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Part1:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/yxn8hkchytdcom0/One%20tree%20hill%20S3XE05%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0




I Am Not Chamari

Wow. I hadn’t really noticed how similar Nathan and Brooke are as people, but it’s really telling in an episode like this. What they’re doing to the people they love is basically identical. They both have really good reason to not trust their respective partner, but these games they’re playing make no sense and will only hurt them more in the long run. That Brooke speech is considered iconic for some reason, but I’m glad you said what you said. Lucas is not a mind reader and he was resisting the whole non-exclusive dating thing until Brooke cornered him and forced him to ask someone else. Brooke and Nathan are setting up Lucas and Haley to fail, a situation where they cannot win.


I think with Nathan, he does genuinely want Haley to be able to work on her music and he does think Chris can help with that. But yeah, it's also a test. He needs to know that she really doesn't have feelings for Chris, or that she won't make the same mistakes as last time. It's messed up, and isn't fair to either of them, but it makes sense that he feels the need to do it. I just wish he could think of a better way to come to trust her again. And same with Brooke and Lucas. She can't push him to be non exclusive and go out with other girls, when he was completely against it, and then get mad when he actually does it. Again, I understand why she's doing it, she's scared because the last time she let him in, he cheated on her with Peyton. But it's not fair to force him to do something, then get mad at him for doing it. They really are very much alike, which is made very obvious with this whole story. They both have similar insecurities, similar trust issues, and it all comes back to their parents and how they were raised. That's not me saying they don't make their own decisions, because they do. Just that their parents are big reasons as to why they are the way they are a lot of the time. They can't trust their own parents, the people they're supposed to be able to trust most in the world, the first people that most kids ever trust, so how are they supposed to trust others? Then they DO trust other people, and they betray that trust. it makes sense unfortunately. Plus, they both have these pasts of being, well, not very nice... So it's kinda natural that they'd not have the best solutions to dealing with their crap. Doesn't make what they're doing okay though. But it does make it understandable. "Damn your sperm Danny." LOVE that moment! Poor Whitey... If he had hair, it'd be going grey because of the Scotts... He loves Nathan and Lucas, but they definitely stress him out more than anyone else... Haha


I am in absolute admiration with Brooke Davis...But outside of the fact that the arrangement of words was pretty I am still clear headed enough to know she is wrong doing what she's doing lol And especially her last speech, even if it's pretty iconic ...What she said was very unfair for many reasons, the biggest is that Lucas has to fight for her in spite of her instructing him to date other people...First yes i'm glad you say it, he's not a mind reader! but secondly how fair is it that he has to fight for her, say she's the only one etc, but she's totally fine and justified making him jealous with other guys and Lucas has to take it...SHE herself certainly isn't vehiculing the image that she's willing to fight for him, if it was te case they wouldn't have so much trouble in the first place with this non exclusive thing, I get that Lucas screwed up big time back in the day, it's a given at this point, but it's annoying to have this kind of double standard when it comes to male female relashinships or at least how they are portrayed