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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rvf31uxf7nn067g/One%20tree%20hill%20S2xE23%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kz33zuq2zkcsvtz/One%20tree%20hill%20S2xE23%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




I'm only gonna be able to see it tonight, but because of the fear of missing out on comment input and already be late I will just say this season ending is iconic and so bittersweet, as a Brucas fan at this point in time the sheer lustful and hopelessly romantic passion of the scene is so sad but relatable of Lucas being so in love he couldn't even say a thing to her before because the feelings were so strong for her.--As a guy that hits too close to home honestly...And Brooke is so taken aback bless her heart, such a beautiful stunning human being to me inside and out and everywhere :)


Can’t wait to see the next season

Jasmine Reigns

Season 3 here we come 😌✨


So ready for season 3! its gonna be such a journey!!


DAMMIT! Just wrote a whole long comment and google decided to be a bitch... Never mind, I'll just talk about the Nathan and Lucas stuff because I have something to say about that... Haha I agree that Lucas didn't deserve that, but I also see where Nathan was coming from. He asked Lucas to stop spying on Dan, and he said he would, then he kept doing it and what he found caused him and Deb to be stuck with Dan again. After Haley (who broke his trust) Lucas was one of the first people he truly came to trust, then he broke that trust in some ways that would really hurt. Lucas was just trying to help, and we see that, but he unfortunately did more harm than good. So I understand Nathan's anger... BUT, I don't think it's like before. They ARE still brothers, they're just on the outs right now. They've experienced brotherhood now, they've grown to care about each other, you can't just turn that off. Nathan's just hurt because he trusted Lucas and he broke that trust, like Haley did. Lucas had all the right intentions and I don't blame him for wanting to save Nathan and Deb from Dan, but imo Nathan's anger is justified... It still hurts though because I adore their friendship so much and they were getting really close! It's just that all Nathan sees right now is that because Lucas didn't just do what he asked, he and his Mum are stuck with Dan for a while. It's just a really messed up situation... But hey! DAN IS BURNING LIKE HE DESERVES! :D


that username who sent peyton a message. Remember that !!!!

I Am Not Chamari

"And why is bitch being a Brooke?" Truly one of my favorite lines ever! Dan, Dan, Dan. Burn ALIVE What kind of twisted thing did he get himself into testing Lucas' loyalty??? He is literally your son. He doesn't owe you "loyalty" Lucas doesn't have to prove ANYTHING to Dan just so Dan could pretend to love him and give him money??? What an actual sociopath. Like, after the way you've treated him for 16 years, treated Nathan, treated Karen, treated Deb, treated everyone around you, you expect loyalty??? He's absolutely twisted! I agree Lucas definitely didn't deserve that. Especially after how Luke has been supporting him lately and he's gotten nothing similar to a "thank you." Everything he did was to protect Dan from literally everyone else. He "failed" because Dan is Dan, but I definitely don't think Lucas made anything worse and it's weird to put that all on him. And, Haley is Lucas' best friend, before Haley was Nathan's wife. I'm not seeing the problem with him visiting his best friend and wanting her to come back, sure, for Nathan, but also for himself and her own self. Nathan overreacted and no one will ever be able to change my mind about that. I think there's too much pain for Brooke/Lucas for that to actually work, in my opinion, but they do really seem to feel for each other. So, we'll see how that plays out. But, we basically end the season with Peyton/Lucas, vowing to spend the summer together. After a drought of Peyton/Lucas moments in Season 2, I really appreciated that. And also, Lucas keeping that stuff with him and Peyton, but not the stuff of him and Brooke? As a reminder of how badly he messed things up? That always seemed weird to me


Season 3 here we gooo!!!

Olia Stanasiuk

Anyone knows when will be reactions to OTH Season 3? I'm so looking forward