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Roy Ben-Ami

Not a great Buffy episode (to say the least) but you need one or two of those per season to make the rest look even better ;)

Nicholas Corgan

This is one of the only episodes I hadn't rewatched since I first saw it a decade ago. I forgot how...something...this was.


This is widely panned as one of the worst episodes of the series. I kind of like it though! It’s completely ridiculous but it has so many great moments. I love Cave Slayer Buffy, Willow standing up to Parker, Parker getting bopped by CaveBuffy, and the Buffy imitation that Giles does and others.

Raven Dark

Oh, shoot. I'm glad I didn't skip this one this time, because then I would have missed what you said at the start. I don't want to poop on the party here, but a piece of advice. Don't look at the titles. There are two titles that do spoil, one in Angel and one in Buffy. I would tell you which ones, but in order to avoid them, you might see them and spoil. They pretty much spoil the whole plot of the episode they pertain to. The safest bet is to go back to not looking at them for now. I'll tell you when they are safe. On the flip side of this, though, I suggest you look at them after, because I think you'll get a kick out of the titles when you see them, especially the one in Buffy. Trust me, when you see it, you'll know it's the one I mean. Matter of fact, I probably won't have to tell you the titles are safe. You'll know. It's a similar thing to what happened in episode one of Angel. The intro for ep one has Cordelia in it, and you see it before she shows up in the ep. The intro therefore gives away that Cordy is in Angel. The joyful surprise that you had when you saw Cordy would have been ruined had you seen the intro first. My saying to skip the titles is intended to serve the same purpose. Off to watch. I usually skip this one because it's so silly, but I love your reactions so much that I want to see it in all its cheesy glory.


so I'm watching the reaction to Beer Bad whilst absolutely smashed? calm


I enjoyed this episode but mainly got to see Buffy smacking Parker. Which it was so satisfying

Raven Dark

Now that I've watched the whole reaction... I don't know if you recognized Veruca (the singer Oz was staring at). You saw her once before in Living Conditions, the episode where Buffy's roommate Kathy turns out to be a demon. She was the girl Oz walked by while he was going to find Buffy,. and she passed him, and they both sort of did a double-take. She looked different, but it was her. This episode is silly and campy, but when I'm in the right mood, with the right reactor, it's enjoyable. This reaction was great. I almost forgot, there are two later episodes with spoiler titles, again one in Angel, one in Buffy. They aren't for a while, so I'll let you know a few episodes in advance to stop looking at them, then let you know again when they are safe.

Briony Addey

Cave Slayer Buffy brings me a lot of joy. And so does Buffy getting to bonk Parker on the head twice!

Jessica George

I’m literally dying for more Buffy Reacts. Lol. The wait kills me.

Jim Greer (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-29 14:37:22 Willow up on her high horse again , the same girl who continually cheated on Oz with Xander & caused Cordellia to nearly die .
2021-07-28 11:25:38 Willow up on her high horse again , the same girl who continually cheated on Oz with Xander & caused Cordellia to nearly die .

Willow up on her high horse again , the same girl who continually cheated on Oz with Xander & caused Cordellia to nearly die .