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Man this episode........is a BIG no comment.






Think you’ve got this labeled the wrong episode. Link is good, though.


This episode makes me so uncomfortable


Uncomfy parts of the episode aside, the acting here is so good lmao. Also, the fact that Fred calls Gunn 'Charles' is just 🥺


I just despise Angel. And the more we learn about his back story the less "honorable" he comes off.


"I'm not gonna like this, am I?" Narrator: Sophie was, indeed, not gonna like this. Ill-timed attempts at humour aside it's such a tough episode to watch. As another commenter pointed out it's actually really well acted and well written, if the intent was to convey that level of yuck. So congratulations, I guess lol it does what it sets out to do. But just... yuck. I often go on about how good the acting is in both shows, the facial expressions etc but come on Alexis you couldn't have just, you know, phoned this one in instead?


I too felt like the term "primordial misogyny" is a stupid, cringe term. Also I haven't ever noticed any "misogyny" IRL like how they had tried to show in this show. For sure there are some men who have prejudicial views against women, but it's more of a worldview than an emotional response. And there are men who have emotional responses against women, but it has less to with the women being women, and more to do with they guys being angry, in general.


There is literally nothing honorable about his backstory. He was a drunk womanizer who didn't get along with his family, until he got turned into one of the most evil vampires in the world, got his soul forced on him as a punishment then spent 100 years not helping anybody just indulging in self-pity. That's the whole point of his story, he wants redemption.

Rey Gallogo

Yeah misogyny is not an inherent behavior but a worldview as you point out. Another reason why men may tend to lash out is because men are taught or are believed to think that they have to suppress emotions, and what happens when you bottle emotions over time?


So confused, particularly because there's almost no Angel backstory this episode. It's a redemption story. Looking for honor in Angel's past is as misguided as expecting a happy ending from a tragedy. You're literally staring the plot in the face and completely missing it. The audience isn't meant to like who Angel was, we're meant to admire who he has and still is becoming. The same could be said of Cordelia, just on a smaller scale.

Alexis Cardarella

I completely agree with your sentiment at the end. The concept of misogyny possibly being inherent, as opposed to taught, in men is such a ridiculous take... And to make an entire episode about it is embarrassing. That's why I too find myself laughing at it because of how cringe it is. Misogyny is taught, and it can be in women too, (ie internalized misogyny). They were so fucking off base in this episode. Lol


The issue as I see it is in the implication, in that if someone said “no woman should have to…” it implies to some degree that it isn’t an issue if men “have to” do or not do something. Interestingly that is one of the main criticisms of feminism, in all their talk about equality they seem to give not a single thought about the suffering of men or when the inequality favors women.


I'm not gonna bother answering to such an untrue and dishonest statement. Thanks for proving my point though.


“I'm not gonna bother answering to such an untrue and dishonest statement.” Wow, such a great Ad Hominem fallacy argument. So you can only “answer” people who already agree with you? That’s probably another big reason why “Feminism TM” might be having issues with cultural acceptance.


fuffy when I said that I was thinking about abuse.


yeah I ultimately get why you said that, don't worry ❤ just needed to express myself on the topic


We learn to be more misogynistic based on the behavior of women ;-)


Daniel M - On some level I agree with much of your statement, particularly the part about the Ad Hominem fallacy. I also understand some of fuffy's frustration. Just to be clear, if you say A about B it implies nothing about C. Any perceived implication is the listeners baggage showing. If I say black lives matter, it tells you nothing about my position on white lives. If I have a bumper sticker that says stop breast cancer, it doesn't mean don't stop prostate cancer. Certainly, some in both the gender and race equality fight don't do enough to stress this and even do some to try to prove your point, but again saying that speaking of A implies something of C is also a fallacy.

Rey Gallogo

The problem with BLM and modern feminists is how they twist narratives to portray that, for example, blacks are being lynched everywhere, or any physical altercation with blacks must be racist. Fact is people are just assholes to other people - racism and gender doesn’t have to be involved. Another one is the whole women can’t walk outside without worrying about stranger men potentially raping them - well most altercations occur with men that the victims know. To sum it up: their narratives are designed in a way to force innocent people to apologize or demonstrate that they aren’t racist but actively not racist.


Sorry Rey but this is almost entirely fallacies. The entire first sentence is a strawman, second sentence is fighting said strawman, third sentence is overstating another's position on scenario A followed by highlighting that scenario B is a greater danger than A which does nothing to demonstrate that scenario A isn't still a danger, and your sum up is making an assertion that is weakly supported by the preceding fallacies.

Rey Gallogo

JeffLee I don’t care about fallacies, I’m stating why a lot of people do not accept these movements based on exaggerated and flawed narratives to sell their ideas. I gave examples of flawed narratives to support the basis of my views on the matter. Try again.

Rey Gallogo

JeffLee, the problem with “statement A” if I have it correctly, is that it’s supposed to make men be aware of how they walk and talk in public - like they’re supposed to be walking on eggshells because of the false narrative that promotes irrational fear of men in general.


Man, you seem to have a lot of baggage. You don't need to walk on eggshells, don't be a dick and if you make a move on a girl backoff if she's not interested and you'll be just fine. You're making it way more complicated than it is. Stop listening to the antis mischaracterizations of positions and pay attention to the actual advocates words.


Ohh, I missed the first reply. If you don't care about fallacies this conversation is over. Never reply to me again and I will attempt to do the same. Good luck finding the truth with your eyes closed.

Rey Gallogo

JeffLee, being an asshole was the point of my argument. These movements do nothing but cause division between race and gender. Can’t trust advocate words that are based on flawed narratives. An example (lest you resort to pointing out fallacies), “our black men are being dragged out of their houses!” Looking at the facts, are they really?

Rey Gallogo

JeffLee, I can reply to you if I want! You don’t have to reply to me.


Just caught up with the episodes so this is a little late to the party... but I can't believe someone would try to invalidate and silence Sofie, an actual human woman, in the name of feminism. This is a woman whose content you presumably enjoy, who deserves respect, and whose feelings and voice matters; and you tell her she can't say what she is genuinely feeling because it doesn't exclude men enough for your liking? I guarantee the statement was made out of empathy, that we should all learn to empathise more with those around us. That is a pretty noble sentiment, period. It does not need to be tweaked to be coldly less empathetic towards communities you single out as needing to be knocked down a peg.


Judson, after what just happened in the US, you are very ballsy to come here and try to paint me as anti men and rude to Sofie. Only a man lacking empathy towards women and what they have to go through would do that.


Also I should have written my first comment in French, that way no frustrated old American man could have answered that they feel attacked by a young woman whose first language isn't English SMH 😤😤😤😤


So for the last time, what I was saying was : it's OK to focus on one oppressed group when talking about their systemic oppression. If Sofie felt that she needed to express that men shouldn't have to go throught that either, well of course she can say it (duh), but I was pointing out to her that you don't have to think about everyone else when you talk about a specific oppression cuz it ultimately invisibilize the victims of that oppression. Now if I seemed rude, well excuse me, but yall try to write that kind of comment in another language and we'll see how yall do. 🤡 BYE.


I don't know how to respond to a comment like this, other than maybe research, learn, read, watch documentaries - anything - to educate yourself on misogyny in the world and in our society. Because you've clearly missed it - by chance or by ignorance - in your own experiences, so it would do you good to learn about other's experiences. I think the show captured it all exceptionally well, from the extreme cases (Wesley) to the more mundane everyday kind of talk (the guys empathizing with the cab driver who beat his fair cause she's a woman talking too much).