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So some people told me to do Slayalive guide's order but then some people told me to not watch the shows in that order so I'm a bit confused...

Should I start with Buffy S4E01 or Angel S1E01???


Addiletsplay ‘n’ Vlogz

Start with the pilot of Angel and then buffy 4x01. Also u can search up the guide for the order after pilot and 4x01!!!

Chas Summers

Buffy. Do the SlayAlive reactor's guide. It doesn't lump together so many eps of each show as the original guide does.

King Author

Everyone will have their opinions and many will conflict. While it may not be 100% perfect, Slayalive guide is the most reliable and trusted out there. And less stressful for you to have to figure out, especially when you're going in blind. Make it easy on yourself and go with the guide.

Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

Honestly it's up to you buddy. I personally prefer a 1 Buffy to 1 Angel ratio as it doesn't spoil anything as long as you watch the Buffy one first, and it doesn't make some wait weeks for an episode of either show. Some feel the slayer guide is nice - only thing I'd say is some really make out it's essential to follow for spoilers however that's untrue. Buffy 01/Angel 01 and onwards doesn't spoil anything x


Start with Buffy, whether you choose to watch the Slayalive Guide (or the Reactor’s Slayalive Guide linked on the same page), or alternate episodes. Alternating episodes works fine for the next two seasons as long as you start with Buffy.


Agree with Chas. Slayalive reactors guide. Tho I think you can watch either season opener first. The guide only matters sometimes. Not here I believe.

Daniel Schlösser

As I remember correctly you should start with Buffy. I think there is one short moment the both episodes are connected, and it's easier to get it in this order.




Slayalive guide is good. I recommend you start with Buffy


I checked the Slayalive guide and if i start with buffy you’ll get one ep of each show each week. I’ll will be posting them one day or 2 days away from each other .


Where is the reaction to OTH? Its been almost 2 weeks.


Slayalive seems easiest

Roy Ben-Ami

Slayalive order is what most reactors use. Probably the best way.


You honestly could just do 1 Buffy and 1 Angel like it aired. Slayalive offers better story continuity but it isn't a must. People like myself watched it on tv the regular way. It only gets a little wonky in the last season of Buffy because of the shows being on different networks. I prefer this because while I like Angel it isn't Buffy and I'm not huge on seeing 3-4 Angel episodes in a row.


Follow the SlayAlive Guide ... start with Buffy S4E1

Phoenix Dawn

I’d say Slayalive is more or less good but it is most relevant in the first season I’d say. I think the relevance gets significantly less for the following seasons bar 1 or 2 instances.

Addiletsplay ‘n’ Vlogz

Has the decision been made when? Since there was a lot of comments and stuff


Slayalive order is good as it groups story arcs together and if by chance the two shows stories overlap then it makes sure those episodes line up correctly. There are some Buffy viewers that don’t like Angel and get frustrated when there are multiple episodes of Angel in a row due to the watch order. I’m not one of them. I love Angel almost as much as Buffy. You CAN watch chronologically starting with Buffy episode 1 then Angel episode 1 and they should match up fine UNTIL season 7 Buffy/Season 4 Angel. The timeline gets a bit wonky there and the slayalive watch order is better for that season.

Teresa Schultz

I agree with most of the other comments. Slayalive guide works well and is easy.

Mark Johnson

I think you should watch in broadcast order until buffy season 7/Angel season 4.

Flora Smith

Slayalive’s reactors guide is the absolute best option


I agree with Flora, reactors guide is best, even if i dont like starting Angel.

Nichole Hutchison

Slayalive reactors guide is the best one


is Angel still going to count as a Buffy episode or are you increasing your output?


The main advantage of the SA Guide is that it always makes sure you're watching the episodes in an order that makes the most sense for the both stories. The downside is that it's ordered to also keep the disc switching to a minimum, which means long stretches of either one show or the other. There is a version made for reactors that does more alternating back and forth between shows but it means more work for you since you're switching more often.