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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5p6rkxty35yyi15/The.Vampire.Diaries.S06E05.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




The Defan scene at the ending! One of the best scenes in tvd♥️♥️

Jasmine Reigns

The hug still makes me tear up 🥺 Paul Wesley perfected the art of sad/surprise/relief ✨ Phenomenal acting . Bonnie Bennett being the savior yet again 😣 , Tyler and Liv really grew on me this episode for sure. Overall this episode was really good ❤️


I told you this episode is everything you want. Damon and Bonnie, freacking Bonnie sacrificing herself for the people she loves, and this time the one she loves is Damon, how bitter sweet this is. And the last scene Damon and Stefan, is the best scene of all TVD, that embrace encompass all that Stefan felt in this period, how much not being with Damon made him totally lost. That embrace... Damon with those big puppy eyes resting his head on Stefan shoulder and Stefan totally abandoning himself in the arms of his big brother and crying of relief and joy, so beautiful, so emotional, so poetic. The acting is outstanding and is all in their faces, in their eyes. I agree with you 100%, the show main story is about those two, the brothers, and everything else revolve around then; and even though Stefan and Damon in season one had lots of issues, resentments and misunderstanding, I don't believe they ever stopped loving each other, and that is beauty of TVD, Defan, their brotherly love is everyting you want from a TV show.


The scene in the family crypt is the always going to be one of the top favourite scenes of TVD. Everything about this scene made me cry. The song choice, the crypt and Stefan's speech. The hug! It was perfect symmetry. An ingenious move on the writers’ part. Damon shared his last moments on the other side with Elena in that same crypt. He gave her the goodbye instead of his brother because she’s the one who made his entire 173 years of life worth living. Even though she couldn’t hear him, he still told her ‘I love you’ one last time in the only way he could. He still wanted to thank her for giving him the life he always wanted. Elena shared her last moments with hallucination Damon in that same crypt. She gave him the goodbye she’d been incapable of giving months beforehand. Even though it wasn’t really him, even though he couldn’t hear her, she still told him ‘I love you’ one last time in the only way she could. She still wanted to thank him for giving her the life she always wanted. So with that in mind, it's only fitting that when Damon returns, it's Stefan that meets him first instead of Elena. Because right now, Only Stefan can truly appreciate the miracle of Damon's return. Stefan looking in disbelief and somewhere slightly happy to be even thinking that even if it was a dream it was something he was planning to stay in the moment. I’ve never thought of him more as a younger brother who just needs his older brother than I did here. The relationship growth between these two is outstanding. I never believed for once that these two could have stopped loving each other because of a third person honestly. I never was scared about it because even if it was about Elena, we saw that Damon did not chose to be selfish and these two have dealt with this situation in the past and that didn't break them. It was never about a third person, always about them and their own misunderstandings and lack of communication was the issue. But thanks to their love for Elena, they ended up spending more time together and rebuilding the broken relationship but also their own will. As we saw in the flashbacks, Damon did want to be with his brother even after he found out that Katherine wasn't in the tomb and now Stefan has experienced that he is lost without Damon. The admission of love and need for one another is everything they needed.


As much as I hate hearing Elena refer to Damon so negatively, this story line is still a stroke of true brilliance. When she is speaking to Alaric about how she cannot possibly fathom why she would want to remember loving a serial killer, I realise that she thinks she loved him for his darkness. But that is not the truth and that is exactly what she has missing from her memories. She knows nothing about her relationship with Damon except that she loved him and he died. She doesn’t have any specifics, doesn’t recall how she fell for him or why or what about losing him hurt her so much she even felt the need to resort to compulsion at all. Yet despite these lapses in her memory she’s still gravitating towards him in her own way. And that’s the real genius here. It’s why her memories, while important, are not the basis of her feelings for Damon. She doesn’t understand it was not the darkness but actually the opposite. It’s his humanity, his moments of strength and heroic tendencies that make remembering him impossible for her right now. And that is exactly what it is going to drive her back into his arms I believe. She is not prepared to meet Damon who has his humanity and who actually has an upper hand because he knows her better than herself. She has no defense against Damon. She thinks not having her memories protects her from being drawn to him, keeps her from feeling the impact of his loss. But she has no idea how wrong she is going to be. Because the Damon she has in her head, the one she remembers, is nothing like the Damon she’s about to see again. He’s changed significantly, mired so deep in the trenches of his humanity that he’s almost unrecognizable to her in this state. Because the real beauty of Delena is that they aren't about their memories. It doesn’t matter when they met or where or how. The circumstances are not important. It's about who they're as people and how they make each other feel. In this episode, Elena tells Liam that she doesn't think he is her type but later she tells him that she saw him as hero and therefore he is her type. Now this definitely isn't a coincident. Liam is so unimpressive as a character that I actually laughed when Elena said this. He’s so undeserving. But that doesn't mean I don't see the underlying symbolism in this little epiphany of hers. Elena likes guys who can be selfless. Calm in crisis. Strength in weakness. Who can shine a light in dark times, sometimes without even trying. Those were initially the traits that Elena saw in Stefan, the ones that brought her comfort after her parents died. She felt safe with him and secure in their relationship because Stefan was more than just some immortal vampire. He used his vampirism and eternal life for heroic pursuits, like saving her, a complete stranger at the time, from a car accident or sacrificing himself to Klaus to save his big brother. Elena is right. She does have a type. But it’s nothing so generic as a 'hero.’ She is not made for a collection of different men who could fit that trope. She is made for one hero and and only one. Damon. Because Damon is more than just some hero to Elena. He far and away eclipses anything heroic Stefan or Liam or anyone else has ever done for her or around her. Damon is Elena's hero. That’s what she was really saying to him when she told him goodbye in the season premier. She thanked him for saving everyone. For giving her the life she always wanted. For loving her as she always wanted to be loved. What she was really doing was thanking him for saving her. He’s her hero, personally, above and beyond everyone else she knows because he didn’t just save the people she loves. He didn’t just save the town. He saved her. Over and over again. everyday for three years he saved her in ways she never fully understood or appreciated at the time. And he didn’t simply save her life. He saved her soul. He resurrected her, dragged her back from a darkness and depression and apathy for her own survival that threatened to destroy her. And that’s a kind of heroism that no one in Elena’s life can ever measure up too. Especially not Liam. There’s a reason the writers spent 6x01 and 6x02 hammering into our heads that Damon was everything Elena wanted. Because he was and still is, even if she cannot remember. Because even without the benefit of her memories, there are qualities in Damon that resonate so powerfully with her she unconsciously seeks them out in an attempt to fill the void left by his absence. It won’t work of course. Only Damon can eradicate that hollow space in her soul. But it is the yearning that matters most here. And Damon is so adorable this season, I cannot say enough. The way he was messing around with Bonnie and discussing his date plans with his girl was super cute. 'My Girl', he has called Elena a couple of times but hearing him say it even after four months of being in another dimension is a different feeling. It is about knowing how he feels so comfortable and confident about their love. Just another sign of his character development.


Stefan's sad puppy face never gets old


Stefan and his interaction with Caroline and Alaric were painful to watch to a certain extent. Because I know that Alaric is missing his best friend and because he was led to believe that Stefan was looking for a way to bring Damon back which was not the truth does explain his anger towards Stefan. Likewise with Caroline, I can understand why she is getting very tired and frustrated with seeing Stefan being nothing like how she is used to seeing him but I feel really bad thinking that everyone right now is thinking about how they're feeling and what they are going through but fail to recognize how Stefan is doing. I mean I can see that they know he is behaving not like himself well then maybe it is very self explanatory why he is so numb emotionally. But yeah I understand that everyone is falling apart so it is unfair to blame anyone for it. Bonnie yet again sacrifices herself. I am very happy about Damon coming back but at the same time I am really upset about how once again Bonnie didn't put herself first. It is not fair and I am always upset because I know the writers choose to do this all the time. At least when Damon and Bonnie were together, they had each other and now she is going to be all alone stuck with the sociopath Kai :( I know she is very strong but why does it have to tested every time.


My girl bonnie...yet again sacrificing herself for others😩

Andrea Dcosta

It’s because of moments like these the epic Defan hug and the moment Bamon had Is why S6 is my most favourite season of TVD.

Andrea Dcosta

I love my Bon Bon so much it hurts to see her sacrifice herself once again but it’s for Damon this time which makes my heart melt even more this proves how far their relationship has come to and we see Damon also willing to sacrifice himself for Bonnie how beautiful is that 🥺 About the hug yes this is the best thing until now I’ve seen in TVD hands down this reunion is everything the acting, the music, the feel, the surprise, disbelief, happiness in Stefan’s eyes and face is so beautiful to see he touches Damon to see if he’s real then just pulls him up close to hug him and cries how emotional and beautiful this moment is WOW just amazing. I started crying right from Tyler’s scene until the end of the episode 🥺😭😭

Andrea Dcosta

And we are just 5 episodes down season 6 has some epic moments and episodes and we are just getting stared!! 😻


I love how Sofie express everybody's thoughts about Liam, I mean Liam compared to Damon, is like comparing the beauty of a plain doorknob to a panther. LIam the only plain man in the entire TVD universe.


I swear we all agree about Liam and Ivy lol iv'e never so far seen someone differing on how aggravated we are about somebody else getting romantically involved with Elena at that moment or with Stefan in this case lol....Looking back it was the only time anyone would be happy to see Tripp- I was like GET HER! MY GUY! get her lmao

I Am Not Chamari

The ending... my all-time favorite TVD scene. It's EPIC. I agree, it is the best scene EVER.


I wish Bonnie hit Kai with her powers and had Damon vamp speed to pick her up with the ascendant and leave. Not sure if that scenario would have worked but I think about it every time I watch this episode. Yeah she got injured but as soon as they made it back he could have given her his blood. Again, not sure if that would have worked considering it all happened so fast. Just so tired of seeing my girl Bonnie sacrifice herself, as much as I love how selfish she is. Once again, the true hero of TVD <3


Like the amount of time it took Bonnie to pull Damon back and throw him the ascendant, in that time while Kai was down, Damon could have ran and picked her up with the ascendant in her hand and then stood in the necessary spot to go home. I just don't get it, it's like the writers don't want anyone to save Bonnie or for her to save herself when theres clear opportunities :(

I Am Not Chamari

I actually didn't mind Ivy. Every time I see a POC character, I have to root for them. Sorry.


It’s just the way the writers wrote her character, they made her really annoying like Vicki lol. Also shes just super random and there’s no chemistry there with Stefan. It’s a shame they couldn’t give her a better role


just saying the way nina kisses ian compared to everyone else on the show says something lol even when they weren't together, she be really kissing him lol compared to acting with everyone else

Loved By You

Stefan,was doing whatever hevcouid to move on, just like everyone else. I Don’t blame him


Love the Salvatore bros. 🙌🏼 disagree about Tyler being less annoying. He could care less that he mowed down and injured all those people or really that anyone would die….just that he wouldn’t have to turn.


WHY THE SALVATORE BROS ARE THE ULT OF THIS ENTIRE SHOW. They need each other to balance each other. ☯️