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Incase some of you guys skip the intro. I know that a lot of you are watching this for the first time with me so I'm gonna put a trigger warning here too.

''This content will touch on sexual abuse and domestic violence. I acknowledge that this content may be difficult. I also encourage you to care for your safety and well being. If you believe that you will find the video to be traumatizing, you may choose to not watch it''.

Also guys I know I told you I'm gonna post early today but I really didn't find the time to.

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ti93oyf9ezu8nx1/Angel%20S2xE04%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mytfd2tdvovzpl2/Angel%20S2xE04%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0

Part3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1o4piosoiu60929/Angel%20S2xE04%20part3encode.mp4?dl=0




Considering in the last episode you were defending Angel for sleeping in till 3:30 in the afternoon I didn't have a high expectation for "early" this morning. :'D

Rey Gallogo

I think when Angel said she had the power, he was referring to her control. Before her control, her power killed which was what Cordelia was afraid of. Angel was telling her that she has power to control her powers which meant she could stop her father without killing him.

Darrell Palmer

Oh? What time did SHE get up? Sorry, just missing the BTVS reactions. :)

Thom Purdy

One of the best stand alone episodes! So well done!!