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This episode reminds me of this scene...



Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r7ua30iby1pzfvv/One%20tree%20hill%20S6xE16%20encoder.mp4?dl=0




I agree for sure that reducing Brooke to sex is criminal....But to be fair I also find problematic that being sexual has to be stigmatized and presented as a negative when it comes to her; although like I said I agree that there is way more to her than the just that the fact that she's a person who enjoyed life and lived to the fullest in her young years including sex to me there's nothing wrong with that, nobody would bat an eye if a guy was being promiscuous in High School


I think the fact that Brooke embraces her sexuality is still a part of her character as an adult and that part isn't stigmatized. I just think (or the way that I interpret it) that Brooke regrets the destructive ways she went about it in high school. For example, in season 1, there was an episode (the one with the boy toy auction night with Mouth) where she goes to a club and realizes that she got so drunk that she doesn't even remember that she slept with a certain guy (and this seems to be something she prob did a lot as it is alluded to that she partied a lot and there were a lot of weekends she can't remember - said by Peyton in another episode). She also did things like get so drunk that she made a sex tape with Nathan. And her whole friends with benefits relationship with Felix was super toxic and I remember that it made her feel really badly about herself. Overall, I think she did these things because she was still dealing with the fallout from her parents and wanting to be loved and wanted etc, and doing it in destructive ways.


"Are you ganna make sure Missy knows?" I'm gonna make sure EVERYBODY knows" ahhh :)


You're right I didn't think of it from that aspect of those specific instances

Zeph 802

I appreciate so badly what Haley did for Sam and that story, it’s such an underrated moment but Sam really needed that. Her writing is personal and she was so happy to have it published. Also Lucas showing up for the baby’s appointment is also such a sweet moment. I know it’s like the bare minimum but the fact that she only told him once because she didn’t want to be a burden, and he let her know through his actions (and words) that she wasn’t