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The host is such an Icon!

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j3r8hqynsfrhukn/Angel%20S2xE13%20part1encoder.mp4?dl=0


Ps:There's a little part missing because it was corrupted and I had to cut it out.




One of the more boring episodes, but as you said "the Host" and Wesley are both very cool. And "the Host" analogy with life and music is pretty good. I've told it to people IRL a couple times.


As with a lot of the weaker Monster/Case of the episodesa rather meh story gets saved by the character development stuff. Angel opening up in the car ride and again at the kitchen table, actually pretty great. The monster-y aspect, it's whatever. Fine. Not good, not bad just kinda there. And the Host is just an honest-to-goodness scene stealer. RIP Andy Hallett.

Hannah Weber

I love that you see how toxic that woman’s behavior was as well!

Thom Purdy

On the upside, this is as bad as it gets.