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My dropbox account got banned again. This time it's gonna take 72 hours to get lifted. 

Please guys since I'm not even remotely close to shrinking all the videos down do not download the files please some people download the same video multiple times and this is why we're getting banned.

So please again I'm working on lifting the ban earlier than they scheduled but hold off on downloading videos for a time. If it's possible to stream without downloading. It's gonna be great. At least that will keep us safe for a time until we find another permanent solution.


Brandon Scott

I’m sorry you’re going through this. One last time, I would really consider going to a “watch along” format and just using YouTube or even a paid service like Vimeo. I hope things work out soon.


It's not a copyright issue, its a file size issue and depends on sofies Dropbox subscription. Alley had this when she got super popular. Sofie, reach out to Alley Box for advice


Yeah it's a size issue it happens even with the highest subscription because there's a bandwidth limits in dropbox. One of our common patrons helped Alley when she had the same problem now he is helping me thankfully. Now it's just a matter of time.


Don’t let it get you too stressed.

Brandon Scott

@x_Rhi_x I’m very aware. But the “file size issue” isn’t an issue and wouldn’t be an issue if she were using a service like YouTube or Vimeo. But she can’t post full episodes on those sites. It’s totally up to her but it would solve the problem. These delays and headaches wouldn’t happen if she was uploading these reactions legitimately rather than having to find workarounds to skirt copyright laws. SoFie, as I’ve said, I’m here for your reactions either way. I was just offering my opinion and a legitimate option.


i would just use googlephotos and vimeo. Others reactors I've seen use those the most and don't have those problems, so maybe that would help? Those reactors have posted full videos of movies and tv shows on those two sites.

Rey Gallogo

Are “watch along” ones where you have to find the episode itself and try to match it with the reaction? Which would limit her ability to pause and comment or rewind and rewatch a scene? Which would mess the viewers up. Not to mention if you need to pause to leave, you’d have to try to pause two different clips at the same time? If so, these types of reaction has been off putting for me personally and I usually don’t bother.

Brandon Scott

Yep. That’s exactly what they are. They’re the same format that HUGE creators like Natalie Gold or Jaby Koay use who create content for thousands of patrons who somehow manage to decider the complex process of pressing two play buttons at the same time, lol. Look, like I said, she can do whatever she needs to and I’ll be here. The people who would stop watching her because of that small inconvenience are the same people I’d suspect would continue to download the videos from Dropbox even though she asked us not to.

Rey Gallogo

Never said one couldn’t decipher managing two clips and trying to match them. I said it was extra hassle for the viewer. I’ve seen a few videos of Natalie Gold and she doesn’t pause and rewind scenes like Sophia does. And yes i had to find free videos in order to watch certain reactions. Thankfully I had already had a subscription that was ad free. So there you go.

Rey Gallogo

You should probably provide suggestions where people can watch the episodes for free and without ads to mess up the timing.

Rey Gallogo

And no, the people who stop watching would be the ones who don’t want to spend extra money for ad-free episodes. Try again

Rey Gallogo

I would also bet that those who can afford fast internet connections are the ones who can afford to sign up for subscriptions that carry all the shows and episodes ad free and therefore are the ones downloading them instead of streaming them.


It's a bit for an issue for me. I watch on my computer and only have one screen, so that's kind of a faff for me if she goes to that mode tbh. I didnt say I wouldn't watch if it happened, but it's pretty inconvenient

Brandon Scott

I get that it’s an inconvenience. What do you think she’s going through right now? I don’t know about the rest of you but there are hundreds of people out there making Buffy content. I follow her because I appreciated her. Her personally, her commentary, her thoughts. Personally I’m more concerned with her having to deal with this technical problems, getting kicked off platforms and having to go through so many videos and reupload, etc. than I am about having to open two windows. Oh, I also understand your issue with one screen. When I watch them on my iPad I use my phone to watch the commentary and I watch the episode on my iPad. Just remember to turn off notifications on your phone to avoid interruptions. …or you could just open two windows on your computer. Most of them can do that now, 😝


Sheesh dude. I appreciate sofie. She makes good content, and I literally said, if she went with different format it wouldn't mean I'd stop subbing to her, but at the end of the day we are also paying for a service. It's not her doing this completely voluntarily. So yeah it's kind of a determiner for some people of whether they pay £10 a month. It sucks she's having technical issues but please don't act like this is something traumatic she's going through and I'm being unreasonable by stating preference for keeping the format as it is.


Another reactor I watch uses Onedrive and has no problems uploading full episodes and movies. Although she is a smaller channel. I just hope Sofie won't have to do the watch along format since she's getting more popular. Not really sure how that would work out but I'm still excited to watch either way


dont worry abt it girl, appreciate how communicative you are

Darrell Palmer

Brandon, I don't think you are getting it. Sophie would have to give up pausing and rewinding and we would all have to find the exact same version of the episode she is watching. I recently joined ParaDoxic's patreon for full reactions, but his copy of Buffy is shorter than mine and will not sync. He is doing watch along on all his videos and I am not going to be able to take part, because of this issue.

Brandon Scott

Oh I get it. First, there are only two versions of these episodes. The standard 4x3 and the HD remasters (both have the same run time) if there is a differnece in run time it’s because one of you are using a bootleg copy…which is also illegal. To you, Darrell, and x_Rhu_x I’ll just say this and then I need to move on: it is defiantly true that she is being paid to produce these videos. And I’m sure she appreciates every supporter and does all she can to make the experience as smooth as possible. I wonder, however, how aware you are of how much work goes into making videos like this and managing this kind of business. There seems to be this stigma that making this style of video is easy…it’s not, believe me. She’s already doing plenty to earn what we pay her without having to spend days of her time redownloading and reposting dozens of videos because a few of her followers want to Ava our the “inconvenience” (your word). That is SOO much extra work, not to mention the stress of worrying about making us mad or losing followers because of it. Besides, one thing that is not included in the things we can expect as paying viewers, is for her to break the law. And you can break it down any way you want but unless you can answer “no” to the question, “is posting these episodes in their entirety against the law” then there’s no argument to be made on this. It is illegal.

Brandon Scott

All that being said, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This is mine. She should do whatever keeps her safe and keeps her from an inordinate amount of stress and worry. That’s all. Anyone else can feel however anyone else feels.


yes onedrive is the other i was thinking about!!! I mean it's easier for us to watch along with her cuz I have no idea what scenes shes watching or talking about so I hope she can fix the issues soon :)