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Muhammad Hassan

No Tvd today? If not tell me I am going to sleep then😂

Olia Stanasiuk

Great reaction, Sofie! Thank you for your emotions, and your smart thoughts. It's a pleasure to watch this TV series with you :) Looking forward for the next episode!


I love that Nathan and Lucas are back on track! It just makes me so happy! It's interesting though, seeing that flashback of Keith and Dan. They started out as brothers who loved each other and were there for each other, and their relationship just deteriorated to the point where although I think there's still love there (mostly on Keith's end of things) it's at the very back and is replaced mostly with hate. Whereas Lucas and Nathan started out absolutely hating each other, and their relationship has just grown and gotten better as they got older. It's just interesting to see the differences in the relationships. It's really sad about Keith and Dan, though I'd suggest everyone just get away from Dan and his toxicity for their own good. What's really sad though is the fact that Keith definitely still has some love for Dan as his little brother and so everything that Dan does probably just hurts extra because he just can't completely hate him. Even if he wants to... :( I feel awful for Jimmy. I'm similar to him in a way (less anger though. WAY less anger. And less pain.) Just in the sense that I was kinda forgotten by my friends. Well, not forgotten exactly. When I left School in Yr 10 to start being Homeschooled I kinda lost touch with all my friends. I occasionally talk to them, but I've mostly lost touch with them all. But I see posts on Instagram and stuff of them hanging out together and them all tagging each other in things and just clearly all still being really close, and it does feel really horrible. I mean, losing touch with friends is hard, but when you're the only one in the group to lose touch with every single one of them, it's gonna feel like it's personal. And it really does. Like I said though, I am fine and all that so people reading this please don't worry about me or anything. I just see where Jimmy's coming from in the sense that it really feels personal when you're the only friend to lose touch with the group. And I do take partial responsibility for that. I never send the first text to anyone because I feel weird doing so, but I know that that makes it partly my fault that I lost touch with them. It still hurts though... :(


OMG same here. I spent almost two years in and out of hospitals during grades 10 and 11 and went to school so little I might have never been. And I felt like I missed so much. I can definitely feel Jimmy's pain. I mean I feel bad when those friends forgot to even invite me once, I cannot imagine walking the same halls as them and never talking to my friends for a year, like ignoring me completely. It's rough.

Mariella Nilsson

i can also relate to this, when I had an injury in high school, my old friends kind of just moved on with their normal activites that I couldn’t join, and I was suprised of how fast they seemed to forget me. That kind of thing kind of changes you.