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WTH is going on ?

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8hgnjcy7o54rm7k/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S8xE06%20encoder.mp4?dl=0




Alaric is mad, beyond believe, at the point that nobody apart from his kids means nothing to him, he is on the blaming game in which the people that means the most to him, Caroline and Damon take the full blown to it. Blind rage accompanied by fear of losing his kids that represent his surviving relationship with Jo and the promise he made her to keep them out of danger, far from everything supernatural because they can be targeted by being Gemini twins, is exploding inside him and that is never a good or a rational thing.


Damon sold his soul and Stefan's to Cade to save the girls, so yes even with his humanity off, his mind controlled, his memories changed, he is still Damon.


All this idea of two brothers to serve Kade just made me think...Just IMAGINE what Kade would give to get Klaus and Elijah as weapons Originals no humanity on... LMAO The world would be fucked then lmao


Regardless of the circumstances surrounding Damon and wether he's back or not and has his humanity or not, the fact that Alaric with the history that he had with Damon for eight seasons is willing to grab a stake and murder Damon is a big spit in the face to me...Like seriously...They have made a few questionable decisions regarding characters including Caroline's reactions this episode in regards to Stefan, and notably Rick's character is fucked....


Alaric is cutting , more burning down bridges, with the people he knows he can't say no to, for the sake of his kids. Understandable. It serves the character and the plot. He told Sibil over the phone that he would go to any length to protect his children. And he does. He is burning bridges behind him.


idk how they managed to undermine damon and alarics entire friendship in like half a season😭 so sad😩


Also in alarics eyes the whole reason his family was brought back into the supernatural drama was the moment Damon visited Alaric after his sleep, after that everything in their family went down hill not to mention without Damon in his life he was perfectly happy with Caroline and his children, not saying it was damnons fault for all this but have to understand all this to see where Alaric is coming from, regardless of what him and Damon went through over the seasons, he has children now, not just any children but the dead love of his lifes children Josette. And those kids are now the most important thing to Alaric so he’ll go to any lengths to protect and keep them safe and will remain that way also it didn’t help both times his children were wrapped in supernatural drama, Damon’s name was in the mix further fueling his anger and probably also gave him a sense of betrayal from Damon, BUT AGAIN not sayin its Damon’s fault just this is probably how Alaric is viewing it which is what pushed him to kill Damon


Technically he sold his soul and Stefan’s to stay out of hell, although the girls were saved in the process if Sibil and her sister hadn’t mentioned that in their job descriptions that they had a free get out of hell card I don’t think Damon would have cared offering the twins or not


He wouldn't have necessarily gone to hell, that is what he believed, Cade never mention to be interested in Damon. So getting more information on how to possible find a solution that pleased everybody was a win win.


I see your point...I mean it's where they took the story, i'm not questioning the motives, i've recognized they have made plot decisions to justify it I just mean I don't like the decisions they made lol it's just a personal thing


Well the main reason Damon did the deal was because him and Stefan would be cades servants for eternity, therefore keeping them out of hell for eternity, which is what Damon has wanted ever since Sybil pretty much kidnapped him and Enzo that’s why he came up with the plan which was due to hearing the Sybil and her sister mention they couldn’t go to hell as long as they servered cade, Cade excepted the offer of damon and Stefan over the two girls because both damon and Stefan are two damned souls that can get him more in a much more effective and much faster rate than Sybil and the twins could have as proof being their passed massacres, don’t think Damon thought about the plan for the twins at all it was him in survival mode that so happed to save the twins as well which was needed by the writers to get Stefan on board as he would have never voluntarily gone with Cade without those kids being in danger


it's not really like that. There are reasons for Alaric reaction, specially towards Damon. When you are mad seriously mad you get mad with the people you love, and to save his children and to keep them as far as possible away form every supernatural stuff he has to cut with the people he knows he can't say no to, Damon is the one from his point of b view that came after 3 years of normal life and dragged him back to all of this. So he took a stand, he chose his kids, over Damon that has his humanity off it wont feel anything. As a father is understandable, as a man with all his women been killed, I get his rage.


Yeah agreed, no humanity damon and blaming him for everything by writing him as a bad guy this far long with all the progress he’s made in the past got old like 2-3 seasons ago, and Stefan having to sacrifice his happiness yet again for the sake of those that he loves is also another thing that has gotten old that the writers continued thus far and there is much more that they continued but have to wait till the events unfold to avoid spoilers but I understand your point and agree


Switching owner is not the choice, he is servant to Sybil anyway, as long he was serving her and not dying, he is immortal, he could keep living and never go to hell. Changing owner to Cade is not going to change anything for Damon, isn't it? So the choice was letting the girls being servant to Cade or letting the girls out of the equation and offering himself and Stefan to switch to Cade. It was done for the girls, Sybil did it to outsmart her sister with a better deal, Damon just agreed , it wouldn't have changed anything for him, and Stefan too agreed for the same reason, the girls.


Nothing ensures Damon can live forever that’s why he was so given up in season 8 and he even said it to himself to Stefan that nothing he did mattered because he along with Stefan and the others were going to go to hell with him at the end of the day when they died, that’s why he said nothing mattered fighting for not even elena, and changing owners does something for Damon I just can’t tell you right now or it will spoil next episode for sofie so I just recommend you go back and rewatch episode 7 of season 8 and you’ll know what changing owners does, so again no, damon was on survival mode and was not thinking of the kids other than a means to getting Stefan on board and Cade accepting him and Stefan and specifically what he gets from changing owners is why he had the plan, it insures him to never ending up in hell as long as he serves cade


yeah as a 19 yr old im def less tuned in to rics fatherly feelings lmao but i 100% understand where he came from w that. sometimes forget that man has lost 4 love interests😥


He says to Stefan nothing matters because he switch his humanity off an becuase Sybil controlly his mind, because she made him believe he deserves hell, and Damon is always the one that is conitioned since childhood to think bad about himself, He is the one that doesn't make people know about is good deeds because he doesn't have much expectations about people. Sybil even took away from him certain memories of Elena, the only person apart from his brother that make him feel worth of love. Damon never had the certainty he can live forever, so nothing changed on that side. But he was taking naps thinking about Elena to escape, meening that even with his humanity off he has some humanity and hope piercing through. Do you remeber when he was in the burger place with Sybil, her sister and the kids? Have you noticed his body language and what he said: "How does an evil siren scheme involved three years holds?" That was before he learn about Cade. What that question means to you? What is his body language teels you? That question and his body language express concern about Alaric's kids. I do remember episode 7 very well, thank you, and I know perfectly what you mean, And the only thing that makes adavantageous the deal with Cade, compared with the Sybil servitude is Stefan's doing, after, not by Damon, before. To Damon the changing of ownership it didn't change anyting apart from the freedom of the girls, and him finding out the solution to free the girls was ONLY finded, out of his concern for the kids being in the situation, Is he didn't care he would have never ask question, but just accept the status quo. So again no, you have to pay more attention to body language and to details, to conversation and connect the dots. Also you contraddict yourself by saying Damon doesn't care anymore and nothing matters to him or he is in surviaval mode meaning he cares he has hope to survive, he can be in both mode. Again chancing owner per se and doing what he does, it doesn't change anyting in his mind. He doesn't change the condition he is in, in his mind he is going to hell when he dies. You missed a detail in next episode. Pay attention to the conversation with Alaric, in the place he goes. it is there stated clearly. Damon even with his humanity off, with his mind controlled, wit part of his memories taken away, the Damon that cares still manage to pierce through. We talk about things in the next episode were we can talk more freely about things, without spoiling anything for Sofie.


I’ll pay attention next episode but still disagree I do pay attention to Damon’s body language and thats how you can distinguish when the plan came to mind which was when the sirens mentioned they couldn’t go to hell can’t remember exactly but im almost sure it closes into Damon’s face to show his expression of when the idea kicked in“how does evil sirens scheme involve three year olds hold” in my opinion (you can keep yours as well) is just classic Damon being curious which I understand how you can read what you say from him wanting to investigate but he’s always been that way even in his days when he had his humanity off, and before he never thought about what would happen when he died, when he found out about the other side and it was destroyed everyone wondered where they would go in death after words but Damon never thought he would be going to hell or the severity in which hell could be so when Sybil captured him and showed him where it was that he was going (whether it’s true or not) Damon believed it which was why he decided to stop fighting and serve Sybil, after he found out there was a way to prevent him from entering hell did he start caring again for his self survival as the whole reason season 8 Damon thus far has been so out of it was because he truly believed he couldn’t avoid hell by any means so ofc when a way that gets him the ticket he thought was impossible to take, he took it, also in the elena thing I should have phrased it better which was he stopped caring about his self image for elena when she woke which was supposedly tainted when he killed Tyler, not that he didn’t care about elena that was my bad, but I do believe Damon has parts of himself still with him as his memories have been messed with and humanity off he shows he cares for people like Bonnie but it’s like a flicker to me where sometimes he’s there and other times he is not fully there, but appreciate this conversation has been interesting and hope you took no offense in any of this but nice to see how this show can bring out so many different theories!


Precisely, poor Alaric, he has all the reasons to be super pissed, off the chart pissed.😂 As we do in real life when we are seriously angry we take it on our family.


Victor dear. I can see you are a bit bias, and don't watch the show objectively, also because I can guess you are very young and confuse reality of normal human being with a television show. This is season 8 the producers have to wrap up the show in 16 episode, instead of 22, plus is TVD and there is no space of idle chit chat of things that don't serve the purposes of the story and the final aim. So EVERY sentence, EVERY move EVERY Scene, EVERY dialogue serve a purpose, the writers are there to give us precise clues, to guide us in the way they want us to go, what they want us to know, to react to, to understand or not, yet. So the "just classic Damon being curious" it doesn't exist, it is only in your head to justify somehow the narrative you would like to show would have. But that is not TVD, there is no theory, there is only one way to read the show, that is how the writers wrote it. that is logic, that makes sense, it is connected with the rest of the show, it is psychologically consistent and tells a complete story with no loose ends. That is the beauty of TVD, it actually make sense in all it's parts. But to get it, unfortunately you have to have the tools that adults have and young people don't. The only problem with this show has is that was very wrongly targeted, marketing wise, this is so not a young adult/ child/ teen show, not even close by a long shoot, they don't have the meaning to understand what is really going on, that instead to an adult is very clear., the reading of the show is shared, similar. What I am saying is the same things that I can see in many other adult analysis, precisely, some might be less insightful, some have more dept but it is all very clear, very obvious. While kids are all over the place with many theories that don't make sense because they don't have the tools to interpreted very adult stuff. That is the problem with many young people following the show, they have great difficulty to read the show correctly, but the greatest difficulty kids/young adults have is to be proven wrong in the opinion they formed first, that is precisely the purpose of the show. So they come out with all sorts of elaborate excuse to justify their distorted vision of things that don't make any sense and it is very boring for an adult to read. That is creating lots of toxicity, shipping battles, character hatred, that quite frankly, is appealing to me like a child tantrum screaming at a supermarket. There is no conversation if the other part that is much younger and inexperienced, is not prepared listen and learn from people that knows lots more that they do. Admitting to be wrong mostly with him/herself is the only way to grow up and learn. If you are stuck in your way that has no bearing in the way the world works, you are inviting troubles, because life will teach you, anyway, but the hard way.


@Sofie I forgot the title " Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell" It was Caroline talking to Matt over the phone, during the storm that detour her into "some random backwoods path" where she would get stuck with the car, to find Vicky buried.

Amber Augustine

This episode is so frustrating. Damon is the reason why Alaric’s kids weren’t sacrificed in the first place. Even without humanity damon found a way to rescue the kids by sacrificing himself. Alaric throwing the fact that Caroline is not their biological mom was another punch in the gut. Alaric’s character has gone completely downhill and I hate that they ruined damon and Alaric’s friendship because of it.