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Joss be like: I owe you PAIN this season

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/11rh04ms6epovyd/Buffy%20S5xE19%20encoder.mp4?dl=0



Rio de Tanana

Willow and Tara’s argument didn’t come out of nowhere. Nor was it forced. Lol! It’s actually a fairly common argument when one partner is newly out and the other starts wondering what going to happen in the future. Google “gay till graduation.” Or get some queer friends.


In the modified words of Xander in season 1 “I’m going to go home and watch Buffy season 5. The season of pain”

The Witch Hawk

"Such pure green energy!" Dawn almost exclusively wears different shades of green this season, or at least, is seen in it in every episode at some point. I love Tara's face of absolute resolve when she refuses to tell Glory who the Key is. When she turns to Glory stone-faced like, "Nah. I'm not telling you anything. Get rekt." Willow is really getting into the magicks here! I love how Spike calls Dawn "Platelet" It's delightlyfully and adorably morbid.


You are giving me a great Saturday evening Sofie, thank you 😍

Phoenix Dawn

Oh, no episode discussion was a cliffhanger ahaha.

Land Howard Johnston

I'm late for my comment, but this was a great reaction! Even though they weren't a main part of the episode, the dynamic of Buffy, Spike and Dawn is so amazing and heartwarming. It's worth remembering that last episode Buffy was sure she'd have to kill him because there was no way he wouldn't give Dawn up to Glory and not only did he almost die to protect them, Buffy willingly kissed him! Now this episode, Buffy immediately takes Dawn to him for more protection. Spike even tries to comfort Dawn too. And Buffy goes to spend time with both of them. I thought it was very interesting that Spike essentially tells Buffy he loves her again and whereas in Crush, she was visibly disgusted, in this episode, she just looks at him and absorbs the truth of what he's saying without any kind of denial.


Does anyone know when the next reaction will be posted


There isn’t a set schedule, but probably at some point this weekend unless Sofie says otherwise :)


With all due respect, I think you're wrong. Maybe most men wouldn't rush to an ex's funeral but any FATHER worthy of the title would drop EVERTHING to rush to his child's side if their mother died. What is there that makes you think that Buffy's "dad" would be interested in even helping either of them, let alone taking in and raising Dawn. Is it all the quality time that he's clearly never spent with them or the fact that he couldn't even be bothered to return Buffy's call when he heard that Joyce had died? I agree that Buffy's not prepared to raise a 14 year old. How could any 20 year old ever be? But living with a loving big sister who will do ANYTHING to protect and care for her is a better environment for Dawn than being with a dead beat dad with no interest in even being involved. p.s. I went and made dinner and can't stop thinking about this. The more I think about Buffy's dad he's actually starting to really piss me off. How long has it been since the funeral? Legal custody would divert to him, so where the hell is he? The only reason that Buffy still NEEDS to take care of Dawn is that their dad still hasn't shown the fuck up to take care of his daughters! I wanna say more but will wait for fear of spoilers. All I can say is, if you know you know. Fuck Buffy's dad, he's a piece of shit unworthy of having those 2 beautiful girls. Not abusing them doesn't make him worthy. They deserve so much better!


It's about being there for his daughters to support them when their mum dies, dude, not just "attending the funeral of his ex wife."


I love how deeply you care for Tara. I don't think I've seen any reactor get so emotional during this ep with what happened to her. But I have to say, it made me laugh.

Robin Davies

You were right to be confused about Willow and Tara's argument. It did feel a bit forced. I suspect the writers had to contrive it to make Willow feel extra-guilty after Tara got brain-sucked.