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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1jevt2ta503jeyb/The.Vampire.Diaries.S06E06.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




lmaooo it's so funny to me that you read Caroline's "I don't wanna be friends anymore" as Caroline stating that she wants more, because the vibe I got was way more "he's been a terrible friend and person to her lately and now he's trying to get past it without offering even ONE word of apology and she's fed up with it." Like if I were in Caroline's shoes I wouldn't want anything to do with him either until he did a little more groveling. Like yes, she does want him as more than a friend, and that's definitely a part of why his actions have hurt her feelings so badly--but I think it does Caroline a disservice to sum it all up as "she's just mad because she wants to date him." Like, no, she's mad because he abandoned her for months and then was an asshole to her, and doesn't seem sorry for any of it. Which hurts even more than it would if they were just friends, BECAUSE she has those romantic feelings for him

Jay zay

The reason Damon doesn’t tell them bonnie was there with him is because he thinks she is dead. She was hurt pretty bad and he didn’t get a chance to heal her. So doesn’t want to get their hopes up by telling them bonnie was there with him. He knows they will try and find a way to see if she is still alive and if she isn’t it will just break their hearts all over again

I Am Not Chamari

Completely agree. Stefan acted like a complete and total jackass towards her, to a point where there's no going back to the way it was, past her own romantic feelings. She can't currently see anything in him that she likes. He's not worth the energy anymore.


I absolutely love that Damon is back and this episode was centered around his return to the real world! I am ecstatic. As excited and relieved and emotional as Elena would be if she had her memories right now. Seriously I have never been happier to see someone come back to life. Amusing as he’s been thus far this season, Damon is at his best when he’s left to his own devices and driving everyone a little crazy. Besides, I know I’m not the only one still drooling over the return of his leather jacket. He looked delicious in this episode. And I can’t say I’m sorry to see that plaid go. Now then. Let’s revisit that tear-inducing brother reunion that closed the previous episode shall we? I don’t even know where to begin. There’s just so much to say. But I was happy that they continued from the scene in the crypt. The brothers spoke about what has happened in brief and I was really glad that Damon told Stefan about what happened and how he is back because Bonnie the ever so wonderful gave him the chance. And therefore Damon has been able to keep his promise to his brother and Elena that he will come back. I think I’ll start with fatalist turned optimist Damon Salvatore’s blanket declaration that Elena Gilbert loves him enough to break through her compulsion just by looking him in the eyes. Is this seriously the same man who thought he and Elena were doomed just last season? And now here he stands absolutely convinced that just seeing Elena will solve everything. That what they have is so powerful it defies compulsion and controls the very balance of nature. Damon is so sure of him and Elena he’s not even worried about the loss of her memories. He’s certain nothing could erase how she feels about him. He’s right too. Regardless of what she might say to the contrary. Elena has no idea what she is about to encounter in resurrected Damon. She isn't able to understand how all the bad things she remembers about Damon can balance out the bad but she is in for something amazing. And how could she know? Damon’s good is so unlike anyone else’s she can’t even picture it in her mind. Just like when they were first getting to know each other back in season one, when every ounce of good that Damon ever showed in Elena’s presence was like a shock to her system. Because it is. His particular brand of love and light and heroism and selflessness is nothing she could ever wrap her mind around without seeing it for herself. And once she starts to see that again that is how she’ll start to understand that for as bad as Damon has been and is capable of being, it’s nothing compared to how beautiful he is with his humanity. It won’t even take very much. Just hearing him speak and looking at his face will make her realize the Damon she remembers is light years behind the one that has just returned. He’s changed more than she could ever know right now. For the better. The reunion scene was like a reunion without it being a reunion. It was like a dream. The fact that he blatantly threw back to the phone conversation where she first told him she loves him is just ridiculous. He remembers every interaction between them, in person, over the phone, or otherwise, in perfect detail. Just like uncompelled Elena did. In fact, before Elena was compelled, she proved she values her history with Damon just as much as he does. She remembers it all, right down to how she felt in the moment, what she was thinking and the impact it had on them going forward. “Oh come on Elena. You’ve compelled enough people to know it’s just a way of covering the truth. And no matter how badly you want it done it doesn’t make it any less of a lie.” This is why she doesn’t stand a chance. Not just because of how different he is in comparison to the version of him she holds in her reconfigured memories. But because his memories are still intact. Which means he knows her too well. Even better than she knows herself right now. He knows exactly what to say to get her to question her decision to remain compelled. Damon knows Elena would never want to live a lie. She would never want her life to be predicated on something that isn’t real, that isn’t the absolute truth. Yes she chose this compulsion knowing it would be a complete fabrication. But she also thought Damon was gone. Desperate times and all that. This is different. She can’t hide behind the compulsion now because Damon is back. She can’t pretend there’s no history between them just because she doesn’t remember it. And deep down, she doesn’t really want too. A part of her will always wonder about Damon and what they had if she tries to hide from it. And I have to say this when he says that he has waited to hear her breathe, omg my heart. For the love of god I think I passed out. I can’t believe he said this. Damon clung on to just the sound of her breathing through that door. She didn’t even have to say anything. He was content to listen to her lungs expand and contract. He was comfortable basking in her silence. They are all about silence. For as obnoxious and overbearing and fierce as they are capable of being, their entire relationship is really founded in silence. Unspoken conversations and soft touches and gestures of pure, honest intimacy. They communicate best with their eyes. Their touch. Their smiles. Their laughs. Things can’t go back to the way they were. Even if Elena had been able to break the compulsion by going to Alaric before he became human again or by looking Damon in the eyes, their relationship has still changed significantly in the last four months. Damon died. And Elena was so destroyed and distraught she turned to drugs and compulsion just to manage her grief. That kind of rupture in a relationship doesn’t come without consequences. If Elena suspected before Damon’s death that she couldn’t live without him, now she knows. Uncompelled, she’s felt exactly how horrific and empty her life is without him in it. She understands precisely how deep and uncontrollable and all-consuming her love for Damon is. But Damon doesn’t. He has no idea how awful it was for her after he died. He doesn’t know that she couldn’t even entertain the notion that she would never see him again because every time she tried to accept it, the pain she felt was as visceral as actually dying. And that’s something Damon has to discover for himself before Elena can get her memories back. Because once she does break the compulsion, she will be more dependent on him than ever, so relieved he returned to her but frightened beyond reason that she’ll lose him again. Damon thinks he knows exactly how much Elena loves him. But he really doesn’t. He’s barely felt a whisper of what she really feels. He doesn’t even know about the drugs. As if voluntary compulsion isn’t extreme enough by itself, wait until he finds out she spent the entire summer hallucinating him just to get through the day. If she had been the one to die he’d have reacted just as she did. He’d just turn to different coping mechanisms. Damon doesn’t truly appreciate how alike they are. Not just in the way they love but in the way they grieve. In the way they express their thoughts and emotions. He must understand that before they can move forward. Before they can transcend to the next stage of their ever-evolving romance. Because when they do reunite, things will different. They will be better. I know we would have loved a happier reunion but given the circumstances I was still very impressed with the way things are going. Damon and Elena have never had anything easy and this time too it won't be easy but it will be worth it because they know it is worth fighting for. Speaking about Elena running out the window. Let's talk about how flustered she was just by Damon's voice that she had to get out to escape from the feelings he was stirring up in her. There was a door between them and he still effected her so much that she was afraid to see him face to face. She doesn’t even understand how she could’ve ever loved Damon to begin with. And after one conversation through her dorm door she’s already positive that the compulsion didn’t bury her feelings for Damon as deeply as she thought. She’s certain that if hearing his voice had that much power over her, seeing him would unravel everything. Even though her mind has been tricked into thinking that she hates him she still feels something for him. The whole point of her forgetting about Damon and their love is about her going through the battle of her mind and her heart once again. She thinks it is better if he isn't a part of her life but it will be interesting to see her figure if it really is the truth. Because for me this is all about the writers screaming out loud that Damon is the only choice for her and will always be the best one. Much of season five was focused on the dangerous dependence Damon and Elena have on each other. That is where the notion of their supposed toxicity came to light. It's what they tried to eradicate when they broke up. But the thing is that dependence is part of the deal when you love someone as they much as they love each other. Dependence was really their problem, that wasn't why they were becoming toxic. It was how they dealt with it. But they have moved on from those issues. And no matter how conflicted Elena must be feeling she still is effected by Damon because this guy has gotten under her skin and although she doesn't remember it we can see it even now. She is meant to hate Damon but at the second she knows that he is kidnapped, she is panicking. Like she is terrified to lose him all over again. Because her love isn't gone. She has just hid it away when she was compelled. And while talking about Damon's character development I forget about how much Elena has grown up. As a human I would never think that Elena would have been so quick to decide that she wants her memories back. And she certainly won't have done so because she knows she doesn't all have the facts. But now she has evolved beyond. She understand that it isn't smart to make hard and fast decisions for herself without knowing as much as she can about the parties involved first. She knows she has no business disregarding Damon and what they have just because she doesn't remember. She has to fill in the blanks in her head before she really makes a choice about him.

Alejandra Pacheco

Are you posting oth today or tomorrow Sofie ? Pd: love ur reactions babe


Stefan cannot keep having the same attitude he had with young Elena, with Caroline. He never apologise, he never get call off or get accountable for his bad behaviour, he never have to work for forgiveness, forgiveness is usually hand over to him on trust that he is a good person, so he aspect that everybody because of that just let him have a free pass just like that. Elena was 17 and in a vulnerable state. Caroline is an adult now and she can discern bad behaviour, and she has, rightfully so, a healthy degree of self respect. It is very understandable that Stefan was shattered by Damon’s death, and I’m the first one to defend him for having shutting off his life everybody, to be able to grief his brother. But I also can see Caroline point of view. He just shut down any communication with her specifically, but not entirely with Alaric or Elena. She was supposed to be his best friend, or so she thought they were and he never asked her how she was doing. To top that, he dumped his vampire girlfriend on her lap with the intention to disappear; he hand over Enzo to the hunter, making everybody in danger. She is pissed with him. He should have apologised instead of asking her what does she wants from him. Damon and Elena. We have the measure of how much Damon loves Elena and how much Elena instincts reach out for him, even though consciously she doesn’t remember and her thinking of being so much in love with someone is scary, per se. Adding to that, by accepting the fact that she is in love with Damon, she has to accept the fact that she is a different person from what she is pretending to be, that her present happiness is a lie. Admitting that she is in love with Damon, she will also have to face the herself she doesn’t know now. So we will see how that will play out. If it wasn’t for the Elena’s compulsion, I would be entirely happy with Alaric back as human and restored the original gang as he was. Gang that is lacking of one central component now, Bonnie. She, as Damon, is the central to everybody’s emotional relationship Damon included. She is the only one that could fully understand his predicament and the one Damon is yearning to confide his feeling to, he misses her. That phone call was adorable.


And I know I mentioned last time too but Damon this season is too damn adorable. With him breaking into her dorm, getting super disgruntled with the fact that she got rid of all the pictures she used to have of him and then drawing a stick figure version of himself next to a picture of her from her graduation. With him calling Bonnie specifically to thank her for sacrificing herself so he could come back and be with Elena because he promised he would make it back to her. With his nervous priming after Elena agreed to meet him. He was like a giddy teenage boy getting ready for his first date with the girl he has been secretly crushing on. It was just too cute. It reminded me of Elena's equally nervous primping at the Miss Mystic Fall's pageant during her senior year. Because of course they must parallel each other in everything. It 's such an honest to god human thing to do that it makes me forget for a second that he 's a badass century and a half old vampire who just returned from the dead. The little moment where he misses Bonnie and conveys the same to her voicemail was all heart. Because it is understandable that although he is very grateful and happy to be back, it must be a slightly new feeling to be back and that too without your friend. So appreciate that scene because it showed us that he didn't forget about it. I can't even begin to tell how happy it makes me to see Stefan being so openly supportive of Elena and Damon. I have waited so long for him to reach this point. It is nice to see the brothers being able to speak to each about their love life without being worried that it can be hurting the other person. Finally they have rekindled their brotherly bond and stop pretending that they hate each other. Damon's death really was the best worst thing to have ever happen in this show. Stefan Salvatore shipping Delena is the best thing right now because although Damon was very sure that Elena is the happiest with him, there is a part of him and some may say a larger part that only really wants what is best for her. And more often than not in Damon's mind, what is best for Elena is what she says she wants. Even if she is completely wrong, that doesn't matter to Damon. He just wants her to have what she wants in the moment, regardless of the consequences it might have for him. It's how he has loved her from the beginning. He is entirely selfless with her. And I feel that Elena is scared to be uncompelled because she knows that having her memories being erased is a extreme step for to even be thinking about and yet she did go ahead with it. So on one hand she is trying to understand how could she possibly love Damon but she also knows that she really must love him otherwise why would she choose to take such extreme measures. And that can be scary. To love someone so much that losing them makes you do something you can never thought you would and now they're back so is it best to live without the memories and never go through it again? Caroline and Stefan are going to going through a phase where everything is going to the point of starting from the beginning. He has been his worst with her so far from her pov and I understand what the writers are trying to do. It goes back to 'hate is the beginning of a love story'. They are being stripped down so they can build them up. She is fed up with him at this point and it is absolutely understandable. He cannot just think that without any reflection he can just ask them to move past the four months. And I am glad that Caroline is not going to make it easy because he needs to understand although he didn't intend it but he has hurt her really badly. She has felt lonely and used and he needs to recognize that and apologize by sharing his side of story too. Stefan is feeling lost because this is the first time he is being asked to be accountable and it is nice.


This is frustrating simply because I can't put myself in Elena's shoes, because all I will say is if this was me, i would at least want to know before I have such an opinion of someone knowing it's probably not right according to my former self. Just know the whole story and then make up your mind. If you hear me out this may yet be a really good thing they did for Elena and Damon, they have been in a relashionship for 3-some would argue 4 seasons now, their passion can only start to fizzle out from here, the way this whole thing is done to me strengthens Delena in assuring us that they are meant to be, and the fact that there is always things in their way while very frustrating just proves how strong their love is. Better strap in for Episode 7 because it's an absolute rollercoaster and I LOVE that episode and one of the scenes central to it.


Finally, Stefan thought to pull two people out of the car at once. (Just kidding) That's why I was so angry about Elena's decision to erase her love for Damon. I knew something was going to go wrong. You can't be so careless about magic, thinking that everything can be returned back. Girls, thank you for your wonderful comments. Sofie, thank you for delighting us with your reactions. It's a pity that I don't have enough time to write here, but I'm still here, watching and reading.


"Finally, Stefan thought to pull two people out of the car at once" 🤣🤣🤣


So I found something you guys (NOT Sofie!! Sorry spoilers) might be interested in from TVD. Entertainment Weekly is doing a binge thing where they watched Vampire Diaries and are doing 8 episodes talking about each season of the Vampire Diaries with different people. They have Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson (I think that's his name) for Season 1, Paul and Nina for Season 2, Clair Holt and Julie Plec for Season 3, etc etc First episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-yT7ejRBUA


I know I've watch it, but the host is so shamefully bias, like a 10 years old child. 4 seasons and they hardly spoke of Damon like he was a marginal character and Stefan is portrayed like the good brother because the host afully grown up lady is like "Ohhh Stefan is my heart and soul" 🙄 so 4 season discussion like Stefan is the only main character....not to mention same treatment with Bonnie....What a shame, this could have been a great opportunity to really explore things in a way that was never explored, should have the host being a more intelligent person, unfortunately she is not the sharpest tool in the box. You should read the complains underneath...


Bamon and The Salvatore’s are my favorites. Even over Delena. Crazy cause I didn’t think that would be possible lol