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Hey guys, i want to ask you something.

I found out that a lot of reactors don’t include footage in their uncut reactions on Patreon but ask their patrons to sync their own copy of show/movie with the reaction and that to avoid copyright and suing and stuff. I don’t know if there’s still some reactors who post their reactions the way i do, if it’s safe to do it this way or what.

Please if someone knows something about this feel free to let me know.



I know a few other reactors that I follow post the full Buffy reactions along the same way that you do


My understanding is that it depends on which shows. I watch several Buffy reactors who also use the same format you do with no apparent trouble, but I also follow another one who ran into some problems with the HBO shows they were reacting to. HBO is notorious for being very sticky about copyright stuff. There may be other factors as well that I'm not aware of but that's the stuff that I know about.

Shaun Houghton

Other reactors, such as Domi E, and Alley Box, post the same as yourself. Copyright may be an issue, but doesn't seem to have impacted at this stage.

Darrell Palmer

This does not seem to be a problem with Buffy as all the reactors I know post the way you do, but seems to be a problem with movies and newer shows.


Of the seven reactor channels I follow only one does it without the video included

Joseph LeRoy

Ive been watching some reactors for years who still show full footage and a few that have switched to sync ups. Some who had copyright problems just switched the site they upload to and had no further problems so im not sure how it works for everybody.


I've never seen any issues with Buffy and all the Buffy reactors do it like you. However, and I say this as a reactor myself, it's not technically what you're supposed to do. Idk about the other shows... But you're ok with Buffy and angel. I'm having similar issues myself on my patreon... Trying to decide how to do this as well.


I was always curious how reactors could post un-cut reactions here on Patreon but YT is so strict about how much of the shows can be shown in the videos. All the reactors I've sponsored here on Patreon do the reactions like you do and I've never heard of them having copyright issues.

Jim Greer

I follow 4 other reactors on Patreon and they all show the footage . I personally don't see the point if I can't see what their reacting too .

Mariella Nilsson

All the reactors I have seeen, does like you do. But if it protects you to do it another way, it is worth looking into!


I agree, from what I've seen there seems to be in issue with newer shows, as well as shows from HBO, and also films. But there seems to be no issues with showing Buffy footage.

Jasmine Reigns

All the reactors I follow show the footage while reacting some who do TVD/The Originals & One tree hill. I don’t think those shows are an issue , but it may be for HBO shows since you’re starting Game of Thrones soon


Technically yes, showing the whole footage is against copyright law. However, with that said, most reactors (to Buffy/Angel anyway) do show the footage like you do and have had no trouble. Aftershow Reacts, Liam Duke, and Liam Catterson did the show for years showing all the footage and never had a problem (they have all finished at least Buffy or are a couple weeks away from finishing it). With that said, there’s a risk that Fox could start cracking down on it in the future. I HATE the watch-along style though. It’s a super PIA to stay synced with the reactor. However if it’s what you need to do to feel comfortable then by all means.

Pumpkin 3.14

All of the Buffyverse reactors I watch, do it exactly how you do. I can't speak for the other shows. If you keep having problems, you might try pausing every now and then to give your thoughts.


I follow many reactors on here, and only 1 of them do the 'watch along'. & though I, personally, love it when you re-watch scenes... that's going to be very difficult for us to keep up on "watching along" while making sure the show is synced with what you're watching 😁


Well you can... You just have a second window open and you play it simultaneously.


One more thing... And this is probably the most important aspect. Out of the 8 channels I follow, only 2 of them ask you to have a copy of the video. Both of those are large channels where their YouTube reactions get 20-50k views over video. Also neither of those channels do Buffy, and both of them do Anime. Most reactors fly under the table... But The Normies and Blind Wave get so much traction they have to be careful. All other channels I'm subbed to do full reactions with the video in it. One example is Failwhale. He also does Buffy, has over 100k subs on YT, and he keeps the video in. His channel is probably most similar to yours.


All the reactors I watch post how you do.


Thank you dear for all the info. It was helpful. I’m gonna do the shows I already do the same way but I’m gonna be careful with movies and the game of thrones reactions coming up soon.


I follow like 11 buffy reactors (yeah...I have a problem...) and all of them show the footage, same as you


I only follow you on Patreon (& only for the Buffy review) So "Fair use" really comes down to the judge. Working in your favor 1) it's a reacting video; you're adding to the video. 2) use of the small screen (picture in picture) makes it less likely that someone like myself would come here just for their Buffy fix. The quality of the video is not as good. Things to do to protect yourself: A) Don't do this under your name. Create an LLC / company and have the channel owned by that to isolate yourself. B) Lower the quality of the video even more. (somehow). C) break the video up into three parts instead of two ... same could be done on Youtube by creating a playlist for each episode and listing the multiple sections there. D) reference where to go buy the video. However, I'd steer clear of trying to monetize that step with an affiliate code... that's not exactly giving credit it where credit is due. https://www.copyright.gov/fair-use/more-info.html

Eric Paul Owens

While it is a lot easier to watch it when you include footage, doing so is certainly a copyright time bomb for all the creators doing it. (when people above are telling you to hide your identity and get a corporate shield to protect you it should tell you what you need to know about how much of a legal risk including full length footage is). Not to mention the reactors openly using pirated copies

Eric Paul Owens

I currently subscribe to 5 that do and one that does not (the one that does not does not do Buffy... yet...)


I follow a lot of reactors (many of them doing Buffy right now) and they all include footage on Patreon like you just fine. 👍 It’s certainly a lot easier for us to watch that way. As long as you limit the footage you show on YouTube videos I think you’ll be fine!


In Fact, Right now I'm watching the Angel Series on Amazon. Because I never watched the whole series and watching your review of Buffy made me think about watching it... But I want to watch it first myself so boom I'm watching it for the first time somewhere else and not here on Patreon (because of Quality). Needless to say, Angel is not Buffy definitely a spin-off, extremely poorly written. You can tell Joss had a whole arch plained out with Buffy ... Angel is more of an opportunity for the networks to cash in.


I'm guessing you're very early on in the show. While I agree that early on Angel is nothing special at the start of it's run once you get to late season 1 and beyond it becomes very clear what themes and stories it wants to tell. And while it never quite hits the same heights as Buffy it becomes a great show in it's own right.

Bud Haven

Every Buffy reactor I know and watch does it the way you do. Like 15 of them. Alley Boxx, Domi E, Georgia Corsby, Sora Miyano, najae, Failwhale, The lexi crowd, riley lynn, After show reactions, Liam Catterson, Liam Duke, Thor reacts, darcie watches buffy. And I know more. Nobody's been hassled as far as I know.

Mark Johnson

I think it's mainly full movie reactions that use "watch along" style to avoid issues. That said I don't prefer having to link up my own version and wouldn't pay for patreon if I had to.


There are some that do that but I end up never subbing to them because it's such a pain to sync stuff it's always going off depending on the copy and some don't put enough footage in to resync if needed. Plus I usually watch on my laptop or phone and it's a pain trying to get two things to play stuff all the time. If I'm on my phone I can watch in the during lunch break or since I scan stuff at grocery stores I can go around with the phone on my wrist and headphones in and have stuff playing while I work. If they have the Sync thing I end up just watching some you tube stuff but am disappointed that one like BlindWave and Normies don't have it on the screen like you and Aftershow, Geekedout, DOmi E, Riley Lynn, Liam Duke etc.

Martin Waits

All of the tv reactors I watch put the footage on the screen like you do.


All the reactors I have subscribed to (four including you) put the footage on the screen as well. It's part of why I subscribe to them because getting two streams up simultaneously is for one almost impossible with the slow speed of my internet and I also never manage to sync them perfectly which frustrates me to no end. So, I'm very glad that the reactors I have subscribed to, always have the footage in their video.


I think all of the reactors - that I've seen - who haven't included the full length video are Americans.

Idun V

As far as I know it should be fine


All of the other reactors I watch do the same as you Sofie, even with movies and GoT reactions. But if you think you need to, go ahead. It’s going to be a lil hard trying to stay synced up but I’m still looking forward to whatever you end up doing <3

I Am Not Chamari

I subscribe to 5 patreon reactors other than you, and everyone includes the footage (for music videos, movies, tv shows, etc.) I don't know if anyone is cracking down on particular shows or streaming services or anything though, so can't really speak to it.


I don’t watch any other reactors but I haven’t heard of anything happening to other reactors. Even if there was part of it would probably be where they are geographically and you have to ask yourself what might Morocco do. Also there are probably some little tricks you could do around copyright claims like maybe putting a watermark on the video or showing a mirror image of the video

Daria Gruszka

hey guys, i saw all the comments and was wondering if you could rec come down other reactors who watch one tree hill? or shows like greys anatomy and such?


One tree hill- Julidg is really funny, I love all of her reactions. and I like Simplereactions, although he just started posting oth on youtube. I haven't watched any reactions for grey's but I'm sure you can find someone by lookin up reactions for it on yt


hi! I have subscribe for the content, and because you have the footage in yours videos. Everything is perfect, if possible don’t change anything. Thank you for your feedback and all the work you do. Staye safe, Take care.

Shaun Houghton

Come on Rhi, the only thing wrong with your alleged problem, is that you need one more to make an even dozen.

Brandon Scott

I am a content creator too and did some research on this. Here’s the thing: you’re probably fine, but I decided not to include the footage in my full reactions for this reason. Simply put, it is illegal. There’s no argument for fair use in these cases and, should something crazy happen once you have, say, all of Buffy and Angel uploaded and thousands of people watching them, if you are sued there is a fine attached to EVERY case… for me this was terrifying. Considering a $5,000 fine for each case of sharing an episode (even if it’s only for each episode and not every instance if someone watching it that’s still SO much money). People won’t like it. I don’t mind it. There’s literally no reason to not like it. I follow several reactors who use a watch along style and I’ve never had a problem. For me it became simple. Showing the episodes, right or wrong, is illegal. So I just don’t do it. I’m not going anywhere whatever your decision. You have to do what’s right for you. Anyone who truly supports you will understand that.


This is kind of like the same thing as watching a movie on a site and not just paying for it. It is like a .0001 chance of anything even being done against this, so you’re fine. It’s like watching shows is illegal when they aren’t on a specific platform, yet Billions do so anyway, most likely if someone is openly pirating and sharing tv shows to be watched on a super grand scale there might be a possibility. But you reacting to shows has a very little chance of anything ever occurring. Personal opinion is for the people who watch the reactions, getting a second device and syncing is most likely an issue since not everyone watches on computers, many do phones or smaller technologies... I’d think it’s better to stick to what you were doing imo


First.. and I have to post this cos it is too funny. Our friend the great Andrew Lloyd Weber - seriously https://youtu.be/3zKnliSh2xM Second Celine Dion all by myself.. Rachmaninov second. So you posted a reaction to Dimash covering a Celine Dion rearrangement of an American pop singer version of Rachmaninov.. 😊😊 This copyright business can be black and white but normally it is not. It depends on a few things. Obviously first is, are you using copy written material, and, btw, where are you. There is no global copyright law as I understand it. Second are you making money by using the material . Third, are you hurting the income of the original copyright holder by doing it. And 4, can anyone be bothered to do anything . It is very hard to report copyright infringement on Patreon, They made it that way, we know it’s much easier on YT. You’re in Morocco! I really do not think any major media company is going to be bothered about you reacting to a few videos. Their paying public don’t watch your feed for the videos. We’ve all seen them. We watch to see you SoFie. Additionally, you’re certainly not taking any measurable revenue from anyone. If anything you’re advertising the shows, So .. Are you making any real income? Big picture is no - no dis intended. You don’t have 2.5m subs and 10m views a post. Further, not all the revenue you make is driven by the reactions. Are you taking revenue from the content creator? Nope… Will they do anything about you? First they would have to argue fair use with Patreon. Patreon has the pockets , not you, and in the US you go for the person with the money. Second they’d have to think are you helping theim sell the shows? Think about it, I’d say maybe yes… Is what you do even illegal? This is where I do not agree that it’s just black and white, not at all. IMO fair use covers a copy written work that is republished with some additional content where the additional content makes it sufficiently different from the original to be considered ‘fair’. That requires a lot of analysis, it is not cut and dried at all. If you just rebroadcast then yes for sure it’s illegal but reacting is different. There is a scale of virtually no additional comment or reaction - in which case it’s just a rebroadcast and we all know people that do that. At the other end are people like Liz at Charismatic Voice who add a huge amount of their own information which, along with her reactions, makes it fair use and original, There was a case where a channel with 2.5 million subs published content made by other people. Another company - opportunistically bought four. Then they essentially blackmailed the guys into paying a few thousand otherwise they would claim 4 separate strikes, I really don’t think the publishers of Buffy are going to sell their copyright. And have you seen the headline reels of Tyreek Hill? Seriously? You know how protective the NFL is…they don’t bother. They look at it as an advert for the sport. That’s the difference between completely taking all the revenue for.a copy written work with no added value - the first case, and taking no revenue and advertising the content on the second I think the reacting landscape has 4 groups of people. Those who stop all together because they would rather focus on original content. That’s great.. Those who make no effort to add content, the people whose ‘reaction’ is to answer their cell phone and text. There will be a group that cuts frames but that doesn’t make it any less copy written. One single frame is a copyright breach. Then you get to group four, I think this is the way to go. You adapt. We know that at some point.. probably when you’re too old to do reactions LOL, the people who will publish reactions will have to insert their own content. It won’t just be their emotional reaction, it’ll be more comments, observations, backstory. GOT has volumes of this and Joss Whedon would give Freud hand cramps writing notes. My guess on a 45 min show, if you have demonstrable reactions, and you do; and you can add say 5 -7 mins of observations it would be ok. It doesn’t have to be a steam of interruptions, you publish 22/22 so it’s easy to do 22/ 2 mins chat, 22 / 5 mins chat. Even that would do it. I think pulling in and cutting is going to reduce the attractiveness of the post. Things never stay still, they are either going up or down. I really think cutting is going the wrong way. We tune in to see you, you’re smart and very insightful and there is tons of information about all these shows that would make a commentary interesting. I’m a guy.. I have no clue what you girls see. I’m interested! Well unless it’s about how wonderful Elena is, but don’t get me started on that, and how do you all come to know vampires personally? Curious 🤔🤔 So i do not think reducing the length, cutting frames, is the way to go. Adding content around the videos to make them more you and less the video is safer and in the end provides more valuable content. But above all. Do not worry. In the grand scheme of things the companies that own the content you are using don’t care about you. I think this gives you a great opportunity to add value, keep the original length video, be safer on the copyright, and ultimately get paid the right amount for the enormous amount of work you put into this channel for us. On that note I am increasing my subs … just because you should not have to worry about all this. 💜💜💜