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Funny thing! I started watching Angel first and when I saw there was no Bangel reunion, I checked the slayalive guide thinking that I messed up and had to watch Buffy first. Well, it turned out that I'm right but still didn't get the Bangel reunion 😭

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tl3m46xw0sp0vtv/Buffy%206x05.mp4?dl=0



Martin Waits

It's not just you - The Trio are extremely annoying.


Yeah, I’m not a fan of the trio either. I think the writers leaned in too hard with the nerd pop-culture references.

Idun V

As a fellow Spuffy fan, James acted the hell out of that one look, he looked truly in love there.

Martin Waits

Much too hard. It also didn't age that well, since "nerd" culture (MCU, Video Games, fantasy, etc.) and tech companies have come to completely dominate the mainstream. "Geeks" aren't exactly the downtrodden losers these days.

Bud Haven

I'm confused the post says Buffy but the the reaction is Fredless. ?

Bud Haven

I liked what you said about Buffy being in a different space in season 6 versus season 5. She's not the person she was. And then Buffy said the only person she can stand to be around is a vampire that cheats at kitten poker, It shows the the disconnect she's has with the scoobies now. Spike is that person.


The Buffy writers are attacking the toxic part of their own fan base through The Trio. You've probably met a few of them on here.

Bud Haven

A question is will Buffy get back to who she was or will stay as someone for whom the struggle is real.

Thom Purdy

I actually enjoy the Trio. I knew guys like that in my younger days. Interestingly, the three actors really didn't understand the cultural references all that well. Yes, they were "nerds". But they were theatre nerds.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

The thing about season 6 is that the "big bad" isn't really the Trio. They're actually trash. The Big Bad is, as you've seen in the past few episodes, Buffy's depression. It's subtle. It's her struggling through life after death. It's not the best season but when it hits, it hits hard