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Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o3ivwzx0na8xq9b/oth%204x12%20part2%20encode.mp4?dl=0

Part3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/16mru7d4dvmzlud/OTH%204X12%20PART3%20encode.mp4?dl=0



Jasmine Reigns

Pregnant Haley is the best, she’s hilarious 😂


I love this season and about Chase, I won't spoil it but I'll just say Chase isn't Felix lol. I didn't think I would but I ended up liking the whole clean teen story.

I Am Not Chamari (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-29 00:19:15 It's so funny because if Lucas and Peyton were in my class in high school, and they pulled some stuff like that, I would have rolled my eyes into oblivion lol But somehow, on TV, it's so good and romantic, albeit, a bit cheesy. Lucas and Peyton are genuinely so beautiful. I have been waiting for this since the first time they locked eyes with one another. Like, it's honestly amazing to see them so happy. The cookie scene with them is one of my favorite Leyton moments of the series! The Dan/Karen stuff I think genuinely makes me sick, like actually physically ill every time I see them onscreen. Even if Dan did have the purest intentions with Karen, how he talked to Deb is really unacceptable, especially after being married to her for 16 years, like, any man that talks to his ex-wife like that is VILE. Like, imagine being told by your abusive, sadistic ex-husband that he never loved you, after you loved him through all of his foolishness? Deb has done so much wrong in her life, but I will ALWAYS feel bad that she was married to that bastard. And the whole "nothing important" thing... I'm sorry. I would have tried to kill Dan myself. I really like Chase <3 But, more on that later!
2021-10-23 23:53:55 It's so funny because if Lucas and Peyton were in my class in high school, and they pulled some stuff like that, I would have rolled my eyes into oblivion lol But somehow, on TV, it's so good and romantic, albeit, a bit cheesy. Lucas and Peyton are genuinely so beautiful. I have been waiting for this since the first time they locked eyes with one another. Like, it's honestly amazing to see them so happy. The cookie scene with them is one of my favorite Leyton moments of the series! The Dan/Karen stuff I think genuinely makes me sick, like actually physically ill every time I see them onscreen. Even if Dan did have the purest intentions with Karen, how he talked to Deb is really unacceptable, especially after being married to her for 16 years, like, any man that talks to his ex-wife like that is VILE. Like, imagine being told by your abusive, sadistic ex-husband that he never loved you, after you loved him through all of his foolishness? Deb has done so much wrong in her life, but I will ALWAYS feel bad that she was married to that bastard. And the whole "nothing important" thing... I'm sorry. I would have tried to kill Dan myself. I really like Chase <3 But, more on that later!

It's so funny because if Lucas and Peyton were in my class in high school, and they pulled some stuff like that, I would have rolled my eyes into oblivion lol But somehow, on TV, it's so good and romantic, albeit, a bit cheesy. Lucas and Peyton are genuinely so beautiful. I have been waiting for this since the first time they locked eyes with one another. Like, it's honestly amazing to see them so happy. The cookie scene with them is one of my favorite Leyton moments of the series! The Dan/Karen stuff I think genuinely makes me sick, like actually physically ill every time I see them onscreen. Even if Dan did have the purest intentions with Karen, how he talked to Deb is really unacceptable, especially after being married to her for 16 years, like, any man that talks to his ex-wife like that is VILE. Like, imagine being told by your abusive, sadistic ex-husband that he never loved you, after you loved him through all of his foolishness? Deb has done so much wrong in her life, but I will ALWAYS feel bad that she was married to that bastard. And the whole "nothing important" thing... I'm sorry. I would have tried to kill Dan myself. I really like Chase <3 But, more on that later!

DazzleFae (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-31 08:38:09 Nathan, Mouth and Skills is such an underrated trio that I absolutely adore tbh... It's great! &lt;333 I love Chase! He's so sweet and just really good for Brooke, especially at this time in her life. It's good for her to be with someone who doesn't wanna have sex, because it shows her that guys can like her for more than just her body and there's just something so sweet about their relationship. Plus, he understands her pain that came from Lucas and Peyton as he's been through the same thing (of course, different situations. His girlfriend cheated on him because she wanted sex and he didn't, and so she had sex with his best friend. And Lucas and Brooke were having sex, but Lucas wanted the connection he had with Peyton. That's not to say there wasn't an emotional connection with Brooke and Lucas because there was, it was just a different kind of connection...) It's just nice for Brooke to have someone who she can be sure they actually like her for HER and not just for her body or for sex. It's really good for her. :) I despise Dan with my entire being. He is just awful. Yes, he has these small moments where he does something nice. But imo, right now, it's all cancelled out by the fact that he's lying to everyone about the fact that he MURDERED KEITH! He's literally manipulating everyone. He's making them think he's changing, that maybe there's hope for him, all while he murdered someone they all cared about deeply. If he truly cared about any of them, he'd tell the truth and turn himself in, do his time and just stay away from them. But he knows that none of them would want him around if they knew what he did, and yet he stays close to them. And it'll just make it worse for everyone if they do find out because they'll then have that knowledge that they were starting to trust the murderer, that they allowed him to get close to them. It's just cruel. It's honestly like he gets off on deceiving them. That the more time he spends around these people without them figuring him out, the better he feels. He's disgusting. He's an abusive asshole and a murderer and he should've honestly been in prison long before he killed Keith, because he was abusive to everyone in his life, and also there was that whole scam thing with his Dealership that Lucas and Andy figured out... I love how Nathan was like "Nope. I won't strip. That's too far and I have more dignity than that." then the second Haley is crying over not being able to afford a Prom Dress that'll fit her he's just like "Okay, I'll do it." He really does love her so much and it's so cute! And I love Peyton telling Lucas and Haley that Nathan and Skills are stripping. Poor Lucas probably had such mixed feelings about being there... Like, on one hand, he's now got some amazing teasing material for his brother. On the other hand, it's his brother and he does not wanna see him stripping... But I loved him covering Haley's eyes. Honey, it's nothing she hasn't seen before. How do you think she got pregnant with your Nephew? Haha I love them so much... And Haley and Peyton just having the time of their lives and loving every second of it! Perfect! And Bevin convincing Skills to go on Stage. Honestly, I feel like that's something where he'd regret it if he didn't. Like, there have been times I've planned to do something but at the last minute been too scared to do it and so I didn't, and then I just regret it forever. I would never strip on stage in front of a load of people, but I do think this is one of those things that if he didn't do it, he'd have regretted it... Plus, it made it so much more fun! Like I said, I love that trio! I love Peyton and Lucas having fun. They really deserve it... And Deb. Agh, it's so complicated and horrible. Because I do feel awful for her. Dan is horrible to her and she does not deserve it. But she was in Rehab. Karen got her into Rehab and she left because she didn't wanna get better. She can't then expect everyone to be sympathetic to her and all that. And the way she kept pushing the door to get into the apartment, when Haley was clearly on crutches and pregnant... Nathan has clearly had enough, as much as he loves her, and I can not blame him because she really has put him through a lot, and he's tried to help her, she just doesn't accept the help she's offered.
2021-10-30 17:54:07 Nathan, Mouth and Skills is such an underrated trio that I absolutely adore tbh... It's great! <333 I love Chase! He's so sweet and just really good for Brooke, especially at this time in her life. It's good for her to be with someone who doesn't wanna have sex, because it shows her that guys can like her for more than just her body and there's just something so sweet about their relationship. Plus, he understands her pain that came from Lucas and Peyton as he's been through the same thing (of course, different situations. His girlfriend cheated on him because she wanted sex and he didn't, and so she had sex with his best friend. And Lucas and Brooke were having sex, but Lucas wanted the connection he had with Peyton. That's not to say there wasn't an emotional connection with Brooke and Lucas because there was, it was just a different kind of connection...) It's just nice for Brooke to have someone who she can be sure they actually like her for HER and not just for her body or for sex. It's really good for her. :) I despise Dan with my entire being. He is just awful. Yes, he has these small moments where he does something nice. But imo, right now, it's all cancelled out by the fact that he's lying to everyone about the fact that he MURDERED KEITH! He's literally manipulating everyone. He's making them think he's changing, that maybe there's hope for him, all while he murdered someone they all cared about deeply. If he truly cared about any of them, he'd tell the truth and turn himself in, do his time and just stay away from them. But he knows that none of them would want him around if they knew what he did, and yet he stays close to them. And it'll just make it worse for everyone if they do find out because they'll then have that knowledge that they were starting to trust the murderer, that they allowed him to get close to them. It's just cruel. It's honestly like he gets off on deceiving them. That the more time he spends around these people without them figuring him out, the better he feels. He's disgusting. He's an abusive asshole and a murderer and he should've honestly been in prison long before he killed Keith, because he was abusive to everyone in his life, and also there was that whole scam thing with his Dealership that Lucas and Andy figured out... I love how Nathan was like "Nope. I won't strip. That's too far and I have more dignity than that." then the second Haley is crying over not being able to afford a Prom Dress that'll fit her he's just like "Okay, I'll do it." He really does love her so much and it's so cute! And I love Peyton telling Lucas and Haley that Nathan and Skills are stripping. Poor Lucas probably had such mixed feelings about being there... Like, on one hand, he's now got some amazing teasing material for his brother. On the other hand, it's his brother and he does not wanna see him stripping... But I loved him covering Haley's eyes. Honey, it's nothing she hasn't seen before. How do you think she got pregnant with your Nephew? Haha I love them so much... And Haley and Peyton just having the time of their lives and loving every second of it! Perfect! And Bevin convincing Skills to go on Stage. Honestly, I feel like that's something where he'd regret it if he didn't. Like, there have been times I've planned to do something but at the last minute been too scared to do it and so I didn't, and then I just regret it forever. I would never strip on stage in front of a load of people, but I do think this is one of those things that if he didn't do it, he'd have regretted it... Plus, it made it so much more fun! Like I said, I love that trio! I love Peyton and Lucas having fun. They really deserve it... And Deb. Agh, it's so complicated and horrible. Because I do feel awful for her. Dan is horrible to her and she does not deserve it. But she was in Rehab. Karen got her into Rehab and she left because she didn't wanna get better. She can't then expect everyone to be sympathetic to her and all that. And the way she kept pushing the door to get into the apartment, when Haley was clearly on crutches and pregnant... Nathan has clearly had enough, as much as he loves her, and I can not blame him because she really has put him through a lot, and he's tried to help her, she just doesn't accept the help she's offered.

Nathan, Mouth and Skills is such an underrated trio that I absolutely adore tbh... It's great! <333 I love Chase! He's so sweet and just really good for Brooke, especially at this time in her life. It's good for her to be with someone who doesn't wanna have sex, because it shows her that guys can like her for more than just her body and there's just something so sweet about their relationship. Plus, he understands her pain that came from Lucas and Peyton as he's been through the same thing (of course, different situations. His girlfriend cheated on him because she wanted sex and he didn't, and so she had sex with his best friend. And Lucas and Brooke were having sex, but Lucas wanted the connection he had with Peyton. That's not to say there wasn't an emotional connection with Brooke and Lucas because there was, it was just a different kind of connection...) It's just nice for Brooke to have someone who she can be sure they actually like her for HER and not just for her body or for sex. It's really good for her. :) I despise Dan with my entire being. He is just awful. Yes, he has these small moments where he does something nice. But imo, right now, it's all cancelled out by the fact that he's lying to everyone about the fact that he MURDERED KEITH! He's literally manipulating everyone. He's making them think he's changing, that maybe there's hope for him, all while he murdered someone they all cared about deeply. If he truly cared about any of them, he'd tell the truth and turn himself in, do his time and just stay away from them. But he knows that none of them would want him around if they knew what he did, and yet he stays close to them. And it'll just make it worse for everyone if they do find out because they'll then have that knowledge that they were starting to trust the murderer, that they allowed him to get close to them. It's just cruel. It's honestly like he gets off on deceiving them. That the more time he spends around these people without them figuring him out, the better he feels. He's disgusting. He's an abusive asshole and a murderer and he should've honestly been in prison long before he killed Keith, because he was abusive to everyone in his life, and also there was that whole scam thing with his Dealership that Lucas and Andy figured out... I love how Nathan was like "Nope. I won't strip. That's too far and I have more dignity than that." then the second Haley is crying over not being able to afford a Prom Dress that'll fit her he's just like "Okay, I'll do it." He really does love her so much and it's so cute! And I love Peyton telling Lucas and Haley that Nathan and Skills are stripping. Poor Lucas probably had such mixed feelings about being there... Like, on one hand, he's now got some amazing teasing material for his brother. On the other hand, it's his brother and he does not wanna see him stripping... But I loved him covering Haley's eyes. Honey, it's nothing she hasn't seen before. How do you think she got pregnant with your Nephew? Haha I love them so much... And Haley and Peyton just having the time of their lives and loving every second of it! Perfect! And Bevin convincing Skills to go on Stage. Honestly, I feel like that's something where he'd regret it if he didn't. Like, there have been times I've planned to do something but at the last minute been too scared to do it and so I didn't, and then I just regret it forever. I would never strip on stage in front of a load of people, but I do think this is one of those things that if he didn't do it, he'd have regretted it... Plus, it made it so much more fun! Like I said, I love that trio! I love Peyton and Lucas having fun. They really deserve it... And Deb. Agh, it's so complicated and horrible. Because I do feel awful for her. Dan is horrible to her and she does not deserve it. But she was in Rehab. Karen got her into Rehab and she left because she didn't wanna get better. She can't then expect everyone to be sympathetic to her and all that. And the way she kept pushing the door to get into the apartment, when Haley was clearly on crutches and pregnant... Nathan has clearly had enough, as much as he loves her, and I can not blame him because she really has put him through a lot, and he's tried to help her, she just doesn't accept the help she's offered.