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i don't like where this is going. Why is this becoming so emotionally heavy?!!! I'm so scared!

Part1; https://www.dropbox.com/s/wnnbk1fsc3kqcxd/Buffy%20S5xE08%20part%201encoder.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/682wnislqvp98ml/Buffy%20S5xE08%20part%202encoder.mp4?dl=0





I love how long your reactions have been getting. Thank you for feeding us, Sophie! That snake tho….lol.

Alexis Cardarella

You're so perceptive, as usual. I empathize with Riley to an extent too, but he has not communicated properly to Buffy at all. Prior to Joyce possibly being sick. And it's not fair to her at all. I am very sorry to hear about your friend and what you've gone through with that.... I too relate on a personal level to that.. and what has happening with Buffy, dealing with a close loved one who is sick, and then Joyce personally, as well, to an extent in terms of my own cancer scare I had. Please take care of yourself. I hope you have people to talk to about everything. ♥️


About bringing real world problems into a show about Vampires, Joss Whedon has made it clear that Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a show about growing up. The monsters are only a metaphor. Dawn is a perfect example of this. It was fine for Buffy to be an only child in high school because teenagers are inherently self-centered. But as a person gets older they have increased responsibility and they have to change their perspective about themselves being the center of the universe. Buffy is responsible for Dawn the way she never was and never could be responsible for her mom or the scoobies.


I dont want to get into a big argument, but I do think Buffy has done a pretty poor job of communicating to him as well... and I understand because she has SO MUCH to deal with, but from his POV, she's been holding back with him, and he's right. She literally has information that she's hiding, and he can sense it... and while Riley is not the priority when it comes to her mom's illness, I can still see why he'd be upset that she didn't care if he knew. She did tell her other friends. She also never explained or eased his tensions when it came to not saying "i love you" back, which again is not necessarily her job, but if you love someone you probably want to help them feel better if you can. So if she didn't want to say that to him, she could have tried to explain why at least. I think there is a serious lack of communication from both sides.


sorry about your friend... hope everything will be alright 🙏 we love you queen 💖


All the doctors' questions could have been answered by Joyce prior to what she just went through. And is there ever a good time to cheat on anyone?

Thom Purdy

SoFie:"She's so cool"! She's not just cool, she's "Creamy Cool"!