who summoned Sweet. There's a lot of controversy around Buffy/Spike, which mostly revolves around him being soulless. I wasn't even watching them kiss, I was watching you cuz I knew you were gonna freak out lol. I AM a Spuffy fan, but I do believe some things could have been done differently with them. I can't wait to see what your views are on them as we go along. The BEST thing out of this incredible masterpiece of an episode is Anya's bunny verse in I Got a Theory. Don't lie. You know it's true 🤣😍 Now I know you're gonna be joining the rest of us in having the Once More with Feeling album saved to your favs on Spotify 🤣🤣🤣


Don't worry about what anybody says about your reactions. You're great to watch.


I love your passion with your reactions.


I don't like constant pausing usually (I just skip along a bit, I still love your reactions and insights, I just have a truly disastrous attention span.) BUT for this episode it is truly a joy. You did miss some pretty funny moments and cutaways, but hey you can always watch it again. It deserves the pauses. Pause away, I say! A great almost 2 hours xD Also want to add, I consider the ending of this episode a terrible tragedy. It's only downhill from here.


Sofie, at 22:30 of your reaction you say "I feel like like I've seen this before" listening to the mustard song. Have you seen How I Meet Your Mother ? This show has some references to Buffy and one of these is the mustard song. You can see this at this link (end of the video) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiweaZQ8g5U

Mel Saville

I have been downloading your reactions and binge watching them so I sometimes forget to go back to Patreon and comment. But I had to for this episode. I have seen this episode honestly more times than I can count and seeing someone new watch and love this show and particularly this episode makes me so incredibly happy. Thank you for your pure joy and light while watching this episode. Thank you again!


I'm catching up with Buffy.....🤣🤣🤣never laugh so much to a reaction @Sofie you are hilarious.


I've thoroughly enjoyed watching all your reactions but especially this one! in the beginning you were nervous because you said you usually love or hate musical episodes, and I knew you would love it! such an absolute masterpiece. It's commonly considered the best musical episode of all time. Joss said he had the idea to make it because he used to have theater night over at his house and he would invite the cast and they would put on shows and songs. And he said that once he realized how great everyone's voices were (especially Anthony Steward Head, Amber Benson and James Marsters)... he knew he had to make a musical episode. This was such a delight to watch thank you for sharing your reaction with us <3 I started crying with you when Spike saves Buffy and starts singing to her about life and healing and moving forward.

Suddenly Frogs

I had to skip ahead to this one, very impatient of me but worth it :D


I became a patron yesterday because I could not wait to see this specific reaction:D

Ninelle-Alexandra Mkhitaryan

Same here :D I needed to see if someone was reacting to this as I did. And your reaction is like a recorded version of mine. Sending love <3

Janel Davis

I totally forgot that you're a singer, Sofie! This is by far my favorite reaction to this episode. I loved getting your perspective as a singer/musician! Thanks for sharing with us!


I realize this is an older post at this point, but I'm playing catch up. I want to say how refreshing your reaction and just utter joy in response to the singing. I recently saw a so-called vocal coach react to this episode - had never seen the show before, didn't understand the context; didn't even really bother to listen to the lyrics to try and get context from the songs; and spent the entire reaction video ripping on the most absurd thing. Hinton Fucking Battle is singing his heart out as Sweet (the demonic "lord of the dance") and all she can focus on is his make-up and then says his song was dumb. And people seriously ripped her a new one in the comments, it was ridiculous.

Ava Sinclair

I know exactly who you're talking about - Hannah whatsherface I think - ugh it made me so mad! I totally understood that she didn't get the context but she didn't even try to listen to the singing. And not one word about Hinton Battle's performance was the most egregious of all; I couldn't even finish the video I had to turn it off. I had really wanted to hear a 'professional's' opinion of the singing and all she wanted to do was make fun of it; what was the point? Amie Mariah's reaction was much, much better. At least she actually listened to the singing!

Ava Sinclair

I got emotionally overloaded and a little down watching the end of season 6 with you but this has been a perfect palate cleanser to come back and watch again - thank you for being such a great reactor!


I saw that one, too! Imagine making a channel claiming to give professional feedback as a vocal coach, then spending a whole video whining, "Why does this show about vampires have monsters in? I don't like shows with monsters so this is stupid." I swear, she'd write off Thriller if she didn't like the zombies in the music video. Not the best attitude to have if you're using your channel to boost your professional profile. Maybe it was a bad day for her and she just wasn't in the mood to review it, but all the more reason to turn the camera off and come back to it later. It's really not the best episode to recommend people watch, though. I know you can glean information from the "previously on" and the lyrics, but there's so much going on this series and this episode is surgically attached to all of it. Much better to ask someone to watch all seven series, say absolutely nothing about a musical episode, then lie in wait until they get this far. Like we did with Sofie. ^ ^

Steve Bondy

I know this was posted a while ago but I'm also playing catch up, and I couldn't not comment. This was BY FAR one of the most entertaining reaction videos I have ever seen! The episode itself is fantastic of course, but Sophie, your reaction is priceless. You are the one of most consistently enjoyable reactors out there. This was pure gold. I love how you knew knew almost right away that this was going to turn into an extra long reaction, but it flew by for me and I was almost sorry to see it end. I'll be watching this one again! You can count on it! It's too much fun!


Whenever I’m waiting for new Buffy content I come back to this video way too often.❤️🤣


Loved your reaction when you realised it was a musical episode. Seriously well done to everyone on here for not spoiling it for you. A couple of little bits of trivia. The mustard and the parking ticket songs were performed by David Fury and Marti Noxon, both writers on the show. Anya got the rock part about bunnies because on set Emma Caulfield used to make up heavy metal songs about Joss Whedon and sing them to him.


YouTube finally got to this episode so I had to join to watch the uncut reaction. So worth it. Don't know if it has been mentioned before, but after this episode I recommend checking out some albums. Anthony Stewart Head released "Music For Elevators". It is different than anything he's sang on Buffy, but worth a listen. Also has Amber Benson with some guest vocals. But James Marsters has a band Ghost of the Robot. Their first album "Mad Brilliant" is amazing and contains my favorite song of all time (seriously) "Good Night Sweet Girl". I cannot recommend it enough.