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Top tier episode. Great reaction as always. Buckle up!

Muhammad Hassan

Will Tvd come today? Asking because it was written on the schedule.

I Am Not Chamari

I forgot Lucas wasn't in this episode. Still an excellent one! The whole Rachel/Cooper storyline is annoying as all hell and I hate that they made Rachel, who was in high school, this devious seductress that Cooper just couldn't help but to be seduced by. Bottom line is she's in high school and she does not have the power in the relationship. Sure, she shouldn't have lied about her age, but these kinds of storylines are really damaging to put into teen television, anyways. But, with who the creator and showrunner is, why am I even surprised? Brooke was really mean this episode. I honestly didn't like it. Sure, she doesn't like Rachel, but the insults were super uncalled for and unnecessarily catty in my opinion. Jake and Peyton... I have to be honest. I never really liked "stepmom Peyton," which is essentially what she is in her relationship with Jake, even before asking him to get married. Even if they don't get married, if she's in a relationship, that's what she'll be and I always wanted more for her of I'm being honest. Jake is great and they have good chemistry and she loves him a lot. But, she was clearly drawn to Jake because of Jenny, and her desire to be a part of a family. I don't think she should give everything she has going for her in her life for Jake and Jenny.


Loved your reaction to seeing Nathan in Lucas' jersey! Seriously, I share how much you appreciate and notice all the little moments between the Scott brothers, even when one of them is not even present in the episode. They're so underrated. Also, Nathan was so good in this episode. I agree with you about Dan and that Nathan will be better off without him, but I can't help but feel bad for Nathan, because this is still his dad, and my heart just broke when they showed us Nathan's face, when Dan told him that he was proud of him and loved him, I mean, even when you hate your father, hearing these words from him means a lot. About Peyton and Jake, I just love them, and it's always a joy to see Jake, so I enjoyed these moments in the episode, but I can't deny that Peyton was desperate and it's kind of a cry for help, because she needs someone, and she's still going through Ellie's death and a lot is going on with her. Still, I love them together and I want them together, it's just so difficult, as you said, we admire Jake because he is amazing and he is ready to do anything for those he loves, and he puts them ahead of his needs. Anyway, I guess we'll see what happens? And I'm sorry, but I thought Brooke was pretty funny in this episode. Although she really should let go and not be so cruel to Rachel anymore, regardless of whether she deserves it or not. Oh and you're so close to the season finale!