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This is a comment someone left me. Usually I don't think a lot about comments like this especially if they're not really that disrespectful. When I see a comment that effects me negatively I tend to just delete it and not think much about it even though sometimes you just can't help yourself but the reason why I shared this with you is that lately I've been getting comments like this not only on Youtube but on Patreon so I just want to see what you think guys and how you find my reactions so far? 

''Ong for such a dramatic scene you had to pause it again and again to take it what you’re seeing problem is it kills the emotional momentum for your viewers……..  

*buffy/james pulls a gun on Angel/Kathy.   And you need to point out that billets don’t kill vampires………….  

Thanks. Because I forgot that and am sure the writing staff did too.  So good thing you jumped on it straight away like it’s a mistake, instead of watching the rest of episode and seeing that facts plays a important role in the episode.  

An sorry but some of you reactors shouldn’t be called reactors.  Reactors, watch closely, take notes and react with their haptic and body language (not respond, and if they do wanna respond mid episode to something it better be gold.) and at the end they go through their notes. 

  You guys seem to prefer shouting at the Tv to prove how smart you are ( as if yelling at a recorded footage was t crazy enough) and yet many of the mistakes you guys were worse.  

You’ve turned ourself into the start of the video, rather than a chance to appreciate an episode with a first timer so we can empathise and remember what it was like back when they aired.  You shout your own lines the characters and involving yourself in fictional debates.    Nothing against you but would you rather see somebody react to your favourite show without every distracting themselves''



People seriously have nothing productive to do....this guy mad like you personally attacked him Lmao💀...its just a Tv show, chill


I’m sorry but all these comments sound like they were written by the same person, if they don’t like how you react they can just stop watching. They literally have nothing better to do than to criticize… Sofie you know most if not all of us here enjoy the way you react. You won’t be able to please everyone so at the end of the day do what you want to do and what makes reacting more enjoyable for you! 💜

Heather Hollenbeck

You shouldn’t worry about any of those commenters! You're one of my favorite reactors. I love how emotionally invested you get in all the characters :)


Ugh I completely disagree with this! I love how u pause the show and respond with ur thoughts and opinions. I personally don’t prefer to watch reactors that just sit there and don’t say anything. I also love how u pause because then u don’t miss anything. Overall, I love ur reaction style and it’s why I subscribe to ur Patreon!


Your reactions are just fine dw


You’re seriously my favorite reactor, if you reacted any different it wouldn’t be genuine 💖 Please please don’t change you’re perfect

Jessica George

I love your reactions. If you need to rewatch a scene you need to rewatch it. This person was over dramatic, and I think you reacted in your episodes with a reaction. Lol point being its your reaction. I only follow two reactors. You and one other person.


Some of the points he/she made...I can understand where its coming from, and I might even agree....but no need to be so aggressive about it lol

Mattisen Walter

I love how much you get into a scene. You are verydifferent than other reactors and I love that. If others don't, there are a lot more people to watch. You do you!!!


Omg please please PLEASE ignore this dumb idiot! Love your reaction and I think you actually catch onto a lot of the nuances that other reactors tend to miss. You laugh at the more mature and hidden jokes that we only notice after several viewings. You’re amazing and this “fan” should just stop subscribing and is trolling you. Please don’t stop what you’re doing!! Love your reactions!!!!!


Exactly, other reactors that don’t pause or give their opinions tend to be boring and miss a lot of things. If anything most reactors on youtube will pause and talk through out to avoid copyright as well

Jasmine Reigns

It’s called a reaction for a reason, they are your feelings/thoughts/opinions. How can someone tell you how to react to something that you’re seeing for the first time? The way that you get excited about certain things and characters , feel emotional for the shows displays how passionate you are about the programs you watch. This comment makes me upset personally because I have anxiety and would hate for someone to feel this way BUT they do have to realize that they cannot control everything. Sofie , you are an amazing reactor and human being , your reactions make my day more than you realize and I’m sure many people here feels the same Do NOT change who you are to satisfy others ❤️

Loved By You

You’re doing great. I think it could be helpful to sometime let things play out. You have such good intuition that you often guess things correctly before they even happen. Not a criticism, maybe just a tip. I love you’re energy though and way of looking at things.


Oh Sofie i get so much worse....but the point is they have a choice, watch your reaction or not. Nobody force them to stay. So if you cancel those posts that upset you (and you shouldn't get upset because you are here to have fun with us) they will take the hint, Unfortunately there are lots of people out there that have nothing better to do then be hateful and abusive. Be ruthless, make those comment disappear, take charge. Some people are out there only to be nasty, don't let them. Don't ever change the way you react, you have so many people here because they really like your style of doing and feeling things.❤️


Clearly someone who has poor real life relationships if they are instructing a reactor on how they should react instead of allowing someone else to have their own thoughts, feelings, and reactions to situations. "Reactor you didn't react how I want you to though!!!" How childish and immature, not to mention egocentric.


Sofie, please don’t take those comments personally. You’re very observant and analytical and it’s what makes your content so great. You aren’t a performer. You’re a reactor and and however you naturally react is what we all love about your content. There are always going to be trolls. That’s all they are tho..:just trolls. They couldn’t handle the pressure you have on your shoulders being a reactor for one day so just remember that they are talking from their behinds. Lol We believe in you and I hope you believe in you too! 💕


I love your reactions. Wouldn't pay for something I didn't really like. Also, whoever that is, is an ahole.


Don't listen to these haters. I think you are doing great. I really like your genuine reactions to things. What I love is the real love for the characters and the excitement when you see Spike, Cordelia, Wesley etc. And while its maybe better to wait until after a scene to pause its better to pause and get your thought out then to either talk over the lines and miss something or wait and then forget what you were going to say. I would just say maybe back it up a couple seconds when you pause and listen to the lines again if you missed something.


Don't think too much about this. Most people here love your reactions and how you react, otherwise we wouldn't pay for it. These people need to accept that people react differently to things. If you feel like you want to comment on a scene or something, do it. If all this person wants is to watch a person look at an episode without saying anything and smile from time to time, He/she should look somewhere else for it.


Everyone has different ways of enjoying things, reactor channels grabs the attention because the viewer usually wonders how someone else would react to a specific show/movie, for the most part the people are nice about it as you provide 100% real reaction to things, your invested, pay attention, and can guess the plot lines or know where a show/ movie can be going towards which requires a lot of attention and actually watching the show/movie to guess, but there is a small percentage of people out there that enjoy a show differently and sometimes might not line up with the way you react, which is ok, there is bound to be a hater in a sea of fans, there’s a quote that goes “if nobody hates you you’re doing something wrong” so whoever this person is can unsubscribe or cancel his patreon if he really dislikes your content, but if he’s doing it just to hate, you get free support from a hater 🤷‍♂️😅


These types of assholes have, unfortunately, been making the rounds with many reactors recently and just getting more and more cruel in their unwarranted attacks. It use to just be YT but now it's showing up in patreon comments and on their discords. I'll say the same to you as I would to any other reactor whether I watch them or not ... just do you. Your style, the shows you want, etc. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks so long as you're enjoying what you do. It should never be about pleasing others. The real sad thing about comments like this beyond, of course, the harm they do to you and other reactors is that it is completely antithetical to that which makes reactions great. You have a common media and get a chance to discover how another person, similar or not to yourself, respond to it. You can really learn a lot about different people, personalities, or even cultures if you just open your eyes. Instead you have some subset of people just just are assholes about wanting things their way and to show only their views... that's completely not the point of reactions. And targeted directly at any of the asshats if they're actually reading these comments: Piss off! Find the door and walk right the fuck through it.


These people probably comment negatively on every video they can. I wouldn’t give them any more thought. Your reactions are great! I like when you pause to talk about things so you don’t miss what’s happening in the show. This person seems to forget that we are watching these reactions for YOU. We’ve seen the episode, multiple times most of us, we don’t need the “emotional momentum” and it’s obvious that the emotional resonance works just fine for you. You are going fantastic. Haters gonna hate 🤷🏻‍♀️

Daniel Schlösser

Please don't think about changing your way of reaction. I love it, to pause sometimes and discuss some things is absolute ok, it make the reaction more lively and I really enjoy that. By the, way, I'm following many other reactors, and they are all different. Of course there were some reactors I stopped following after a few episodes because I really disliked their way of reaction. But there are sometime more than 100 paetrons who like them, so it's my personal problem. So I don't have the right to tell the reactor what he/she should do different, I leave quietly and that is it. It's ok do dislike a reaction, but nobody here has the right to dislike the reactor! There are so many different reactors for Buffy/Angel at the moment, and everyone can chose for himself what he enjoys. You are one of my favourite reactors, so stay who you are and don't give a sh... about some haters.

Laura Navarro Díaz

Just ignore them! If they don't like the way you react, they shouldn't watch your videos. It's as simple as that. You are great, I can relate very much with your fangirling, re-watching scenes, etc. You do YOU girl. Sending LOVE ❤️


This person is clearly not talking about you it seems but something else is bothering them and they're projecting the anger out on someone else for no good reason. Don't you think anywhere close to this being the truth. You are my favourite reactor so far ❤️ I love that you pause and rewind scenes to be able to enjoy a scene and also to understand the plot and nuances.


Sofie: Your reactions are perfect to MOST of us! Please keep doing exactly what you've been doing. It's YOUR reactions. There shouldn't be a right or wrong way to do so. There's no policy or guidelines for it. Only time I get irritated with a reactor is if they talk over most scenes or keep being distracted by something else.... cause we're not paying someone to react to their phones, etc. But you do not do any of that. Please keep being yourself!


Sofie, the way you delve into every scene, notice every little thing and express your thoughts about it, made you my favorite reactor. I really see that you are involved in the plot. Personally, I am not interested in looking at a person who silently watches an episode, periodically distracts from the screen and does not rewatch the missed parts. And then such reactors have questions and misunderstandings. That's not what I'm paying money for. So, Sofie, don't pay attention to this comment. If this person doesn't like your reactions so much, then why is he/she still watching you? I love your attentive reactions and immersion in the plot. So, keep up the good work.


Also I have to add (and I hope I'm not the only one who does this), I love your reactions so much that I tend to rewatch them while waiting for new ones LMAO thats how good they are for real

Roy Ben-Ami

IGNORE those comments SoFie! Everybody here LOVE your reactions and think ur amazing. Ignore the negativity, keep doing what you are doing and know that the vast majority of people support you and your channel! :D

Raven Dark

OMG, what this person is saying is laughable. Besides the fact that they apparently can't spell, to the point where I can't understand half of what they're even trying to say, they're telling you how you should react. WTF? You know what drives me nuts? When a reactor talks (or worse, shouts) all the way through a show, and then complains that what they see isn't making sense. They talk so much that they miss things, and then say the show is stupid because they weren't paying attention. I realize I sound like I am now saying how a reactor should react, but there are people who do that to the point where it becomes obnoxious and off-putting, or even rude. I love how attentive you are to a show, and your attention to detail is incredible. When you stop to rewatch a scene and make sure you get it, or pause to talk about something so you don't miss anything, to me, that shows an interest and respect for the show. This comment makes no sense. Ignore it. You're one of my favorite reactors, and this commentor is a troll.

Jose Garcia

Don’t stop pausing, I love it when you do that and talk, it makes you different and it’s great


I personally love your reactions and I'm 100% sure the majority of your viewers do as well. Unfortunately it is impossible to please everyone. That person sounds like a control freak. I mean seriously who is he/she, the reaction police? There isn't a standard way to react to tv shows, people need to chill. You're a great reactor Sofie, one of my favs. Just continue doing what you do and don't let negativity get to you.

Nicholas Corgan

You pausing to take in and react specifically to something big is actually great. There are some reactors (one particularly egregious) who have this level of reaction while the episode continues, which given the intensity, leads to them missing something immediately afterward and/or drowning out what they’re reacting to. Keep doing what you’re doing. It’s why we’re here.


Anyone can say anything. You just need to weigh how many people are saying this and how many are saying that. The number of subscribers is your scoreboard. You're going to get compliments and complaints. If the complainers still want to subscribe to your channel on Patreon - take their money! Don't let the compliments go to your head and don't let the complaints hit you in the stomach...

Nicholas Corgan

And for at least the Patreon commenters…you’re paying to be here. You’re giving money away for this. It’s completely voluntary.

King Author

There's a reason why you are a top rated reactor. Ignore those few whiners, you're still the best, and your numbers prove it. :)


This has occasionally bothered me a bit with some reactors, but never with you (and I've never posted a comment like that before on other people's channels, of course). To me when you pause more often than usual in a reaction, it just shows your excitement about the episode/scene. I think your in-the-moment reactions are delightful, but I also wanna hear your opinion if you feel like verbalizing it. Either way, it's clear to me that you don't think you know better than the show and that you are greatly enjoying it. I always wonder if people think they're being helpful with comments like these or if they're just angry at everyone on the internet not catering specifically to their preferences and just don't know how to not take it out on people. It is very, very strange to get super upset about reaction videos of all things.

Therese Larsen

Do not listen to that. Keep doing what you’re doing, I love your reactions, I like how you pause and then talk, you share your thoughts then and there, like while still feeling it. And you rewind the scene when you notice you talked over a bit or missed something. Love that. And sometimes you get so excited that you want to watch it over again, and that’s exactly how I am too 😅 The most annoying things reactors do imo is talking too much over the scenes, a short comment is ok but if you’re gonna ramble alot then you’re gonna miss something important or a certain scene I’ve been waiting for the reaction of. Reactors looking down on their phones a lot, and actually scrolling down, writing things withour looking up is annoying AF too. That’s just disrespectful especially to patreons who literally spend money on them.


Ever heard the phrase “making mountains out of moehills?” when someone makes a big deal out of nothing. Misery loves company. Don’t let the negativity bother you, it’s everywhere, there’s always gonna be people who don’t like you and that’s okay. I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with the way you react, in fact, it’s one of the reasons I even become a Patreon to begin with. Do your thing Sofie. PSA: If you don’t like someone reactions, un-sub and keep it moving, goodbye and good riddance. ✌🏾


Please don’t change let this the way you react. I love your reactions.


I like that random schmoe feels he can give advice on making reaction video which he most likely doesn't even do lol People really have nothing better to do than complain it's pretty shitty to you, ultimately if you don't like something you can ideally just look at any other content that strikes your fancy, but there' always going to be people like that ultimately you should do exactly what you've been doing, part of why we love reaction videos is because they are all different and unique to the person I wouldn't want you to change for the world or make it seem any other way, besides the things which you are replaying are usually the one that i love to see play again hahahaha


Please ignore this person. I personally only watch your Buffyverse reactions, and ur my fav reactor for a reason!! I love how you get emotionally invested in the characters, and pause to talk about ur thoughts!! Way more entertaining than watching a “reaction” where they barely talk LOL

Darrell Palmer

I'm here because I like your reactions and I want to encourage and enjoy them. Every reactor is different, so there is no RIGHT way to react. You are here to be honest and be you. If someone doesn't like that they should move on. Someone who sticks around and criticises your technique is someone who wants to dominate and control you. DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM

Sade L.

Sounds like a hater to me..you’re one of my favorite reactors so don’t change a thing. They can fuck off..respectfully


Ignore them sofie. I love your reactions or I wouldn't have paid to be here! God knows why that person is paying be here when they dislike how you react. So what if you rewind a scene to watch it again? It means youre invested and want to make sure you heard or saw everything and took it all in. I think that's great. As for viewer emotional investment...its not like we haven't seen these episodes ourselves before...

Shaun Houghton

I can understand the hurt and self doubt that comes from such comments. You're not going to please everybody, and some of them are going to be dicks about it. This person throws a hissy-fit because you didn't react how they wanted you to. Definition of entitlement if you ask me. Bottom line we are here, and we are many, that should tell you something.

Scott Kenney

I watch a number of reactors so I can enjoy their personal style. You don't owe anyone a reaction tailored to their expectations or whims. You are fabulous. The world is full of people who aren't happy unless they're complaining, just ignore them.


Everybody that does reactions does them in a different way,its supposed to be unique because everyone reacts in their own way and has their own opinions and views and ways of reacting. I love your reactions as they are and always really look forward to them! I hope you can continue enjoying making them and not pay attention to those comments.

Collete L

It's such an easy fix. If you do not like a reaction you can CHOOSE not to view the reaction or the reactor. I love your reactions Sofie. Please do not allow this person to cause you to second guess yourself. You are doing an awesome job.


If you don’t like how she reacts than you don’t have to watch her react and especially not if you’re gonna say that. I personally like the way she reacts so I watch her. It’s kinda simple 🤷🏼‍♀️


Lmao this guy is just a total fool. The complaints are so self centered and ego driven. It's not about you... It's about him, he wants everything exactly the way that is suited to be catered to his specific needs. He's a loser. He's wrong. And you should not take any of his words as truthful.


I’m so sorry. Your content is amazing! Don’t ever change just because some assholes don’t like it. They should just stick to what they enjoy and leave you alone. You don’t have to do this, you choose to. And we really appreciate it. 💖


Care not about some random idiot trying to change how you manage your ways. The best about your reaction is then you pause and play back things you think is funny, some times i pause and playback your playbacks and it is really satisfying to follow your Buffy reactions and listen to you, thank you!

Kristen Maddox

I'm sorry someone said this. I love you're reactions, you are one of my favorite reactors! :)


I love your reactions.. I watch just your TVD reactions, so I don't know what is this person talking about with this Buffy scene, but I just love your TVD reactions and they are something that I am really looking forward every week. I enjoy how you stop scenes so you can watch again, take emotions of the scene in or just simply talk about facts in the show so you show us that you remember these things. And if you didn't talk and rewind scenes when you don't understand something, I would not pay for it. I don't want to just watch it with you without knowing your thoughts about this scene and that scene... I want to know your reactions to it right that moment and not at the end of the episode. :) Thank you for all your hard work and don't mind the negative comments :)


im so sorry sofie :( youre my absolute favorite reactor and this just makes me sad. please try to ignore this person. the majority of us love ur reactions. i love the way you pause and talk, rewind so you dont miss stuff and to understand the scene, i love to see ur excitement and how you wanna rewind a scene cause you love it. your reactions are perfect to me, dont let a random person change the way you react. if they think you should stop pausing cause it “ruins the scene” for them then they can simply go watch the episode on their own. we are here for your reactions! some ppl just sit and stare at the screen, you actually REACT and tell us what youre thinking which is how its supposed to be.

Audra Foxgrove

If the dude doesn’t want to see someone talk during the show, he should probably just rewatch the episode. I mean???? If people don’t like your style, they can just not watch!


That person is an illiterate jerk… Personally I prefer when you watch the WHOLE scene the first time through and THEN go back and rewatch and parse it out with your insights. It maintains the emotional momentum for you and also allows you to share your intellectual opinions.


I love your reactions, Sofie. They are truly genuine, and I`m glad you stop the video to voice your intellectual opinions on the matter because you always go back to re-watch it again so it's not like you miss anything. This guy is just a clown and for some reason thought he needed to voice his opinion that makes absolutely zero sense. You`re doing amazing, Sofie and we all love you for experiencing this journey with us. Stay strong love, and ignore the trolls.


Ngl, I felt drunk trying to read that.

Maria D. Roman

Don't let this bother you. I joined as a patron in June. Needless to say, I love your reactions, they are honest, sincere, funny, and sad (In other words, very human). No need to change on the account of someone so insensitive, keep it up!!! :)

Idun V

I absolutely LOVE your reactions, I'm always highly excited when you upload something because I love how you do your videos. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you pausing is one of my favourite things about you! I love how excited and into it you get. The fact that you pause and rewind makes me SO happy, I always know that you won't miss things and that you take your time to figure things out. If people have an issue with how you react then you're just not their type of reactor and they should go somewhere else. If I don't feel like watching something you rewinded I'll just skip forward in the video, much rather that than you missing things. The way you do things is perfect and the majority of your viewers will agree with that. The person who left that comment was just being rude while trying to pretend like they were giving constructive criticism. None of what they said made any real sense and they were very mean about it. They don't deserve your attention.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Sofie is hands down the best TVD reactor out there. Everyone is entitled to their stupid opinion, but don't you fuck up Sofies day!


It really is TRUE though...I think i've watched at least 2-3 or three reactors going end to end on TVD and hers is the best, she's somehow always enthousiastic and excited at the stuff that I found exciting and we think the exact same way about the show as far as i'm concerned, and for the guy saying' she doesn't pay attention' or whatever screw that, she get's and understand the show more than anyone would on first viewing!


you put it so perfectly! and i think what you said is very fair. what sofie is doing is nothing wrong bc shes not missing anything, its one thing to not like her reaction style but she is giving us patreons the quality we deserve for paying. i had to stop supporting this one guy because he kept looking at his phone without pausing and then complained like you said. it was extremely frustrating. when they cant even pay attention to the show its straight up disrespectful bc people are literally paying to see their reaction. like the least you can do is look at the screen hello??


Before I get into my comment, I will preface it by saying I haven't read the 81 above comments and while I know I am probably repeating most of what has been said above, I am going to do the one thing that is my biggest pet peeve and repeat something that's already been commented and do so if only to reassure Sofie that she is doing EXACTLY what I want to see. I watch reaction videos because I want to see their REACTION. I am curious if they will have the same one as me or a completely different one. I want to hear their views and comments as their watching, lest they forget at the end. I am not here to "watch" the show again. I've seen it, many times. Thank you, Sofie for giving me exactly what I want to see, I understand how a comment like this can ruin your day, as I am sensitive to things like that as well. I hope my comment and others has encouraged you.


I am so sorry you have to deal with this bullshit, bc that's all it is. Your reaction is unique and that's the way it should be. I watch a lot of reaction videos and I like all of them because they are different. If someone doesn't like it, then imho they should just leave. There is nobody forcing them to be here, but they don't have to post hateful shit just bc they have a different pov. Please don't be discouraged by people like that. Their lives are obviously hella boring and sad if that is how they choose to spend their free time.

Bec van til

Girl…… don’t you change a damn thing!! The majority of us absolutely LOVE you and your reactions! I will support you forever!!! I love how emotionally invested you get, it makes me feel like I’m seeing the shows again for the first time and that’s the whole reason I even watch reactions. Your are authentic AF and that is all we need from you. Xxx


What the hell.. your type of reactions are exactlyy the reason i watch your reactions.. i like when reactors talk about the scenes right away.. When some reactor does rewievs at the end of the episode I skip it. We love you!! Ignore that crap.. :)

Jay zay

Honestly does not matter at all. Watch it how u want to watch it. Don’t change for anyone. You can repeat a tvd scene 20 times over if u want😂😂 maybe then I will start losing my shit but It still wont matter cause at the end most people here appreciate and enjoy ur content 🤝


Don't mind the haters, you're doing a great job. There's been a few times when a line that I love has either gone over your head or maybe it just didn't strike you the way it does me, but then you'll point out some other line in the next scene that I never thought much about and I'll gain a new appreciation. That's the great thing about reactors, you see things through OTHER peoples eyes. This person seems like they just want to watch themselves watching with no input from an outside personality. Very strange that they'd subscribe then type that. Combining this with their horrible grammar and disjointed thought patterns, I'm guessing they were wasted while writing this. Just keep doing you, it's working just fine!

Thom Purdy

Honestly, every reactor has their own style. You do you. I wouldn't be subscribed to you if I didn't enjoy your reactions. My only concern when a reactor talks over dialogue, is that they sometimes miss important information about a character, or the plot, or even a funny line. I used to worry more about it until I realized that reactors usually have the subtitles on, so they can read what they may not have heard.