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Again it's the watch along version so bring your own copy to watch with me.

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qdy8nyu9tgleejt/GOT%20S1x05%20encoder.mp4?dl=0

Review: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l818ikbzuw4qhym/Got%201x05%20review%201.mp4?dl=0

Next episode is tomorrow :)

Edit: Sorry everyone I forgot to add a timer 😣



Tommy Smith

Great reaction and yeah this shows dialogue is really amazing! Also, Yes, Jaime loves Tyrion , he is one of the very few people who cares about him. Not sure where you got the idea Jaime framed Tyrion, that hasn't been hinted to or even mentioned.

Tommy Smith

Also at this point in the story Jaime is probably considered the best swordsman in Westeros. Had the fight finished Ned almost definitely would have lost.


Of those who are alive at the moment, only Ser Barristan could compete with Jaime, but he is old, Jaime would have won. And yes , Ned Stark was most likely saved by this leg wound . It's lucky that Jaime has enough honor not to finish off in such a situation


You probably got something wrong about Jaime. Review that scene . On the contrary , he told his sister that Bran was just a boy , and that he did not remember anything, and that there was no need to worry . And then he jokingly added that for her sake he would kill Bran, the king and everyone in the seven kingdoms . He didn't send the killer, and he certainly wouldn't have framed Tyrion. And yes , you 're right . Jaime was talking to this dude that he put a knife in his eye . But this is Game of thrones. Ned Stark said Tyrion is being held captive on his command . After such words, Ned himself should have expected deaths, again his mistake. He should have tried to persuade Jaime that he would sort it out, but no.


I think that these are the seven kingdoms and their ruling families (with their mottos and sigils). I find it super confusing to follow, so anyone can correct me if I’m wrong somewhere. House Stark: The North (Motto: “Winter is Coming,” Sigil: Direwolf) House Tully: The Riverlands (Motto: “Family, Duty, Honor,” Sigil: Trout) House Arryn: The Vale (Sigil: Falcon, Motto: “As High as Honor”) House Lannister: The Westerlands (Motto: “Hear Me Roar,” Unofficial motto: “A Lannister always pays his debts,” Sigil: Lion) House Baratheon: The Stormlands (“Ours is the Fury,” Sigil: Stag) House Tyrell: The Reach (Motto: “Growing Strong,” Sigil: Rose) House Martell: Dorne – Southernmost (Motto: “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken,” Sigil: Red sun pierced by golden spear) Then I think there are also regions like The Iron Islands (West off the Riverlands) and the Crownlands which is where the Capital, King’s landing, is. Also apart of the Crownlands, there is the island of Dragonstone. Of course, the Targaryens used to sit here (Sigil: Three-headed dragon, Motto: Fire and Blood)


Its super well done how Jory Cassell's death, the kill by knife in the eye, was foreshadowed. During the conversation he had with Jaime in episode 4 when Jaime was guarding at the king's door they chatted about the Siege of Pyke, about how they broke through the wall with their lead warrior charging through with a flaming sword, and how a an Iron Islander almost put a sword through Jory's eye. Crazy how every little detail matters! Love this show.


I love how Ned protected his wife and his people by assuming responsibility for their actions. He's such an honorable guy and a real leader. Also I think that Jamie had honor in punching his guard who made a cheap move and leaving Ned alone because of it instead of taking him. Also, the reason Gregor Clegane (the Mountain) cut off the head of his horse is because the horse got distracted because Loras Tyrell intentionally rode a mare in heat. you can see the horse before the race become skittish, and then you hear Petyr Baelish tell sansa that loras' mare was in heat. Lastly, the people who attacked Catlyn and Tyrion were the hill tribes.


I was editing episode 3 and I watched the scene between Cercie and Jamie again. She told him what were you thinking he's just a 10 years old and he told her I was thinking about us. but since he woke up and doesn't rememberer they should not worry anymore. I thought they were talking about the assassin that tried to kill him.


I was editing episode 3 and I watched the scene between Cercie and Jamie again. She told him what were you thinking he's just a 10 years old and he told her I was thinking about us. but since he woke up and doesn't rememberer they should not worry anymore. I thought they were talking about the assassin that tried to kill him.


So the reason that it's so confusing is that there are actually 9 regions in the 7 kingdoms at this point. It's only named the seven kindoms because that's what there were at the time of the conquest. Only 4 of the seven ruling kings survive the conquest and the 3 kings who's houses died had their lands split between 5 regions. For complete history check this link. To avoid spoilers don't read past Robert's Rebellion into the Recent Events section that starts with The Game of Thrones. https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Seven_Kingdoms

Olia Stanasiuk

May we expect the next episode today?