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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bauhcxuwfxivkfk/Buffy%206x04%201.mp4?dl=0



Land Howard Johnston

I'm a bit late to the comments and a lot of people have already made mention of the Willow/Giles scene and the Scoobies dynamic, especially regarding how awful the financial situation is. I wanted to just mention another point about the Buffy and Spike scene. This season is all about contrasts. Not only is Buffy separated from the Scoobies (understandably so) but she feels comfort being alone with Spike, on his level. Think about how many times in the episode Buffy tries to make a dark humor joke and her friends reactions are confused/concerned. They don't understand her. Yet Spike's joke about "taking them out" gets her to genuinely smile for the first time since she's been back. Not only that, but Buffy's speech about how exhausting it is to make them think she's okay. But how she's struggling to find the right words and then Spike finishes her sentence! He knows that she's trying to say how much that makes them worry even more. In the Script, it says that Buffy's "relieved to be understood without words." This is a parallel to the end of Lover's Walk where Buffy says that she can fool her friends, she can fool Giles but she can't fool herself, "or Spike, for some reason." Buffy's finally coming to terms with accepting, maybe even craving, how much they have in common. How he gets her on a base level. It's just so extraordinary of a progression in their dynamic since School Hard.


The scene between Willow and Giles is just ah, chefs kiss. The writing, the acting, the dynamic, the costume (Willow wearing purple meaning royalty). Another piece of amazing work (as most of the series usually are of course).

Mariella Nilsson

In the beginning of the show Willow and Giles were very close, Giles was like a mentor to both willow and Buffy, but along the way willow was a little bit sidestepped and Maby she recents that subconsciously. I miss willow and Giles more close relashionship.

Enas Bassiony

Ok fun fact, Andrew ( the third idiot) was cast before as one of Harmoney's minion vampires, .... as for the scene between Willow and Giles, it's one of the reason I was arguing last episode that Willow is looking for gratitude and is actually drunk with power and how this whole thing was mainly her proving she can do what other people can't... Giles said it best, we don't know where she was .. even assuming you don't believe in heaven/hell afterlife thing, you'd still be so stupid to take for granted that this dead person is surely stuck in a hell dimension and wants to come back .. you'd have to be blinded by other motives to ignore the fact that maybe this person found some kind of peace

Mariella Nilsson

IN willows defence, there was no way to know where Buffy was, and Even the slightest chance that Buffy was in hell would warrant trying to rescue her..it is better to come back to eart from heaven than to be left in hell. I think willow genuinly was pushing herself far past her abilities out of love for Buffy, and she felt she had to and was the only one who could. And when it worked she must have been over the moon that she actually pulled it of, and then having no one really appreciate how much it took for her, how scared she was, how she risked her life to save Buffy. That must have been tuff. Because this time she was the hero!

Enas Bassiony

I think you're the same person who had the same argument with me about that in the comments of the previous episode, because no one else is trying to justify what Willow did tbh Also what you just said is not in Willow's defense, it's exactly why she's guilty If Buffy's wellbeing was her priority and if she cared enough to research or consult, as I said before like 3 times .. she wouldn't have done that. She was all like "Hey I'm not sure where my friend is, so I'll just go ahead and bring her back, and if I destroy her peaceful afterlife and bring her back to be enslaved to a load of bills in the morning and a deathly job at night then Oops!!!! ... Ignorance is guilt, not an excuse ... And please let's not go over this conversation again, let's agree to disagree .. as I said before I won't get into this in depth because I won't spoil anything that we haven't see yet .. which WILL be relevant so let's just respect that we have different povs on Willow's attitude and intentions

Mariella Nilsson

I haven’t discussed this on any privious eps. But that’s cool, if you don’t want to discuss just don’t reply to me, I don’t mind!

Flora Smith

@Mariella we absolutely don’t know that there was no way of finding out where she was first.

The Witch Hawk

I always wondered why Willow simply didn't fix the house damage and water pipes etc. with magic - she can totally do that. May be not conjure money, but maybe replicate pre-existing money? Or at least unshatter a window, unflood a house etc. Put that thirst for magic to good use. I agree that so far, season 6 is darker than previous seasons. All the signs of depression you mentioned are very insightful - Buffy is performing these mundane tasks and you get a feeling that she's just numb. Going through the motions of being alive again, almost pantomime. Johanthan, Warren, and Tucker's brother are so GROSS together. And Johnathan joining a Super Villan Team out of boredom against Buffy especially pisses me off - He crowned Buffy as Class Protector!!!!!!!! WTF JOhnathan?!

Enas Bassiony

Don't get me wrong I love discussing Buffy characters .. it's just really hard to keep the discussion spoiler-free for Sofie and others who haven't watch the show 200 times like I did :D

Mariella Nilsson

well Flora, if there was a way to find out where Buffy was, damn strange that Giles would not find out where Buffy was then.

Enas Bassiony

Giles is against messing with the forces of nature in the first place, he would not have considered resurrecting the dead so what would have been the point of trying to find out anyways?! .. He also probably and based on what he told Willow wouldn't have thought she could do it .. so it would probably have been all for nothing .. But maybe if Willow talked to him, if they did what they can to reassure that everything goes well and if they discussed and researched the matter they would have came to a collective, sane and informative decision

Rey Gallogo

@Enos that’s why she didn’t tell Giles. It wasn’t about her power trip that you seemed focused on in our previous discussion.

Hannah Weber

Ha when I watched “real me” I always thought of this and that I have to tell her once she’s at that point and now… forgot 😂 glad you did tho

Jim Greer

I personally have never liked Willow or Xander .

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I think Giles can see Willow is getting high off power cuz at one point Ripper was that way too. I think Willow needs to chill the hell out cuz she's thinking she's unbeatable and she's very wrong. I really like that Spike gets Buffy. Without a soul, Spike is able to see and understand all the nuances of her depression and feel love and affection, which is way more than what Angelus could. It speaks volumes. Also, Willow and Tara not paying rent or helping with the bills has ALWAYS bugged me. They're taking care of Dawn, but they're also using Joyce's life insurance for their own expenses. They live there too. They need to pitch in. Why did no one ever step up for that?


tbh, I like them less and less w each rewatch


The Scoobies really were like children. They banked entirely on Buffy coming back. Instead of spending the months after her death stepping up to the plate and working out the best way forward to keep Dawn and the town safe in the long term, they spent all their energies plotting their glorious leader's return. If the spell hadn't worked, everyone, including Dawn, would probably have been tortured to death by those biker demons (they even had to ditch Dawn to do the spell in the first place). Then when Buffy comes back, all they can do is creep around her looking for her approval and point out messes, such as Buffy's finances, saying, "Here's this massive problem we knew about but didn't deal with. You need to fix it."The worst thing about the finances is that it's a human problem. The Scoobies were just as capable of fixing it as any slayer, but they chose not to. Imagine not only being dragged out of heaven, but discovering that your closest friends, who you trusted to take care of your affairs after you were gone, let everything slide.

Rio de Tanana

If Buffy told Willow or anyone other than Spike, then everyone would know what was going on. Blaming her friends and family for not knowing when she doesn’t tell them in the first place is what is childish.