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We sadly have to say goodbye to this beautiful show. It's been such an amazing ride guys and I'm so happy that I got to share it with you. Brace yourself and prepare tissues for this bittersweet finale. 

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5tmrontj94h6zoz/TVD%208x16%201.mp4?dl=0



Enas Bassiony

Thanks Sofie that was enjoyable ..I personally hated that episode when I first saw it..I didn't like how much of Nina's time in the finale was wasted on Katherine..I like her .. But I don't think she's as evil or badass as as they tried to make her out to be in this .. she spent 500 running and hiding that's pathetic not badass .. and I was waiting for more Elena/Delena which was very disappointing for me ... hated the wigs 😄 .. and also I feel too much time was wasted on the maxuel family soecially Vickie .. like it's the series finale man pretty sure Vickie isn't what everyone is eager to see here .. I didn't like how they broke Elena and Bonnie's spell either ... if Elena woke up because Bonnie's heart stopped for a bit would have made much more sense .. the concept of the episode was great but the execution was horrible .. the last 10 min are my favorite and the only part that I rewatch ... also they all found peace because they destroyed hell, that's all there is now is peace .. even Vickie is there ..and they all live with eachother in this afterlife mysticfalls version...Stefan found lexie first then went to the boarding house .. Elena saw her famy first than sure will go say hi to stefan and reunite with Damon again..etc


That was a long journey for all of us. I`m glad I got to go on it with you, as well as our wonderful community. Looking forward to everything else that has yet to come!

sbrianna46 .

It's been a joy watching one of my fav series with you. Mostly for you understanding ALL the characters and not being biased. It's a breath of fresh air in this fandom. Much respect.


I have enjoyed every minute of yourTVD reactions Sofie and look forward to the originals

Ian Caudillo

This finale made me both angry and sad because Stefan was my favorite character on TVD he deserved so much better than to needlessly die for Delena to be together while Bonnie was alive.


I feel like so many of you focus on “Delena” and ships. I’m not going to lie Stefan’s character line wasn’t complete without his brother and neither was Damon’s. Stefan dying for the greater good fits his character completely and it wasn’t just for “Delena” like that makes no sense. He decided to make the sacrifice for his brother who finally reached humanity which is what Stefan strived for most of the show. What the hell does Elena have to do with anything lmao. Y’all really salty just because a favorite died and the others got to be happy


The amount of episodes is how old Stefan is 😭 it’s his diaries not Elena’s technically. I still LOVE the finale and I love the peace we got with the ending. If it was a tragic ending it would pain me till the end of time. The one thing is Bonnie just going off to travel, I think I’d rather see her with Damon and Elena. Or actually a scene with all of them eating at a table and just smiling. I actually think Damon is her literal soulmate (soulmates don’t need to be lovers it’s people who understand you most, like the closest friends etc) and Stefan was Elena’s.


I love Stefan and his my favorite but he basically gave up; he was done and tired. Suicide


Katherine said in Season 5 if I can’t have Stefan no one can and you see she got her wish. Caroline didn’t even get her wedding night and Damon lost his brother


Tessa also said Damon wouldn’t truly have Elena with Stefan in the picture and that came true as well. Stefan died


if you're looking for a new show since you finished this one, you should react to True Blood! It's one of my faves. It's very vulgar, explicit and violent but no more than Game of Thrones and you've been reviewing that one. And Outlander! <3