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As you may know I have tried to do schedules however it's hard for me to make it work😭. And I hate it when I can't  post content in time and as scheduled, leaving you waiting or disappointed. I've always been honest and open with you about my struggles with mental health guys and it has not been the best lately and the slight added pressure of sticking to a schedule  is not helping. 

So with that In mind I thought instead of giving you a weekly schedule I'll just give you the episodes that I'm gonna do by order  at least until I'm ready to do schedules again.

So for this week you're gonna get: 

One tree hill 6x10   /   One tree hill 6x11   /  One tree hill 6x12  (Probably in a row )

Angel 3x04,  then Game of thrones history and lore season 2.  And Last but not least Buffy the vampire slayer 6x04.

PS: If I find the time I'll start GOT season 3 this same week. If not, then the start of the next week

And as usual,  Every time I post an episode I will unlock a new one for the other TIERS. 



Take care sofie and focus on your health above anything else xx


Okay, If I were in your position instead of doing 7 reviews in 7 days, I'd shoot for 5-4 reviews in seven days. And I certainly would drop the number of series I was reviewing. Cause stuff happens. As for the mental health issues I had to learn the tools and use those tools when the need arises. However, I will say a long brisk walk does wonders!

Audra Foxgrove

Do what you’ve got to do for you, babe. Also, since you’re going through a rough patch, I will be brave and post a compliment I would normally keep to myself out of shyness: the moment I hit play on your BYVS 6.03 vid, I thought to myself, “Wow, she looks amazing in this video!” Seriously, everything was on point. I hope you are able to get the rest and recovery that works best for you. 💖

The Witch Hawk

If I could recommend a very feel-good and short series - HEARTSTOPPER. Holy moly, I watched this whole first season in 24 hours and it made me believe in romance!!!!!!


I too have suffered from mental illness. I find it warming to read this quote; “People cry, not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong too long.” – Johnny Depp Here's to wishing you the best. I look forward to you watching the best seasons of Game of Thrones

Mel Saville

Sorry if I pushed. Excited for reactions when they come.


Yea however much time you need is always the rights amount of time, no rush.


Hi please take care of yourself and we'll be ready for the reactions whenever they come....One Tree Hill episodes to come are very much feel goods and make my heart beat fast, I hope they bring you joy!

Hannah Weber

We love you much!!


Taking care of yourself should always be first priority, of course and we will understand + support you :) Something you can do though Is maybe keep us updated on here a little more on how it's going? <3 :)