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I still can't get over how much EPIC this episode was.

This must be one of my favorites ever and Ian was just superior.

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bo3je9ho13bqnxw/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7xE10%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kowseski736r4xq/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7xE10%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




OHH This one I love to call 'The Damon Special" so epic and sad.....CCan't wait to check it out later tonight


One of the best TVD eps!!


This episode was amazing. The next episodes are crazy


When I said that they step up the game in season 7 I was thinking in particular to this episode. The cinematography, the directing, the acting, the writing, the settting, this is like a mini movie in itself. I remeber Ian talking about this episode and saying that it took so much out of him that he lost so many stones. This is most definatelly one of the top 3 episode in the whole TVD series.


idk what we did to deserve a whole episode of bae

Jasmine Reigns

This episode is absolutely top 3 best directed, written and acted episode of TVD👏🏽 Finally we get a Damon centric episode and Ian did not disappoint ‼️ The last two minutes of the episode had me shocked asff especially when he stabbed Caroline, swang at Matt and chocked out Bonnie 😫


"I wanted my mother.." always remains one of the most oh shit/ heartbreaking lines from this season, after all the hate that Damon carried, you realize he only hated Lily with such passion for abandoning him only because he cared about her so much and was hurting


This episode couldn’t have happened before, because the brothers were busy in the other seasons to overcome their rift, to straighten out their love lives, to settle down and have roots again in the form of loved one, and to make their friends their family, the town their town, only after that when their lives had finally settle, they could start to tackle their inner problems. This is the brothers’ season, where all the roots of their psychological problems and traumas get addressed to come to full circle in the end. This Damon centric episode, is such a master piece on so many levels, and the special combination of the brilliant writing and Ian outstanding acting makes it so compelling. This episode is all about Damon subconscious, how he perceive himself, how he thinks others perceived him, Bonnie, Caroline and his brother. But what happen during the war was real. Stefan, left alone with his father, write a letter just like a kid would write a letter to his only point of reference. Not like, how are you brother? Are you well? Are you still alive? No, instead it’s “I need you brother without you I’m miserable”. And Damon, injured Damon, in the middle of the horrors of war Damon, being always the only person taking care of his brother, act like a concern parent/big brother would, realising also two thinks. One, Stefan is alone with their drunken abusive father, two he is there not because he believes in that war, he is on the wrong side of history, being a confederate soldier in the American civil war and Damon is there only because being the first son and the one that should inherit the family estate and carry the family legacy and name, he is there only because of his father and he his father respect isn’t as important as his self respect and that is when Damon started to rebel. So the guilt of being involved in that family massacre is his first, outside the family life, trauma. It is where he learns to buried inside all his pain, and use humour as a band-aid to cover up his emotions. He had to, he had to take care of Stefan. Damon never had anybody to confide in when he was a young man human, and even less when he became a vampire, leaving his life alone, apart from his brother, never burden anybody with his pain, traumas, specially Stefan, like when he got tortured for 5 years, he never burden Stefan with any of it, just buried all inside and got on with it. Apart in the occasions when too much is too much and he snaps and being a vampire his snaps are like a bomb. It comes to mind, season 2 episode 12 the Discent, knowing what you know now about Damon that speach in the street when Damon crying confess to a stranger his inner secrets has a whole new weight...."there is only so much a man can take". The point is that all he buried inside had to surface before or after and an event had to be the trigger to bring back the Damon that is buried inside, the child he was never allowed to be, vulnerable, hurt, and alone, in need of a mother that cares and love him. That sentence he says at the end, the careful choosing of the words the writers makes Damon saying is so incredibly heartbreaking, such genial powerful writing, “give me the chance to let you love me” as if it was his fault his mother didn’t had the chance to love him because HE didn’t let her. He is crying like the child he was, thinking that is his fault if their parents didn’t give him love, he is crying for the lost chance of feeling loved by his mother and the fact that deep inside he think is his fault is so sad. As an adult rationally he knows is not his fault, but that abused child in him still think he was the cause of his parents abuse, because he was bad and unworthy of love so he never give them the chance to let them love him and isn’t that how Damon thought of himself all his life? True Sofie this episode is just so epic. In true TVD fashion nothing ever is left not shown or unexplained fully or not emotionally relatable, so have faith in the writer that all you want will be shown and everything that seam not make sense in the future storyline it will and you will not be disappointed.


This episode hurts so much! I'm glad we finally got to see some stuff from when Damon was in the War. Like, before this episode you don't really consider how traumatic that must've been for him because we just kinda think about the fact that he's a vampire who has killed people and seen a lot of death. It's almost easy to forget he was human during the War, and that there's just something different about actual War to all the stuff they've experienced on the show. And we really see that this episode. I mean, his journey through the camp from where he wakes up to the Captain or whoever he was, we see so much horror. Blood being tipped out, people in pain from terrible injuries, all this horrible stuff. Even in their Camp they were surrounded by horror. The letter though. Stefan's letter. Just the fact that he sent Damon a letter confiding in him with how much he was struggling, about Valerie and their Father. And the fact that it worried Damon so much that he was willing to arrest people who were doing what he wished he could do just so he could get back to him to make sure he was okay. We really see this season what the relationship between the brothers was when they were human. How Stefan truly looked up to and admired Damon, and how Damon protected Stefan as much as he could, mostly from their Father but likely from a lot of other stuff too. But the way Stefan wrote in the letter that he wished Damon was there so he could teach him how to deal with the pain. To me this really shows how much more of a parent Damon was to him than Giuseppe. He knew Giuseppe would just tell him to get over his feelings about Valerie, but he also knew that Damon would help him through it and be there for him. I just love all the snippets we get into their relationship when they were human. Like, as much as I miss Elena during these seasons, and as much as I miss Delena, I also love that the absence of Elena means more focus on the brothers' relationship. Another thing I love is that Damon convinced himself that it was Stefan he wanted in that moment after what happened in that Farmhouse. And in a way, I bet he did. But it was easier for him to tell himself he wanted his brother than his mother, because he knows he loves Stefan. He has been angry at Stefan in the past, sure. He's even convinced himself in the past that he hated Stefan. But he never truly did hate him. But with Lily, he hadn't gotten there yet. So while his first thought was that he wanted his Mother, I'm going to bet that as soon as that thought was gone (or at least pushed to the side) he just wanted to get back to Stefan. And his reaction when in the stone he was told he was revived before Stefan. How he was just not okay with that at all. And the fact that it was part of his Hell. BEING BROUGHT BACK BEFORE HIS BROTHER WAS PART OF DAMON'S HELL! I love how much of it revolved around Stefan. In the War parts he was trying to get back to Stefan, then in the "present day" stuff it was about Stefan dying, and it was Stefan who got him to admit he had wanted his Mother back in the War. Then of course the scene with him and Lily. It always makes me cry. He just wanted his parents to love him. But of course Giuseppe never did and he never really expected him to (even though he only enlisted in order to try and make him proud of him) and Lily just kept letting him down. It's always been a thing with Damon though. Not being good enough. Since the first season we saw it. He was basically always second to Stefan. And that had to have started somewhere, and that somewhere is definitely their parents. Giuseppe was a terrible father to both of them, but he definitely favoured Stefan, and it's likely Lily did too. Then Katherine did and for so long Elena did too. He just wanted to be someone's first choice. And he just wanted Lily to love him. But she just kept letting him down, and so when she finally did something for him, when she died for him, he just couldn't let himself truly believe that because he was afraid of getting hurt again. If he allowed himself to admit how he truly felt about her, he'd be losing her again, but if he didn't let himself love her or admit his true feelings it'd just be like some stranger who hurt him a few times dying. It's like Stefan said, he protects himself from feeling that type of pain. And I think a big part of that is because he never had anyone to really teach him how to handle it. Stefan had Damon to tell him it was okay to feel, but Damon didn't have anyone tell him that it was okay. Which is why they handle things so differently. It's interesting really. Damon pushes away any sliver of pain because that's what he was taught to do, and yet he still taught Stefan the opposite. It's very much a "Do as I say, not as I do." situation. I also love the scenes between Bonnie, Stefan, Caroline and Matt this episode. I mean, first of all, I love that they're all there. Like, of course Bonnie is there as she's doing the spell. And Stefan would obviously be there because it's his brother. Caroline is likely there for Stefan and Bonnie. And Matt is probably there for Bonnie to make sure she doesn't overdo herself. But they all seemed worried about the fact that he wasn't waking up. And then the way they all looked over when they realised he was awake too. But a moment I really like is that small interaction between Bonnie and Stefan. Bonnie saying "Who's fault is that" when Stefan mentions that Damon is likely going through all the pain of his whole life in there. Now, I don't like it because it's Bonnie snapping at Stefan (once upon a time I would've, because I used to hate Stefan. I don't anymore though...) I like it because to me it just shows how much Bonnie cares about Damon. Now, there are two reasons she could've said that. One being the fact that they got Stefan out first, she could've been upset by the fact that she allowed herself to be convinced to get Stefan out first. But she also could've mean the whole thing with when they first turned and how Stefan made Damon drink blood and complete the transition, and that in a way all the pain Damon has been through since then is Stefan's fault. (That whole situation is very complicated though, I completely get why Damon was so angry about that but I also get Stefan's side. Not the point though...) But it also could be that Stefan took Mary Louise even though Damon told him to leave it all alone, and that's what brought Julian back and caused him to stab Damon with the sword. Idk it's just nice that for once, instead of Damon being blamed for all of Stefan's suffering, it's the other way round. (I wish neither were blamed though. I just wish they stayed close through their lives and never hurt each other...) To me it's just kinda refreshing to have someone on Damon's side. And I just love how protective Bonnie has gotten of Damon. (It really is only about the fact that Bonnie was protective, not about the fact that she was likely blaming Stefan...) I don't want Stefan blaming himself though. :( Ian really did do such a good job this episode. I mean, not that he doesn't always. But this episode was just phenomenal.


Can you send the link of Ian talking about the episode. I will love to see it.

I Am Not Chamari

What a showcase from Ian honestly. I like that they went so epic this episode, because it at least showed that even in its seventh season, the writers still cared about a character as complex and fleshed out as Damon. The last five minutes or so STRESSED ME OUT. Definitely one of the best episodes.