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LinK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mdr5jjjrdvs4fb1/GOT%202x8%201.mp4?dl=0



Tommy Smith

I understand why Catelyn did what she did and I can empathize with her choice but she was definitely one hundred percent in the wrong. She has really hurt Rob's chances in the war. Jaime was by far his most valuable asset and Catelyn gave him up for nothing.

Tommy Smith

Yeah Jaime and Brienne have a really fun dynamic. Also the show doesn't really make it that clear but Jaime is arguably the greatest living swordsman in the entire story. (Sir Barristan Selmy would take the spot if he were in his prime but he's quite old). Brienne herself admits in the books that "no knight could stand against him at full strength".


I disagree with what Catelyn did. But to look at it from her side... it seemed very likely that the men in the camp were going to try to kill Jamie that night (especially without Rob there to stop them). It was addressed by Cat and Brienne that they were getting drunk and rowdy. They were being prevented by a thread. And if that had happened then Cat would lose all leverage for her daughters. Jamie is really Cat's lifeline. Additionally, if they killed Jamie then the Lannisters would retaliate.


Daenerys won't have children because she had that miscarriage of Drogo's son.