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This is immense. How can someone create a whole world like this..... Wow 

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ipxbadgwa75gubq/H%26L%20part1.mp4?dl=0

Part2 :https://www.dropbox.com/s/d3zrdyvvr68jxyq/H%26L%20part2.mp4?dl=0

Part3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yyx4wyqpuyb2dz3/H%26L%20part3.mp4?dl=0

Part4: https://www.dropbox.com/s/19k3t55sstzcwt9/H%26L%20part4.mp4?dl=0

PS:  I watched this with subtitles but since I lost the original screen record of the video when I watch it. I had to download the video hence why the subtitles are missing.




Loved this Sophie! About Jorah being called "the andal", you are right. The mormont's are northmen but Drogo keeps calling him the andal. That's because the Dothraki believe all westerosi are andals. Since they never cross the narrow sea, they really have no context for how to refer to westerosi people. So they just call them andals. From their perspective, they are all just andals who disappeared into the sea to go somewhere.


Oh boy looking forward to this! I don't think Jorah is an Andal, he's from an island north of winterfell, Bear Island, I believe Mormonts are very Northmen, however it's probably a reasonable assumption from anyone on Essos that someone from Westeros is an Andal


First Men came from Essos too, but like 6000 years earlier before Andalos existed.


One thing you keep saying is referring to the 'Seat' as the 'House'. A house IS a family, a seat, such as winterfell is a place a ruler sits and rules. May lead to confusion down the line :D


Great, I advise you to watch these videos after each season. It reveals something that the series says little or nothing about.


Honestly Sofie I've literally never seen a reactor who absorbed the lore and remembered everything so well, very impressed and its a joy watching you find out more, I'm really partial to the lore of ASOIAF (I'd recommend reading after you've watched the show) as the books have all this history threaded through them in greater detail than a show could ever do. These videos, as amazing as they are, are just scratching the surface lol


Yeah, Rhaelle Targaryen was King Roberts grandmother and the mad king's aunt making Robert and Daenerys' grandparents siblings and them first cousins once removed, additionally Maester Aemon, from the Night's Watch, is the uncle of these grandparents. On top of that, the founder of house Baratheon, Orys Baratheon, was rumored to be Aegon the Conquerors bastard half-brother. Brother or not Orys was Aegon's closest friend, the first Hand of the King, and owed everything he was to Aegon. Plus, Alyssa Velaryon was married to Aegon the Conqueror's son King Aenys I Targaryen and gave birth to his six children. Following Aenys' death, she remarried to Orys' grandson Lord Rogar Baratheon, and gave birth to two more children during the marriage. All surviving Targaryen and Baratheon house members are descendants of Alyssa. As much as Robert hated the Targaryens he really was one, Aegon and Orys' father just slept with a girl with some seriously dominant dark curly hair genes. "The seed is strong." All of this is the reason that Robert claimed the throne instead of Ned, his claim was stronger, but the claim was entirely based on him virtually being the thing that he hated making it not only ridiculous but pretty hypocritical.


Very true, it's actually amazing how quickly she catches stuff. I second this recommendation, as much as I love the show, I find the books superior in almost every way. The side stories and books of lore are also great for anyone craving more of the world, particularly the Tales of Dunk and Egg imho!


Is it a spoiler to say what period the show is based on? I believe that it was common knowledge that GRRM had revealed after book one but I'm not sure. For it to spoil anything would also greatly depends on one's English history knowledge. hmm Best side with caution I suppose, maybe that's why you left this out.


Do you happen to know who the Rhoynar were in English history?


Hmmm, weren't the Welsh there before the Saxons. But you did say it wasn't perfect and how could it be? They're a desert culture and England doesn't even have a desert. Probably just GRRM taking some liberties to spice up the story. Anyway, thanks for the other info, always knew it was analogs to England but never saw it laid out like that.


Jorah is called "The Andal" , incorrectly, by Drogo because of the Dothraki's fear of water. Since they have never crossed the narrow sea, Dothraki are probably not deeply aware of Westerosi history or the First Men, and their knowledge is limited to the history of Essos, including the crossing of the narrow sea by the Andals when they migrated from Essos to Westeros thousands of years ago. From their perspective, the only people in Westeros are the descendants of the Andals.

Ruvan_Asagao (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-31 08:30:08 This whole H&L is so expertly narrated. And Charles Dance (Tywin) is probably one of my favorite narrators of all time. The voice and delivery are impeccable. Special mention to Harry Lloyd (Viserys) who also does an amazing job and narrates the audiobook of the prequel novellas.
2022-04-04 16:18:22 This whole H&L is so expertly narrated. And Charles Dance (Tywin) is probably one of my favorite narrators of all time. The voice and delivery are impeccable. Special mention to Harry Lloyd (Viserys) who also does an amazing job and narrates the audiobook of the prequel novellas.

This whole H&L is so expertly narrated. And Charles Dance (Tywin) is probably one of my favorite narrators of all time. The voice and delivery are impeccable. Special mention to Harry Lloyd (Viserys) who also does an amazing job and narrates the audiobook of the prequel novellas.