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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s0tw8x2qd1yhdxy/Buffy.S03E17.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Tim Pierce

I LOVE this episode. The swerve to end all swerves.



Shaun Houghton

Faith IS an activated Slayer. Kendra died, Faith was activated, later her watcher was killed, and she ran away to Sunnydale. The council does not have to activate her, it just happens mystically. There was only few minutes, if that when Buffy died for Kendra to be activated. There was no way for the council in England to hear of Buffy's death and activate Kendra. It is mystical and instantaneous. Kendra died with two Slayers active, and another was called. Should Faith die, there is no reason not to assume that another Slayer will be called. The only question is what happens if Buffy dies, as she has already "passed on the baton" once, does she get to pass it on again?

Shaun Houghton

Glad to have been of service.


Is there anymore OTH this weekend? I'm so eager for you to get to the remaining episodes of this season!

Blain H Granado

Faith and the light switch is one of my favorite details. More proof she's only the second best actor lol


This is probably my favorite episode of the season. It does have some holes if you closely examine it but I love it regardless. There is a split second line where Giles tells the demon/wizard guy “thank you for coming to me” or something to that effect. Implying that the wizard let Giles in on what the mayor was planning.

Rey Gallogo

Yeah and he was most likely aware that a rogue slayer was working with the mayor, and Giles being one of the two watchers in the area, the whatever it is informed him.


Really loved your reaction! I love the imagery of Buffy and Faith holding knives to each other's throats: "You kill me? You become me. You're not ready for that... yet."

R3v1v4L (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 05:13:29 “What’re you gonna do B? Kill Me? You become me.” I KNOW Sofie loves her some Angelus! 😁 I could see it in your face and I totally understand why! I’m not sure how Buffy managed to endure Faith & “Angelus” making out right in front of her chains! 😂 I would’ve popped a bitch! It was her plan after all so guess she just has that much self-restraint. I LOVED this episode and it goes further into showing the audience why Faith is the way she is. This is the half of S3 I’ve been waiting for you to see! So excited for the remainder of the season! And the major is just hilarious! Even Faith looking at me him like, “really?”.
2021-04-24 21:31:02 “What’re you gonna do B? Kill Me? You become me.” I KNOW Sofie loves her some Angelus! 😁 I could see it in your face and I totally understand why! I’m not sure how Buffy managed to endure Faith & “Angelus” making out right in front of her chains! 😂 I would’ve popped a bitch! It was her plan after all so guess she just has that much self-restraint. I LOVED this episode and it goes further into showing the audience why Faith is the way she is. This is the half of S3 I’ve been waiting for you to see! So excited for the remainder of the season! And the major is just hilarious! Even Faith looking at me him like, “really?”.

“What’re you gonna do B? Kill Me? You become me.” I KNOW Sofie loves her some Angelus! 😁 I could see it in your face and I totally understand why! I’m not sure how Buffy managed to endure Faith & “Angelus” making out right in front of her chains! 😂 I would’ve popped a bitch! It was her plan after all so guess she just has that much self-restraint. I LOVED this episode and it goes further into showing the audience why Faith is the way she is. This is the half of S3 I’ve been waiting for you to see! So excited for the remainder of the season! And the major is just hilarious! Even Faith looking at me him like, “really?”.

Alexis Cardarella

Don't worry, I think most of us are still confused at which point Buffy, Giles, and Angel were all in on the plan.


I assume the wizard dude just told Giles what the Mayor was planning after he left his office. Then Giles told Buffy and Angel at some point before Faith showed up at Angel's place with the wizard dude. When Giles tells Wesley to take the others to search for the books, Buffy leaves separately and you can see her and Giles exchange a strange glance, signifying they know something the others don't. Buffy returns home, to wait for Angel to bring Faith over, but on the way Xander runs into Angel's fist by mistake. Xander goes back to tell the gang, in which would have been when Giles had to fill them in on the rest of the plan... because they then rush into Angel's mansion to help after Faith reveals the info. A lot of this seems to be happening off screen, so it's def tough to follow, but you can fill in the blanks if you watch it 40 times like some of us have lol


Hahahaha! your shocked face cracked me up. But no worries, nearly all of us have been fooled there. Along the episode there were a few hints, tho, one of which you figured out- Angelus is not a team player, he would not have teamed up with Faith and let demon, no matter how powerful- boss him around. Also, in case his soul would have been released, he would have had other worries to handle, as in, trying to hurt Willow (yes, WILLOW) before anything else; Also, pay attention to when he's tying her up, the look he gives Buffy is not Angelus, he's totally smitten with her and making sure she's not hurt. My guess is, he told Buffy what was going on, she went to Giles, he contacted the Shaman (or, the Shaman contacted him first) and they came up with the plan together. Great episode, the twist was perfect


This is always a great one to watch for a reaction. 1) It's a great episode 2) I think I have yet to see someone guess that it's actually Angel. It's hard to remember back 19 years ago but I think I was fooled too. But when you look back you can see how it was him the whole time. He acting just enough like him to fool The Mayor and Faith and us but they haven't seen him actually as Angelus before so he is able to talk a big game acting "evil" without actually killing anybody. Now while others have said Angelus wouldn't work for someone else that may be true but he would buy time by convincing them he was on their side and then turn on them which is what Buffy and Angel said to Faith. Anyway it's always great to see people surprised by Angelus's "return" and worried but happy to see him because of how he is and how well David plays him. But then to realize he was faking it. It's always a great genuine reaction.