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It's the watch along format. Make sure to bring a copy of the episode and sync it with me.

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mu2py3okjgkugri/GOT%202x07%20encoder.mp4?dl=0




Yes, the wildlings and the northerners are both descended from the first men. In some ways, northerners have more in common with them than the southerners. For example, the wildlings also worship the old gods. However, the wildlings are somewhat more in touch with first men culture than the northerners who as she said live in castles and have intermingled a bit with the culture of the Andals.


Sofie, Smile ~ it's Little Finger, not middle finger.

Tommy Smith

Tywin actually doesn't know that they lost Arya. Tywin thinks that Arya is still hostage in Kings Landing. Cersei is hoping that Arya will be found without her ever having to tell Tywin that she escaped in the first place.


Yup exactly. On top of this there are likely 50-100 of northern lords, including those with modest holdings. It'd indeed be a huge coincidence for this cupbearer being the sister of his enemy king.


Ygritte is one of my least favorite characters.