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The episode was a roller coaster of emotions.

Sorry guys about the poor audio I didn't notice that the mic is off. So the audio that you're gonna here is just the camera's microphone 



Rio de Tanana

Tara is willing to stay friends, Oz went ballistic.


What an episode to come back to... we’re all with you when you feel conflicted. This show ... it so knows how to play with the heartstrings.


Great episode and great reaction, but I must say the green shirt and matching makeup was OP. I am one of the few that loves season 4 the best. I agree with you that it just has a bunch of bangers in there and comedy gold episodes. I’m always sad when reactors finish season 4, not that the others are bad, it’s just my favorite.


If Facebook had existed back then Willow's relationship status would have been set to it's complicated in this one.

Martin Waits

I'm not big on the S4 arc, but it has some amazing one-offs in there (like a couple top 10 episodes, at least).


That intro sums up Season 4 very well. A lot of the story arc stuff falls kinda flat for various reasons, but there's still tonnes of great episodes and moments, and a lot of important character stuff. It's probably my least favourite season over all (and 5 is probably my favourite) but it's by no means bad, just not as good. The overall average quality of Buffy and Angel episodes/seasons/storylines is so high that it's easy to be hard on the ones that aren't as good. IMO if Season 5 is an A+ then then I'd call Season 4 a B or B-. And if that's the worst the series does than we're pretty lucky as fans


It's funny how you try to have some big explanation why you think season 4 is better than season 3 and as good as season 2 when we all really know it's just because Spike.


are we getting the angel two parter tonight?


Can't wait for you to watch more Buffy! Became a Patron just so I could watch your Buffy reactions! :) P.S. I always love your reactions to Spike! I think he's everyone's favorite character lol