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Hello Brother!

Welcome to the final season of The vampire diaries 🥺


Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z3uzo6nxoi2su56/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S8xE01%20part2encoder.mp4?dl=0




It was devastating to see how Stefan was destroyed by Damon bringing up being turned as being his faut...Even after all these years you can just see Stefan still blames himself and hearing it from Damon's mouth really was an emotional punch in the gut for him, it's heartbreaking


I feel the dreams of Elena from Damon is a great aspect to make a point, but it's also a nice little subtle nod to the books....In there near the middle of the series Damon even if he is quite different in some ways, he somewhat died and was in between strange hellish landscapes and the only thing he could do was give himself dreams about Elena which was the only thing that kept him going and why he managed to fight on and come back- I love that


The two brothers come a long way from season one, but still that issue of Damon still having not forgiven Stefan for turn him, is still in his subconscious, even if, when he has his humanity on, he doesn't care anymore about that because the love and the care he feels for his brother is much stronger than anything else. And Stefan too, he is so different from season one. In season one he was trying so hard to be human and he was anything but, dark, broody, manipulative, petty, jealous, self- righteous. Now that he has abandon the idea of trying to be what he is not, long ago, he is more human than ever. So loving and lighter, so much more open and understanding and his priorities are clear. That is why now his brother and what he said effected him so much, he isn't anymore concentrated on himself but on anybody else around him, he has made peace with himself and being taken again in that place hit differently, from his prospective now, from where he is now as a person, it's a different kind of realisation. It is hearth breaking because Stefan isn't anymore that person that turned Damon. Remember this season theme is accountability.