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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pildkenx6gqslz9/One%20tree%20hill%20S6XE11.mp4?dl=0



Pamela Ribeiro

Honesly, you could have skip this episode! 😂😂🤣

Jasmine Reigns

This episode was sooo good 😂 I remember watching it for the first time and was shocked at how much I enjoyed it , I’m glad you did too ❤️

Mariella Nilsson

I love this episode! So well Done!


Yeah I'm with Pamela. Some filler episodes are good but this ain't it, chief.


Ugh while entertaining at best many OTH fan all agree this is the one episode you can skip lmao


Episode S06E11 is really fun to see, but is a easily skip has episode 12. Just the last minute of the episode is important at the 39 minute of the episode (depending on the format) does advance the plot, but could have been included at the end of episode 10. I wonder if the production, had not an unexpected financial surplus. Made them allowed to add one more episode in season 6. That said every time I watch again the integrale of OTH. I can’t skip the episode!