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Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pkqg55u4fu7jzv7/One%20tree%20hill%20S3xE03%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




It hurts seeing Naley like this! But I understand where Nathan is coming from completely. He's not giving up on them, he's just saying that they can't just go back to how they were, they need to work at it and regrow together. And if they can't do that, then of course they'll get a divorce. I love that Haley fully believes that they'll be back together by then though. She has so much faith in their relationship. Whitey is such a matchmaker though! Especially when it comes to Nathan! First Nathan and Lucas (back in S1), then Nathan and Haley... Nathan is so his favourite... Haha And of course, I love that at the end, Nathan walks with Haley to be there for her when those bitches were being, well, bitches... He loves her so much, he just needs some time... Just like Brooke with Lucas. I love that Lucas isn't just giving in to Brooke. He knows what she's doing and he's working to gain her trust back and get to be exclusive again. I also like that he actually has self respect and isn't just sleeping with her when he wants more, he's standing his ground. Dan is just such an asshole! The fact that he would do that to his son is disgusting and he really should be in Prison... We already knew he wasn't afraid to get physical with his sons, we've seen that a few times with Nathan. But this was further than we'd expect for some reason. I'm right there with you in missing the brothers being brothers... And I feel like they both need each other now more than ever. I get why Nathan's acting this way towards him, he's having some pretty bad trust issues. But Lucas doesn't deserve it, everything he did was to try and protect him and those he cares about. But right now, I think he needs someone he can talk to about all this Haley stuff without the fear of them going and telling Haley everything, and I don't think he'd trust Lucas with that right now... Everything is just a mess right now and it's really sad... At least Nathan and Peyton are getting closer though! I'm gonna keep saying it, I adore their friendship! It really does just amaze me that they were able to become such good friends... Mouth was funny though. I feel bad for him, he deserves better than that, but the way he just kept going off about it was hilarious. And everyone's reactions were great! And Nathan's concern about Whitey was sweet. He put up this front about not really caring, but he loves Whitey and was worried about him... So glad he told Karen what Dan was doing, so she could absolutely destroy him and save Whitey! GO KAREN! I also loved their talk about Haley. Karen didn't push him to forgive her, she just pointed out that she's back and that that's all he'd wanted back when she was gone. Karen is the Mother everyone in Tree Hill needs... The fact that Lucas risked his life for Dan pisses me off so much! Like, Lucas is a great guy for doing that! But Dan was not worth the risk... And I wish he'd just left him. But he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he did that...


Come on I love seeing Naley like this. It's so much better for me and them, it all comes from a place of honesty now. Not as much (we are so meant to be so in love) but coming from a place of working hard to build trust and love and a life together. Naley 2.0 is so much better than Naley 1.0

I Am Not Chamari

Not only did Dan not appreciate Lucas for saving his life... he insulted Lucas for doing so... I hate Dan with a burning passion lol


Great reaction. Season 3 whoohoooo!!!

Jasmine Reigns

As much as I hate Dan I gotta appreciate the actor Paul Johansson , this man can come into any scene and immediately you wanna throw daggers at him 😂 & Naley I LOVE THEM SO MUCH . Can’t wait for the rest of this season it’s really a gem 💎


i just love how brooke has always been naley's #1 supporter. and i love haley and brooke living together :)

kirk eastment

part 2 of this appears to be part 2 of episode 2 just a heads up Sofie :)