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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ugc5pfzpkjpwqku/The.Vampire.Diaries.S06E02.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




The whole concept of this episode is basically torture to a DELENA fan lol, but it's also bittersweet because it's so beautiful! I like what Alaric said, of Elena being so lucky to be so in love with not one but two people at her age, it's definitely something you stated yourself in a previous reaction and I didn't want to spoil it but yea.- Stefan we don't approve it's that simple lol I am sorry to agree with Enzo, brother's don't give up, not in a world where people have come back from death a dozen times lol this should have knocked some sense into him


I definitely feel for Stefan, having lost several family members in my life, but while it's a completely valid reason for his behavior, it doesn't excuse it or give him a get out of jail free card for how he's hurting the other people in his life. Caroline wanted to be there for him and he ran away from her, which is already bad enough--but Caroline is going through so much too. She lost Bonnie, she lost her home, she gave up college (which was something she was so excited for and wanted so badly!) in order to try and fix the spell on mystic falls, and none of her friends are supporting her emotionally OR helping her with the magic because they're all lost in their own issues. Stefan didn't just run away from her support, he left her without a support system of her own. Caroline is someone who puts on such a convincing brave face, and wants to support everyone else so much, I think a lot of people forget that she also needs someone to lean on sometimes. So like. I get where Stefan is coming from, but I'm still SO upset with him for this. Which, btw, I say with love bc I do ship Steroline (along with Klaroline lmao). I just think that he has SO much apologizing and making up to do


I hate writers so much for this move with Elena and her memory of Damon. This is more like Brazilian soap operas with memory loss and confused children in infancy. I mean, I understand that... Elena loves Damon very much, so that his loss gives her unbearable pain. But, it's so not in Elena's nature to erase her memory because of bad memories or pain. In season 3, when Damon offered to take away her memory of that day with Stefan and Klaus, she refused and said that she wanted to remember everything. And now she refuses to remember her real, sincere and so strong love. But despite all this, the flashbacks were just amazing. I felt a great sense of nostalgia. And the way Elena explains what she felt in those moments... After that, I reviewed the first three seasons with completely different eyes. And yes, you're so right about the necklace. Stefan really gave it to Elena to protect her from Damon. It's really so ironic. And for me, too, this necklace is more a symbol of Elena and Damon than Elena and Stefan.


Damon and Bonnie... Four months together... This is one of the reasons why I love season 6. Their friendly-enemy bickering is so cute. I've been waiting for this 4 freaking seasons. There is this friendly chemistry between them. Damon and pancakes are something! And we know that he can cook. One of my favorite scenes was when he was cooking dinner with Jenna. The Salvatore brothers have no right not to be able to cook. Kat and Ian were good friends at that time (I don't know how now). And this is noticeable, you can see how they are liberated with each other and it's easy for them to be together on the set.


I can't wait for the next episode. In season 6, I can review every episode endlessly. Sofie, dear, thank you for your reaction. I'm so glad that I went all this way with you from the very beginning. I can't even believe that this is already the 6th season


Stefan and Enzo are more of a personality clash. They both love Damon. For Enzo Damon is his best friend and they are similar because they shared a hard life, the life of soldiers, they are both tough and giving up is not an opinion. Stefan on the contrary, never endure a though life, like Damon, but since they were human Stefan as younger brother learn to rely on Damon, and even if they live most of their life as a vampire apart Damon was always around, and Stefan knew that. Stefan has codependent personality and Damon is his life and he knows that Damon loves him back with the same measure. Stefan is profoundly depressed at the point of numbness; he has no energy to fight. And either Enzo or Caroline that are one a mighty fighter and one a positive energy power house can possibly understand where Stefan is at the moment. Enzo think he is uncaring, and Caroline think he is selfish. But we know that that is not the case. In any case I loved how Enzo acted on seeing Caroline crying, he is such a gentleman. It so interesting to see Elena account of her feelings for Damon and in that birthday party it was clear that was a defining moment in their relationship, he gave her the necklace, the necklace that has become now a strong symbol of how much Damon loves Elena. How after they appear for the first time in front of everybody, harms in harms going down the stairs as a couple on a date, how nonchalantly she was drinking from his glass and even Alaric noticed, That was the moment they were both in love, they were already a couple without saying it out loud, they were meant to be. Damon and Bonnie. There is also no doubt that at this point no matter the difference and the past our, little group of friends love each other, even Caroline said “we lost two of our closest friends”. So Damon and Bonnie are not the type to openly pour feelings out openly, but their banter yeah does look like they are an old married couple, because they do care about each other even if they don’t want to admit it openly. But Bamon is adorable. And yes Damon dancing to a very fitting song: “what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man” oh yes, he is!! Ian’s got moves and every time he does is iconic.


But what happened with Stefan and Damon death has a completelly different impact on her life, She truly cannot life without him, she is profundly in love with him, he is her soulmate, and live an eterinty without the person you know is your true love is unbearble for a human, imagine for a vampire like Elena that feels grief very powerfully. Damon is not replacable in her life. So to get on she had to do something radical. Alaric isn't going anywhere so in Elena's mind that is the best way to cope with this unbearable loss, one day if she feels that she wants those memories back, she can always ask Alaric to put them back. That is what she feels, it is better than to swith her humanity off.


Season 6 is a favourite because of masterpieces like this!! I mean I have never seen this ever happening in any show before where the creative team has decided to dedicate an entire episode to decode the significant moments of a love story from the character's pov. In this episode we didn't have any new moments introduced to us but it was everything I didn't even know I needed. And I am going to talk about it proudly! The writers certainly decided come out of the shadows and confirm things those of us who can read between the lines have known since season four, and some even sooner than that. "Missing Bonnie makes me sad but missing Damon makes me Dangerous". This is the reason she decides that she needs to forget her love for Damon. Elena knows pain and grief of losing people but this time she is reacting to it differently. With voluntary drug use and months of denial and the fear of lifelong despair driving her to alter portions of her memory just to carry on. Damon's death has brought a part of Elena to the surface that we've always knew existed but that she's rarely allowed anybody else see. When she lost her brother, she came the closest to really indulging the darkness she has within her. And even then, that wasn’t an Elena with her switch firmly in place. That was no humanity Elena snapping necks and verbally assaulting the people around her. This Elena still has her humanity. Barely. This Elena is feeling every ounce of torment that has come from losing Damon. This time she has been driven to darkness because of what she feels rather than what she isn’t feeling. That’s the difference between Damon’s death and everyone else’s. She isn’t behaving like herself because she can’t be herself without Damon. She isn’t Elena anymore now that he isn’t with her. There’s a reason drug-using Elena went back to school and actively pursued a major and functioned day to day like a normal person. That Elena was seeing Damon. Even though it wasn’t the real him, it was enough to fill the empty spaces within her left behind by his death. It was seeing him, telling him about her day, feeling him hug her or hold her hand. That’s what kept her going, what allowed her to live her life as though nothing had happened. Because in her mind, hallucination Damon was providing the support she derives from the real Damon. That was the entire purpose of the drugs. That was what she was really addicted too. The feelings of safety and understanding and possibility that spring up when she’s around Damon. She could feasibly have existed in that fragile reality for years without any issue at all if the herbs didn’t make her too thirsty to control her bloodlust. But they do. So now her support system is truly gone. Both the real Damon and hallucination Damon are lost to her, which means she has nothing that provides any incentive to keep on living. Especially not forever. Therefore she has to let herself accept the truth. She cannot afford to fall and go around around killing people recklessly because she knows that she is very much capable of reacting to the pain in this manner this time. Damon holds too much sway over her, even in death. He provided her with things she didn’t dare to dream of, gave her a life and a love that people write novels about, and she knows it was something she could only find with him. That life and that love were unique to them. It could never be duplicated. She will never love like this again. She didn’t even love like this with Stefan. She isn’t doing this because she wants too. If she had it her way, she would love him everyday for the rest of her eternal life. That was the plan, to love him and with him forever. But that involved being with him too. Loving someone is easy when they’re around to be loved. And he isn't. It’s because of how much she loves Damon that she can’t live forever with just the memory of him. That isn’t enough. In the past Elena has never chosen to have her memories taken away but this isn't the same. Now talking about the memories we relived from Elena's pov were heart wrenching but extremely beautiful stuff. Kudos to the writers. I am going to talking about one each of them because it is worthy of it. First meeting: Damon and Elena’s first meeting hasn’t been spoken of like this, ever. For such a life-altering (and series-altering) moment, it is never talked about. Not even by them. Yet here’s Elena, letting us into her sixteen year old self’s head, showing us her first meeting with Damon from her perspective. The fact that human Elena, completely unaware of the supernatural at the time, picked up on the fact that Damon was dangerous but not in a scary way but in an exciting way, this is just incredible. She saw Damon for exactly what he was after being around him for two minutes. She recognized how unlike other people he is. She sensed the natural otherworldly allure that he carries. But she understood that his dangerous aura didn’t come from being the monster everyone believed him to be. Damon is dangerous because he’s unpredictable. Untamable and impulsive, rebellious to the core. Damon is his own man. He doesn’t try to be like others or live up to what people expect from him. He’s one of a kind. A hero wearing the mask of a villain. That’s what makes him dangerous. But that isn’t the kind of danger that would scare someone like Elena, who perceived it correctly rather than assuming the worst. The danger Damon emanated excited her because it was an aura she herself wanted to carry. The ability to live beyond the expectations of others. To be her own person and live her own life, everyone else be damned. It wasn’t just Damon’s words that night that sparked her interest in the life he painted. A life filled with all-consuming love, passion, adventure and danger. It was the man himself. He was the embodiment of everything he told her she wanted. Their first meeting was so much more than just a chance encounter on an abandoned road. And now we know, by Elena’s own admission, that she sensed it from that moment. That those things he told her she wanted were things she knew she would find with him. So, compulsion or not, she chased after it, never stopping until she found it. No one makes Elena feel like anything is possible. No one she has ever, or will ever know can make the tragedy of her life seem hopeful. No one has ever shone a light at the end of Elena’s persistently dark tunnel. Except Damon. She may have believed it was her parents’ death that finally prompted her to cut the cord with Matt but I think we know that wasn’t the case. It was Damon. It was his compulsion. He compelled her to start going after what she wanted in life. What she really wanted, not what other people told her she wanted. He freed her mind from the constraints of expectation just a little, just enough to open her up to the bigger things she was looking for. That’s part of what drew her to Stefan. He was an interesting new element with a closeted dark past. Exactly what the doctor prescribed. Only he wasn’t. He just appeared that way at first. But the more she got to know him, the more dissatisfied she became with their relationship and their love. It still wasn’t enough. Which is why she fell in love with Damon. And why it happened when she was with Stefan. She was still human. The compulsion was still in effect. Her mind was searching for those elusive aspects of love and happiness that she craved deep down. And Damon was it. The one who could give her exactly what she’d always wanted. The one who made her feel like anything was possible from the moment they met. Miss Mystic Falls: I just stopped breathing when she said she found Damon sexy that day!! And so matter of fact, like it was some irrefutable law of the universe. That’s something else they’ve just never addressed. It’s no secret Damon is the uncontested sex god of the show. He was cast in that light on purpose. It fit perfectly with everything else about him, from his innate passion as a person to his predilection for disaster in the heat of the moment. But it’s an aspect of him that has never been directly spoken of by Elena. While she has casually and sarcastically mentioned his taste for women, she’s never admitted to how his allure affects her. Of course she was attracted to him. That was a given. She’s just never said so. Never acknowledged her physical desire for him verbally. And it’s just such a stroke that the first time she internally felt the power of his sex appeal was during the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant. Not only does it parallel too and explain why the pageant the following year became the impetus for Damon and Elena’s first time (S4), it provides some glorious juxtaposition for them. It is widely believed by the fans and I think the writers said the same that Damon fell in love with Elena in this moment and now we know that on the other hand Elena was experiencing lust. Love begins with attraction in some form. Without it, there’s no basis for the feelings at all. That’s not to say the attraction has to be physical. Mental or emotional attraction works just as well. But because Elena was in the early stage of her relationship with Stefan, those other forms of attraction were not open to her. She wouldn’t allow for a mental or emotional attraction to Damon while she was in love with his brother. Physical attraction is not the same. It’s more natural and virtually harmless if you can keep the feelings in check. It was the easiest barrier to break down between Damon and Elena when she was so dead set on Stefan. Such a simple yet monumental epiphany during a moment she was supposed to be sharing with her boyfriend, not his brother. The dance marked the very first time Damon stepped up for Elena. Really stepped up, in a time when she had been abandoned by her boyfriend. Although something like momentary embarrassment is hardly taxing on someone whose suffered as Elena Gilbert has, Damon stepping in for Stefan stuck with her. It was a small example of everything he would eventually do for her on a larger scale. Elena understands that dance was more than just a dance. It was more than just her recognizing how deliriously good-looking he is. It was her looking at him for the first time as someone she could count on. It was not a life threatening situation by any means. She had already been nervous about participating in the first place but Damon turned it around for her and it became something she could look back at as a significant moment of her life. A fond memory laced with striking new feelings of forbidden desire for a man who proved he would and could be her strength in a time of crisis. And that is the reason why she developed an instinct to turn to Damon for help when she was in trouble instead of relying on Stefan. No matter how small or big the danger was, she knew that Damon would be ready to be standing by her or in front of her to protect her. A feat that his brother couldn't accomplish. Moving on, I am so happy that the writers used this episode in the best way and made sure they cleared all the doubts and any argument that could be used against delena. Especially the sire bond arc. The writers chose to end this for once and for all and said that the sire bond had nothing to do with how Elena fell in love with Damon. It was a product of her feelings for him, not the cause. And the fact that Elena never doubted that what she was feeling for Damon was real. She knew the sire bond didn’t manufacture her feelings. She knew they’d been there when she died on that bridge. But she’d spent so long in denial about Damon that no one believed her. She had to maintain her certainty herself without any support from anyone else. People around her who thought that they knew Elena well actually didn't because when she turned into a vampire, she became who she tried so hard to hide from others. The only one who did understand was Damon. Because he has always known who she really is underneath all her innocence and propriety and responsibility. He’s always recognized the darker, passionate parts of her that she kept to herself. He never shied away from them. Alaric literally compelled Elena to think that the sire bond had caused her to love Damon and it didn’t change a damn thing. It didn’t rewrite their history or alter her feelings or her grief at all. The writers didn't leave anything out. They dragged everything into this, showing every memory anyone would assume was the moment Elena first fell in love with Damon. Things like their first dance, kiss, moments of passion surrender in a motel hallway. All of these things that one can expect to be thinking off. But Damon and Elena are anything but typical. They supersede every other couple and every other love story that has ever existed. Elena falling in loving with Damon would never be relegated to a predictable moment. They could never be so commonplace and mainstream. The whole episode was spent dissecting Elena’s past with Damon, hunting down this signature moment where she fell in love with him. A signature moment Ric (and therefore the writers) define as much more than just an acknowledgement of romantic love. This was about the moment Elena knew she could love Damon FOREVER. Not just for a minute, or a day, or the span of a human life. Something she didn’t even want when she was human, something she never planned to have with Stefan despite her claims of ‘always.’ Yet human Elena’s love for Damon was something she could see lasting well beyond fifty or sixty years. It was something she could envision never dying. And the last nail in the coffin was when Caroline confessed that everyone knew that Elena fell in love with Damon when she was still with Stefan. She just confirmed that she and the rest of Elena’s friends aren’t as blind as they pretend to be. They knew all along. I can give thousands of reasons to explain why I loved this because the writers have used Damon's death in a way that is better than any of my expectations.


I wouldn't exactly called what Katherine feel for Stefan and Damon love, more of a very intermittent unhealty obsession, with the both of them, more with Stefan because he was the one that she never got, but only for that reason. Probably the one that got closer to her hearth was Elijah, because of their connection when she was still human, but she never truly loved anybody really, but herself.


@Patpet, Of course, these are different situations. I just brought this scene as an example of the fact that Elena never wanted to forget even the most terrible moments of her life. And the love for Damon is those bright things that, in my understanding, Elena would never want to forget. I do not dispute that it is very painful to realize that you will spend the rest of eternity without your loved one. But also decide to erase from your memory such valuable moments of your life... I don't know... Besides, why is she sure that Alaric is not going anywhere? He had died once before. Anything can happen. In addition, Elena must remember that every return from the dead was accompanied by some consequences. She can't be sure that nothing will happen to Alaric. And Elena knows that Alaric is doing this for the first time, he is not sure of his abilities. They had worked so hard to erase their love for Damon from Elena's memory. Why is she sure that he can also easily return it to her? This is not the usual compulsion that all vampires use. There is nothing worse than losing a member of your family, parents, brother, sister. Even when Elena lost Jeremy, the only remaining member of her family, she didn't even have the thought to forget about him. She hoped to the last that it could be returned and waited for Bonnie. And if it wasn't for Damon, she wouldn't have turned off her humanity. She didn't even try to find a way to bring Damon back to life, to help Stefan in his search. She had not spoken to Stefan for several months, confident that he was engaged in a search. Instead, she used those herbs and hallucinated about Damon. Yes, I understand that everyone grieves in their own way and I don't blame her. But when Elena found out that Stefan had given up, she didn't even try to find out what he had found out and continue searching for him. She accepted his death so easily when she lives in a world where almost every one of her friends came back from the dead. And even she did. After all, only 4 months have passed, and she gave up without doing anything. Maybe I'm not thinking correctly, but this is how I imagine Elena.


The moment of revelation was something I couldn't guess honestly and that because yet again the writers made sure that the only person who knew she was in love with him was Elena and although we knew that it was a very significant moment between Damon and her, no one could think it was the moment she was in love because it was that subtle. And it was brilliant because from that moment onwards everything about Elena related to Damon makes sense and her denial all the more is understandable because she didn't want to admit it to herself to begin. This is one of the most important scenes of the entire series. This whole conversation just turned the show upside down, exposing things about the early seasons of TVD that the writers didn’t dare to confirm until the time was right. Now it is. Things have changed so significantly since season three, the tables have turned so much, that there’s no reason not to finally explain the real reason behind Elena’s choice in 3x22. It had nothing to do with love. The writers addressed this so boldly, that they finally allowed Elena to speak out about her behavior in season three. Never forget that she had committed to Stefan at the beginning of her junior year, accepted all that comes with him and his vampirism and vowed not to stray. She’s too loyal. And that was the entire crux of her heartbreak and confusion in season three. She couldn’t shed her loyalty to Stefan. Even after all the ways he hurt her, pushed her away, nearly killed her, treated her like nothing more than a pawn, she refused to give up on him. But there was someone to pick up Stefan’s slack, to support Elena as he continuously tore her down. Someone who helped her learn to protect herself from vampires, who came for her when she was lying in a hospital bed after Stefan attacked her, who brought her home after he tried to drive her off Wickery Bridge, who plotted at every opportunity to take down Klaus so she would be safe. Damon and that was the problem as she had said once to him. She had no idea how to handle that. How to reconcile all the terrible things Stefan had done to her at that time with all the wonderful things Damon had done for her. The lines were more blurred than ever. Doubt had been cast on everything romantic she ever felt for Stefan while the lure of more solid ground had given life to the romantic feelings for Damon she never expected to have. So why did she pick Stefan in 3x22 if she was uncertain of their relationship? Because it was expected of her. Because it was the safe and familiar road, because once he was good and heroic Stefan again she could just pretend nothing had changed between them. Because they never had any real closure and she assumed they could pick up where they left off so many months before. And none of those reasons has anything to do with love. It wasn’t about which brother she loved more. It wasn’t about who she envisioned a future with. After all, she said herself that she wasn’t thinking about always. Elena herself failed to recognize until the dust had settled is that her relationships with Damon and Stefan are not dependent on each other. She developed separate bonds with them under separate circumstances at two separate points in her life. The timing may not have been ideal for anyone after all, she certainly wasn’t ready to be with Damon let alone give up on Stefan but it was inevitable. She’d been on the road to loving Damon since the night they met. It would’ve happened eventually, whether she was human and eighteen or a newbie vampire or in her early twenties. Now as I said at the beginning, the fact that of all the guesses I’d ever made as to when Elena first felt love for Damon, this moment didn’t even make the list. Nor should it have. Because if it was meant to be so obvious no one would ever have questioned how she felt about him in the first place. Of course she fell in love with him on her eighteen birthday, the symbolic moment of transition from childhood to adulthood, which Damon has always represented for her. Fell in love with him because he gave her back something that was meant to exemplify her feelings for Stefan. In the same episode where she’d claimed the kiss she gave him on his deathbed had just been a goodbye. It shouldn’t be surprising at all, yet I still am unable to look at any single moment following Elena’s birthday the way I used too. Because now we know that she was in the process of falling in love with him throughout seasons one and two, even amidst hiccups like him snapping Jeremy’s neck. Through every bump and rough patch, every turning point and crossroad of season three, Elena loved Damon. Even when she chose Stefan for the last time, she loved him. The thing is, nothing really happened. No outsider would understand or appreciate the significance of the interaction Damon and Elena shared in Stefan’s bedroom that night. And that’s why no one ever knew that her love for him was born in that moment. Because it wasn’t about what happened. It was about WHY it happened. About what it meant to Elena, what she learned about Damon from his choice to give her that necklace. And this was just taken a notch higher by showing us that while Elena is speaking to Alaric about this, Damon on the other hand is also reliving it at the same time. I mean as if he still has the necklace and now that we know the significance, we know there is always hope. And it was those memories that Alaric had to erase to bring Elena to a place where she no longer loved him. It wasn’t enough to simply compel their relationship out of her head or tell her she didn’t love him anymore, end of story. Everything good she knew about him is erased. All that left was what Damon had been before she got to know him. But the point is that how is it going to work from here? Alaric compelled her mind. Not her emotions.


Stefan, I understand his pain and his way of grieving is his own. But everyone around him are equally allowed to be upset at him because Caroline feels left out. She dropped out of college something she had been so excited about and I feel it is because Stefan is not around. She doesn't have her best friend with her and he is her support system similar to like Elena doesn't know how to function without Damon. Enzo, I really love him for the fact that he cares so much about Damon. Him being angry at Stefan is coming from one side because of course he doesn't know how much Damon means to Stefan and him running away or trying to make it look like he is moving on is not really something he is enjoying but that is his way of being in denial. Personality clash out in the open. And I loved him for being so upset at Caroline's crying face. Stefan does need the push honestly because I am not upset with him trying to pull himself together but I wish he did tell him that he had stopped looking on his own. He has kept them in the dark too for 2 months. Bonnie and Damon!! These two are the kind of siblings who only know to bicker and survive with each other but it is very fun and cute. I don't ship them romantically but I love that we are getting to see them bond together after season 4 and season 5 hardly having any scenes of them together.


God, Archna, I love your comments so much. It's so beautiful. Every word you say is just a hit on the spot and right into my heart. I forgot about all my business while I was reading this.


Thank you much Mariya!! It took me more than an hour to put all of it together but I couldn't help myself and I am so happy reading such comments that you like reading them too although they're so long.


Imagine having unbearble physical pain that will not make you able to function and imagine that that pain is chronic and there is no remedy but a drug. Now imagine you can take that pain away. Wouldn't you do it? She is clearly not in the right frame of mind, to think what is best or rational or what coud happen, she is just in pain, a pain so deep that even her, that got greif to a science, cannot bare.


It's just that you write exactly what I think. But I will never be able to express my thoughts in this way, especially in a language that is not native to me. So I'm just reading your comments and enjoying it.


I also never shippered Bonnie and Damon in a romantic sense. But their strange relationship has always pleased me since the 3rd season. You correctly compared them as an eternally arguing and bickering brother and sister.


Exactly! They do have great chemistry but the dynamic isn't romantic and it is great. I cannot ship them romantically because it would be too problematic but they do behave like siblings :D


I try and I absolutely understand what you're saying because I also many times struggle to put my feelings into words usually but with this show because we are given so much good content to draw from, it can taken time but it is fun to write the thoughts down and this is not all me honestly and I have drawn from a lot of different sources to be able look into it with so much more clarity because we can see it but wording it can be difficult and I am trying to share the same here :))


You nail it so prefectly! Just this morning I had a comment from another 'wally' telling me how toxic Delana is. I don't even want to talk to them, because to those people that don't get how beautifully written this show is and how poetic Delena is, how much the writers know and are capable to put it on screen, love, friendship, greif, growing up, sense of family, brotherly love, community, and writing about all those things in such a deep, never corny or predictable way, it is so amazing and so rare, that just is impossible to comunicate to people that see only as far as their nose when they could see the moon. And boy, you see that moon so clearly. Alleujah!


One of the most extraordinary thing of this show is that you watch this show once and the writers allow you to see only parts of it, the writers don't talk down to us, they assume that the audience is intelligent enough to put the pieces together one by one and understand what is going on. Once you have seen the entire show and (presumably) you have put all the piece in place, you can watch the show again and it is entirely another thing, all the gesture, the feelings, the meannings the action the characters do get another and much deeper significance and you can go as deep as you wish or as you can go because the depth is there for you to discover. I've never ever seen a show quite like this one.


I undestarstand Stefan grief. For people that felt that that kind of grief in their life knows that you might have lots of people around you, but the only thing you really want is to be left alone to greif. When you loose someone very important in your life, you don't want to put a brave face for the sake of apperience, and most of all you need is for your brain to stop, to just stop. Stefan is doing exactly that, his life is on a motionless halt, he has a meaniless job, has pain relief sex in an inconsequential realtioship, in a casual town, nothing like the life he normally has. Cannot even bother to communicate his feeling, because communication is an action that require engaging with people, thing that cleary Stefan at the moment is uncapable of doing. Even more ironic that is Stefan that is usually good with words, it's his thing, is the very thing he refuses to do. That gives away how much disenfranchise from life he feels.


Everything you just said is perfect!!! And I cannot say it any better.


Thank you!!! For people to be understand this show, there has to be a lot understanding and open mindedness. You cannot be judging on the basis of human moral compass. Every relationship on this show has gone through a phase where there have been toxic elements at some point but the writers have chosen to address it with delena and they actually made them take a break because of it so I don't understand why it still is only delena that are perceived toxic. But it's okay honestly each to their own, if you can understand the beauty of it then great otherwise you just miss out.


You tell me Damon/Ian with who doesn't have chemistry with. Practically everybody!


Absolutely agree with you. I do understand where Stefan is standing at this point and honestly he is just existing and like a robot functioning. Damon was his whole world. I remember when Damon said these words to Elena 'Estrange is bad but dead is worse', and this I could relate back then even to Defan because I understood that Damon was saying this from experience. Stefan loves Damon more than anyone and even if the brothers weren't close in the past, they knew that they still have each other so they could go ahead living. But this isn't the case any longer so I understand the pain. He needs his brother to be himself. I was just talking about from the other characters pov and that it is in right to be to angry but it does not mean that Stefan is wrong either. His pain is greater. Elena and Stefan are the ones who are hit the hardest from this loss and it's understandable and no one will understand their situation better which is fair.


I've never perceived Delena to be toxic, ever. When you start a relationship there are always some major adjustments you have to go through, as a normal couple, imagine a supernatural one. But that is normal, and is very much real. Relationship where everything goes perfectly don't exist, perhaps in Hallmark cheesy Christmas films, but that is as far to reality is as I am to became the next Queen of England. Fortunately here the writers, as usual assume to have a better that this type of audience and gave us a story that is as complex and as progressive as normal true serious relationship, would be among two very strong will people, one Damon that hasn't been in a loved back relationship ever, and one that has just began to an adult an has to still to understand how an adult relationship work. So there are some arguments, even strong, some adjustment, some founding your common ground and realising that life without the other person is not the life you want. I don't see any of it unhealthy but quite the contrary. Beware of couples that don't argue and everything seems to be working perfectly, they are based on lies and on unexpressed feelings that will explode one day on a mighty blast.


Exactly my point. If you are thinking that agreeing with everything your partner is saying when you feel the opposite is healthy then that is just the opposite of healthy. I didn't find Delena toxic but were they times when it could be? Yes and they literally argued about it. In S5 there were bumps after being a couple and at the beginning of the season, we saw that Delena were trying to keep things perfect but that also meant hiding things from each other and they saw the consequences. So they acknowledged it and that was itself an example of their healthy relationship. They won't just agree because of the fear of being in each other's bad books.


@Mariya I've put together a little discord chat with a selection of people to discuss things spoiler free. I would love for you to join us. Here is the link https://discord.gg/WwDgQNmS

Andrea Dcosta

Bamon 😻♥️♥️ One of my the reason why I love S6 so much. They are 2 of my most favourite characters and the scenes of them together give me life. I do ship them I have to admit I think I can ship Damon/ Ian with anyone hahahaha. I remember just waiting to see their scenes in S6 I wasn’t very interested in what was happening in mystic falls but very much with Damon and Bonnie. Next episode is so good actually all episodes of S6 are amazing. There’s a surprise in the next one 😄

Andrea Dcosta

Delena 🥺😭 that necklace scene always gets me teary eyed. And in that moment I loved him- such an emotional line by Elena, with the background music and Damon in the present time holding the necklace and thinking of Elena this always makes me cry. It’s a sad scene for Delena lovers like me but also very powerful and beautiful. My poor Caroline I can’t see her crying it breaks me but I also can’t blame Stefan yes he’s acting like a jerk but he lost his brother who he knows all his life for almost 200 years I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for Stefan he loves his Big Bro too much it’s soo sad 😢

I Am Not Chamari

I have liked Enzo since his first episode, but this was the episode I fell in love with him. His dedication and loyalty knows no bounds, and his frustration with Stefan giving up is the most -in-character thing the writers could have done. But I also loved the reason he came back in was for Caroline. Stefan is grieving in his own way, but I'm 100% with Enzo.


Hi there. What happened to the second episode for OTH?


This is probably the worst thing elena ever did getting her memories taken away

Amber Augustine

It’s crazy that the necklace was supposed to keep Damon out of her head but it led his way into her heart which is so symbolic. Every time damon always brought the necklace back to her and they always had a significant moment with them. The first time in 1x14 when he tells Elena he trusts her. The second time in 2x08 when he confesses his love for Elena. The third time in 3x01 when he gave it to Elena as a gift to represent hope for Stefan and Elena’s relationship even though it hurted him deeply. The fourth time in 3x05 when he promises her he will never leave her again. The necklace is a symbol in Damon and Elena’s relationship. I loved how they brought back all the moments between Damon and Elena. It was so bittersweet because we remember the nostalgia and the feelings we felt when we watched them for the first time and now she is losing every good memory between her and Damon. And I love how wherever damom was he was thinking about her when he held the necklace and in the same moment in the same room is where Elena fell completely in love with Damon which is so powerful and beautifully written. It shows how beautifully developed and well written Damon and elena’s relationship is. I was so sad when she lost all of her memories of Damon but at the same time she needed to do this so he can live out her life without all the grief and pain of losing the love of her life. This episode is so delena heavy and it shows how much deeper Elena’s feelings for Damon is.

Loved By You

Like I hate howStefan is treated by Enzo in this episode. I mean no one found him when he was buried. He was still there for Damon though. I just feel like Stefan does deserve the promise of moving on. Like when Stefan was gone, Damon was happy, and no one was around to make him feel bad about it. I love how you picked up on it, But Kat Graham And Ian were super close. Ian always wished to have more scenes with her, but never got the chance. Ian says this is one of his favorite seasons because of how much he truly got to spend with his closest female friend. I find it sooo freaking sweet.

Loved By You

So if Stefan dies, and Damon wanted to move on and try and be happy??? Would he not be able to? I’m pretty sure you guys would root to see Stefan happy. That’s hypocritical.


To be honest I actually think Enzo knows that Damon means a lot to Stefan- but the reason he said those things.... it shook Stefan up a bit and DID bring him around. I’m so glad Enzo did what he did, and that made the mini speech more deep in a sense. The fact that Damon DOES mean so much to him... and he gave up SO easy is crazy in a way.