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I'm living for this episode 😍😂

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dhyk5bzanvwrrp3/Angel%20S2xE17%20encoder.mp4?dl=0




There are copies floating around on the internet that have the spoilery credits blurred out, if that's something you're interested in looking into. But just finding a way to physically cover up the screen might be just as easy. Siri, why is Harmony so bad at being bad?

Darryl Gillikin

Don't beat yourself up, Sofie. When the show actually cares about someone's appearance being a surprise, they know how to go about it. See Faith's appearance in 2.01 and Dru's in 2.07. The longer answer to "Why would they do this?" is simply... I don't know if you youngin's really appreciate just how modern a phenomenon "spoilerphobia" truly is. Like, really only in the last 15-20 years or so has it become what it is now.

Blain H Granado

Cordy saying “we’re not friends” to both Angel and Harmony is such a clever touch.

Steve Quast

Come on, Angel. The least you can do is get Wesley a shirt that says "I'm sorry you were shot in the gut."

Idun V

Ngl, that final Scene made me start to ship Cordelia and Angel, I've never seen Angel smile or enjoy life quite as much as he does with Cordy at that moment 💕


Spike really good human his good side comes out with buffy as a vampire . Angel human with issues turns vampire an struggles to not turn evil. Harmony not good human superficial Of coarse she is not trust worthy as a vampire . Her not having a soul really doesn't matter . It's like when Stephen Had dimmer switch on vampire diaries season 2 . They can be good or evil based on what they going through . Don't judge the vampire by a soul or not . Some vampires are good .


Angel all through out drops hints that vampires can love . But it's always in a joking matter so most fans don't pay attention to it .

Rey Gallogo

Soulless concept gets blurred when vampires are fan favorites.

Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

That end scene always makes me happy! I never would have thought Cordy would evolve and develop the way she has....I love her character! And her and Angel all happy and silly together gives me vibes x


Yeah. Harmony would've been all over the episode promos, and I'm pretty certain Willow's scene would've been on it too. > When the show actually cares about someone's appearance being a surprise, they know how to go about it. See Faith's appearance in 2.01 and Dru's in 2.07. Counter-argument: 1x19 Sanctuary. Preeeeetty hard to miss SMG's giant name in the opening credits, despite her showing up 25min in. And the episode promo used exclusively scenes from the last 15min with SMG in them.

Darryl Gillikin

That's why I said, "when the show cares about something being a surprise." What was explicitly hyped as a crossover did not care about keeping Buffy's presence a surprise. They WANTED people to know Buffy would be popping up, because ratings! :-) Not every appearance is MEANT by the show's PTB to get an "OHMYGODOHMYGODOHHHMYYYGOOODDD!!!!!!!!!!" reaction. Faith's was. Dru's was. Buffy's in "Sanctuary" wasn't, nor was Willow's here.

Jessica George

I feel that for Wes, it's more along the line he likes a certain order of things, and believes things should be done a certain way, and Angel found a workaround. Also despite him being "in-charge" Angel still manages somehow to be the one in charge of things.


The crossover's between Angel and Buffy are so much fun.

Dennis Bryant

I agree with a lot of this. Except on the point that is made over and over, a vampire has no soul. In the end, they are self serving and evil, with literally one exception in the world right now, with Spike's selfless action recently. Even the cultists here, when faced with fighting and seeing others get dusted, many choose themselves and run. Harmony is not different. Now, the gradient in this seems to be how much humanity, passion, fire, or whatever you want to call it is left. Angelus had none at all, was as pure a demon as a vampire can be, while Spike, he seems to have kept a great deal of his. Harmony is closer to the human end of this, I think, but nowhere near where Spike is. Almost every vampire mythology has the point that becoming and being a vampire is different for each individual, no two transitions are exaclty alike.


To be entirely fair, you're putting a lot of intentionality on the show creators where it likely isn't actually there? There's really two factors here: actor credits and promotional material. How actors are credited isn't decided by the creators of a television show, it's largely dictated by SAG union requirements and regulations of how specifically people get credited, who gets credited at the front of the show and who can be left to end credits, how late in a show front-loaded during-episode credits can be, etc. etc. They're good requirements overall honestly, they're in place because of past issues with actors not receiving credit for their work and SAG wants to make sure that doesn't happen for any actor down the line, big or small. But doing anything that's out of bounds from SAG credit requirements requires a lot of negotiation, and for a less significant episode the showrunners or producers are likely to just not bother going through that effort even if all things being equal they'd actually rather not spoil a reveal with an actor credit. Meanwhile, on the other side, the creators of a show and the creators of promotional material for the show aren't the same people. Studios have specific departments for generating promotional material like previews or commercials or what have you, and showrunners can communicate with them, but they don't have anywhere near the same level of creative control over promotional material as over their own work. In some cases, creators don't even _see_ promotional material before it comes out. It can absolutely be the case that the studio will put out promotional material that spoils reveals that the creators of the show didn't want released.


That's definitely true, but I think it's also just having a vampire appear multiple times at all, so they have to be written with some level of emotional depth to avoid repetitiveness? It's just that the only vampires that end up in that state are also the fan favorites. ...well, I guess also Mr. Trick, but he had like 3 lines in each appearance I don't think that counts

Jim Greer

I love Harmony .