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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lopxtj2hqbrj545/Angel.S01E09.720p.x265.10bit.-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Wisdom of the Sphynx

Right out of the gate you said you hoped this episode would be lighter after “I will remember.” Me: 🥺 Oh SoFie


“Is that it...am I done?” 😭 I bawl every time. RIP Glenn Quinn, I hope you finally found some peace.


I love this episode despite how sad it is. The music and the cinematography is so great. I’m glad you had Something Blue between this ep and I Will Remember You to have a little humor break.


Oh and this is probably more head canon but I like to think of those demons as not *actually* being pure blood but they just think they are. It fits better with the previously established “pure demon” lore as seen in Buffy S3 and into the metaphor of Nazism as well. They were then able to just tune that contraption where it wouldn’t affect them.

Rey Gallogo

They are “tainted”, maybe not half human but definitely hybrids of lesser demons?


omg when you said "at this point, Doyle is gonna be my favorite character" my heart broke a little for you...

Raven Dark

"Is that it? Am I done?" 20 years later, and I still sob every time. Okay, so, I have literally been waiting to tell you this since Anne. Do you remember in season 3x1 of Buffy when you asked what the demons in that other dimension were building? I said I had a theory. One that was pure headcannon, but that I couldn't tell you then, but I would tell you when the time came. This is what I was waiting for. I think the demons in Anne were the Scourge, and they were building stuff for their army, making their uniforms, and also building that light thing. I think they were preparing for the world takeover that they tried to do here. The show never explicitly ties the two things together and never flat out explains, but this is how I see it. In addition, to me, there is a way that what you saw in Graduation Day Part One and Two from Anya, the part about how pure demons are bigger, works, but so does what happens here. I believe the whole thing about having to ascend in order to become pure demon only applies to this dimension. I believe the Scourge are from the other dimension in Anne, a hell dimension, and that means they can be pure demon without ascension, and without having to be like the Mayor. Just my thoughts. What a great reaction to a great episode.

Roy Ben-Ami

Good callout on the video appearing completely different from start to finish. Super funny in the beginning and completely sad at the end even though it is the same footage. That's the sign of great writing.

Dennis Bryant

Yeah, I knew it would be a tear jerker for sure. And then just before the moment, Sofie says that Doyle might end up being one of her very favorites.... I felt like crying right there. Not that the thumbnail you chose, by itself, almost made me tear up.

Nicholas Corgan

That’s pretty much my thought. The “pure demon on Earth” bit applied after the Old Ones were driven out of Earth’s dimension, so the rules are different elsewhere. As someone else commented, this syncs perfectly with the Scourge’s “genetic purity” BS paralleling Nazism.

Nicholas Corgan

For context, Doyle’s death wasn’t originally planned. Glenn Quinn was dealing with heroin addiction, which unfortunately affected reliability at work. In terms of the character, this was certainly the most dignified way they could’ve done it. He died of an overdose three years after this episode aired.

Briony Addey

Glenn Quinn did some outstanding work here as Doyle. I'm so sad that he had problems with addiction and these caused such an early tragic death and that addiction continues to be the cause of so much suffering- we need more good quality support and treatment for people who encounter this kind of problem. It's still a problem which is heavily stigmatized instead of met with understanding (of both the suffering involved and the psychological and pharmacological science) and compassion, and the stigma compounds the shame and suffering around addiction.


100% from everything I’ve heard (which granted is not a whole lot) he was a very sweet person who sadly succumbed to his addiction. Hopefully we as a society will get better destigmatize addiction, and normalize seeking help when we need it.


@Nicholas Corgan That’s really sad. But he was really professional because none of it appeared on screen.


This still gets me every time. It hits me right in the feels.