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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l2jppvl865iglz9/Buffy.S03E15.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




Do what you’re told, or do what you want? I love the contrast here. If I were in a Buffy’s shoes I probably wouldn’t have told anyone... But! that was the right thing to do, and if you remember in S2E11 “Ted” she fessed up to the police immediately. It’s not in her nature for these things to go unnoticed when she knows what happened. Faith is convinced Buffy is just like her, and wants her to see it too. Being a slayer grants power that’s meant to be used for good, but it’s still power and we’re shown how fun it is or how intoxicating it could be. We saw Buffy at the pier quickly (although somewhat reluctant) dismissing what Faith was about because she knows what she was saying was in some way true, 3 seasons in and we know Buffy has similar characteristics as Faith but they just didn’t come to light until the previous episode. They were definitely getting to her! Especially Angel considering he’s the one that can relate to her the most. The scene with her strangling Xander was her way of ‘shutting him up’ rather than to actually kill him (atleast from my viewpoint). And I think the Willow/Xander thing is over but even though Willow’s back with Oz now she still has harboured feelings for Xander and she wasn’t happy with the fact that he slept with her so quickly but never saw her the same way. This is the second time I’m watching the show (with you this time) and there’s so many things I missed the first time that you point out! I remember disliking Faith a lot on my initial watch but it’s nice to see things in retrospect to see a different perspective, she quickly became a favourite of mine along with Buffy I find I relate to the 2 the most. I’m not justifying her behaviour I just think it’s a little more understandable now given her background. Thank you Sofie! 🙂

Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

Aw Faith! We were all rooting for you 😝😅 I do love how with season 3 we are exploring a fair share of Faiths personality. I do wish we had spent more time with Kendra (loved her) so this is a plus. Such a great season! Love Buffy, she's such a great protagonist! X

Shaun Houghton

Uncomfortable and Traumatising- Key elements of the show's mission statement.


I believe that being the slayer and having all that power is not why it was easy for the darkness to take over Faith. The proof is Buffy and her experience with Ted like you said. They may have things in common because of their label but they’re different morally. Faith was in dire need of help because of her background  «  wish btw i hope they explore this side more or at least have flashbacks to see why she is the way she is » And i think without help..her stepping into the darkness was just a matter of time.


Oh absolutely! I should’ve mentioned that being the slayer is part of it, but the main reason why it was easy for her to sway to the other side is because of her background and upbringing, she has no support system, no friends, parents, nothing. She’s taken care of herself for who knows how long. The council never offered her a place to stay, nor did anyone else for that matter. She is obviously feels guilty about what she did she feels that her jurisdiction is correct and also feels like everyone is against her (rightfully), so naturally she went to the 1 person who didn’t care as much.

Jim Greer

Am I the only one who wishes Faith had killed Xander ?

Zeph 802

For a brief second I thought "Would it be the worst thing in the world" 😂😂