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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q6n2yigug07iuas/The.Vampire.Diaries.S04E15.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




oh boy.. here we go

Jay zay

Never liked Katherine and I never will.

Mara Smith

Nina did an amazing job. Just hands down amazing acting


Ninas most incredible performance yet. As much as Katherine is my favorite character she has every played this scene with Elena is incredible and easily one of my top 5 in the tvd series.

Jasmine Reigns

One of Nina’s best performances in the show , I still can’t believe how perfectly she portrayed the breakdown which is so realistic 🥺 Nina won best actress in a tv show drama and favorite actress 🙏🏾 Well deserved ✨


It's just perfect. The best scene in the show, the best episode in the show, hands down.


Nina dobrev is amazing!! And finally elena is going to be fun😁


I think its fair to say Nina dobrev is the best actor in the show....not saying that ian,paul or joseph aren't, but I have never seen anyone play 2 characters who are on opposite poles, so perfectly


Well everybody stated already how absolutly outstanding Nina perforance has here, she is so amazing. And what a sort of watershead this epsode was, Elenas old life is gone forever. Now what will the future hold, with Silas walking around, Bonnie totally brainwashed, Elana with her humanity off, Tyler gone, Katherine with the cure in her hands. But one thing beautiful happened Stefan and Damon told each other their love for one another for the first time, since they became vampires.

Keith Engel

As much as this is powerful, very rarely do I cry at this scene unless watching other reactors, another scene though...


I really love the creepy vibe they gave silas, it really builds up for an amazing big bad.looking back at it, season 4 is actually the creepiest and scariest vampire diaries season


This and the next few episodes are some of the hardest for me to watch. Elena loses the last member of her family. The rejection stage and Elena's grief looked so real that it was scary. A few episodes ago, she said that Jeremy is the only one for whom she still holds herself in hand. So I also think that Elena would have turned it off herself sooner or later. Watching Elena's house burn was unbearably sad. This is, indeed, a very large part of TVD. But I understand why Elena did it. In the end, Katherine was once again the trickiest of them all. She had nothing, but she was one step ahead of the rest of the group. I love this character, but the murder of Jeremy overshadowed everything. The only 2 bright and warm moments in this episode are the meeting of Damon and Boney and the conversation between Damon and Stefan. 😊 I'm so looking forward to season 6! Sofie, thank you for two reactions today! I missed you so much. Love you, hug you! ❤️

Andrea Dcosta

Sofie this is the best reaction for episode 15 of TVD I have seen from any reactor for me. You were literally in denial like Elena was at the start and slowly it sunk into you that its True Jeremy is Dead. This made me even more sad and difficult to watch this with you :( This episode was so beautifully done. I loved all of Matt’s scenes with Elena the bond they have is absolutely beautiful. Be mean to people you care about. Damon Logic that made me smile. When Damon hugs Bonnie I actually teared up I love them both so freaking much. Nina what can I say What a performance!! I cry every time I watch this episode and boy Nina just gets to you, I can literally feel her pain this is called Acting rather I would say not acting she made it her own and it looked so realistic as you said this is what a Mental breakdown would look like. Could actually make out the moment she shuts off her humanity the look she gives Oh Mahn what a performance absolutely brilliant!! The score for this episode mainly when she turns off her humanity and when bonnie talks about getting Jeremy back and to perform the expression triangle for Silas and Caroline, matt talking in the background the score for all these scenes was brilliant and amazingly shot. I’m so freaking glad you understood Damon here and just didn’t blame him for making her turn her emotions off cause he didn’t and many reactors just blame him, get pissed on him and assume he doesn’t love her so he does this like no. as you said the sire bond affects how you act not feel Damon had told her to calm down but she didn’t listen she wasn’t going to. loosing her brother affected her feelings, she was broken and Damon or the sire bond wouldn’t have helped her yes, she loves him but this time he wasn’t going to be enough she lost her ONLY family her Brother. Even I feel she eventually would turn her emotions off and she wanted to and I don’t blame Damon for telling her this was the only option he could see in front of him to help her. My most favorite scene is def between Stefan and Damon I just remembered what Libby mentioned in her comment on another reactor’s channel that this is Stefan and Damon telling each other that they love each other and they also can’t survive without each other and you also said it looking at the scene and I just started crying all over again lol I love these 2 so much such a beautiful moment they had without saying anything to each other they said a lot I think this is my fav episode of this season. The house is gone an integral part of TVD just watching the house burn down with Jeremy in it and basically the old Elena as well was even more sad. I’m just exhausted crying ☹☹


Honestly the moment Jeremy died I thought no humanity Elena was a foregone conclusion. I apparently saw the "turn it off" scene very differently than others did. I thought it was ELENA who decided to turn it off but NOT because Damon told her too. I thought when Damon said “turn it off” she comes to the realization that she could stop the pain the way and so she does. ) I also then interpreted the porch scene as showing us that Stefan and Damon didn’t realize she did it on her own. The thing is... when Damon told her to calm down she still couldn't. I thought that they were showing us that the sire bond was NOT working. Then Stefan and Damon have that scene on the porch where Stefan is upset that Damon compelled/sired Elena to turn it off. He says her humanity was all she had left and Damon says humanity means nothing if you don’t have anyone to care about. Stefan says “she had you” and Damon says "She lost her BROTHER, I’m not enough.” SOO I took that as another ‘’clue’ that the sire bond hadn’t worked and she was the one who actually turned it off. Oh and I also started crying right there cause Damon was saying if he lost Stefan, nothing would be enough either.


Lol Sofie's denial is as bad as Elena's.


PS I was thinking about it and If the sire bond only affects how she ACTS and not how she FEELS then Damon shouldn't be able to alter her feelings/emotions about anything anyways.

Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

Honestly this scene is truly soooo good, like you pointed out. Powerful and one of the scenes that stayed with me throughout the entire series. The acting was spot on. And it really highlighted all the loses she has endured. Sometimes important character deaths get forgotten about a few seasons in but VD always references. Part of why I love the show x


It is gotten to that point of no return where for me Elena is never the same, and it's got not so much to do with not having her humanity as much as she is not really ever the same kind of character after that which personally I don't really enjoyed, I loved Elena's character up to here but both in physical performance and in her attitude she really changes


Ian and Kat are besties irl so that explains the chemistry between them even tho they dont have a lot scenes together till now.. There are like billion interviews where both of them say they love each other and they are bestfriends and love working together on set and they both shipped Bamon really hard and wanted them to get together even romantically.. :) I really love their friendship!

Addiletsplay ‘n’ Vlogz

Something that has nothing to do with the episode.. when is the next buffy reaction? Since the last one was Tuesday

Keith Engel

This is probably the second best scene/episode, or tied for first, in TV history that deals with the reality of death of losing someone. I won't spoil what the other scene is though I'm sure others will know which I'm talking about. Both are powerful in different ways.


I noticed that Nina is playing Elena differently this season. I don’t know there’s something about the way Elena is portrayed that is quite different.

Keith Engel

There is also a certain symbolism that comes with burning down the house, it goes back to what Elena states to Stefan in the previous episode: Elena: Things changed the minute that I went off that bridge, Stefan. Even if I could be human again, I wouldn't be the person that I was. [Stefan nods slowly] So it's about time that I accept the person that I am now and figure out a way...to start living the rest of my life. It's like that final acceptance that her past life is over, there no going back to who she was as a person. Her turning of her humanity, is the final symbolism of that statement. That person that was human before going over that bridge, is completely gone now and she is now changed, and a new person, similar but different now as well, is coming forth in the process and acceptance of her becoming a vampire. That is the symbolism of her turning off humanity. Then there is the symbolism between the brothers fighting over this as well, one who has embraced his vampirism, has come to terms with being a vampire and accepted that and embraced the change, Damon, while you still have Stefan on the other side of that, still fighting, not accepting, and can't embrace himself as a person yet as a vampire, all over if it was the right decision for her to turn of her humanity. Damon once again with the deeper insight into all of that has taking place, I wasn't enough, she lost her brother, what good is humanity if there is nothing there. Edit: Another odd connection is that remember Katherine was supposed to die in a fire at the church, the symbolism of Elena past life being burned away in a fire, caused by Katherine.

Keith Engel

Well her character does change, it has grown, and matured, she is no longer the sweet innocent girl as we have seen that evolution in her character taking place, especially her training with Ric and Damon even in season 3. Despite everything, all the events surrounding Stefan of last season changed her to be even more a fighter and less wanting to be the victim type. It's not that she wasn't a strong character before and always the victim, but that she has become stronger and less willing to take shit from others as well. The traits of her personality got amplified, as well as the one that we witness in flashbacks at the end of season 3, were we see her happy, or more joyful. Hence her desire to find this again, and why that is related to Damon. It's one of the reasons she states she can't be with Stefan while compelled, she can't be around a sad person anymore. Then we see her in this episode the pain of the grief she has experienced since the car accident is amplified. Her anger, that we have witnessed rarely, but have seen it on display is amplified as well. Her compassion for others is amplified as well. It's like you have to take all that they have shown of her character and her personality before and after the death of her parents, and realize all aspects of that personality is heightened now, for better or worse after the change to vampire, and everything else she has been through on top of that. As she said, she is not the same person anymore, and it's time for her to accept that, and others as well. So I think Nina does a great job at portraying the changes Elena character has gone through in maturing as a person with all that she has gone through, with the amplification of all her personality traits coming through as a vampire as well.


But I don't mean the first half of Season 4, i think that's an accurate portrayal of how she would be as a vampire, it's more aimed at the end of this season for obvious reasons, and for the rest of the show, she just does not seem like herself anymore, which is weird to say, but the way she speaks, looks and talks is nothing like the Elena we've come to know and personally i'm not a fan of that


So I agree in a lot of ways with what you mean, all i would say is people tend to categorize Elena as playing the victim when in reality she's just portrayed as a compassionate person, you talk about her changing, but in the beginning of season 4 even a Vampire she didn't change that much, she's Elena we've come to know just as a vampire and worried about others, it's just past the 4th season she 'for me' is not Elena anymore, it's not the girl we knew for three seasons, from the looks to her way of speaking and dealing with people, i feel characters in the show had arch but no one feels drastically as dissociated with who they are as she does, and i personally don't like that at all, there is something much more charming to me about Elena being calm and considerate and more devoted to others-Which in ideal is supposed to be the opposite of Katheryn...And afterwards she feels, well I guess we could say more confident sure, but much more like a totally different type of person

Keith Engel

It comes down to one big change in her character, for the first 3 and maybe even 4 seasons, we have seen her dealing with what, depression and guilt, this gets removed. Does she still experience these matters yes, but she is no longer living in a depressive state. Yes her character changes in a big way due to this also, and since we aren't at those points in the reactions, I will refrain on talking about why. Yet, from what has been seen via this reactor, I will still bring up the importance of the finale of Season 3, and why they showed the sequences they did with the flashbacks. Why show us Elena prior to the guilt and the depression? It's something we as an audience had never seen before for her character, truly being happy, prior to everything else that has taken place. How would Elena act then once this takes place again being happy, without living with depression? We have seen Elena only act one way, due to the depression and guilt, and though Stefan may have assisted her in some way in in finding some joy in her life during this time, it's not the same, and in some cases Stefan's own guilt and depression and shame kept her in the same place as he was in life, which in some cases he wanted to keep holding her captive there as well. You know what happens with Stefan's own character arch, which does take longer to unfold than Elena's. Furthermore, yes, she isn't a girl anymore, she is 18, and has matured from a girl to a woman and several different events having shaped the girl to the woman, some have mad her harder, some have made her softer actually, add in the vampire heightened feelings and personality, well... There is an important matter to consider also, comes from the very second episode of the season one. Elena: I would write..."Dear diary, today I convinced myself it was ok to give up. Don't take risks. Stick with the status quo. No drama, now is just not the time. But my reasons aren't reasons, they're excuses. All I'm doing is hiding from the truth, and the truth is that..." I'm scared, Stefan. I'm scared that if I let myself be happy for even one moment that...the world's just going to come crashing down, and I...don't know if I can survive that. At the end of last season, and the start of this season, what did she choose to stick with, or whom? She stuck with the status quo at that time, Stefan. What truth had she been hiding from for about roughly 2 seasons, loving Damon. What was she scared about in having to make the choice in the first place? Losing one of the brothers, why, she wanted to avoid the drama, so she stuck with the status quo. Yet what was that status quo for her character at that moment, depression and guilt. Yet, she was forced basically in becoming a vampire and her change, to deal with the truth of who she was, the aspects of herself she had kept hidden and the truth of who she really loved. In embracing certain truths about herself, both good and bad, this changes and empowers you at the same time. I'm not saying it's just one thing also, but there are several matters on top of this one as well, but it's the spark of the transformation process as it were. There was always also that deep underlying fear in her, which I think is why she stuck with the status quo at first with Stefan, that nagging thing in the back of her mind, being compared to Katherine if she did go with Damon. She didn't want to be seen as being like Katherine, as had been brought up several times. The removal of fear is also a big game changer in terms of character, and from the quote I shared, what was her primary fear, she was scared of being happy.


I believe also that Elena becoming a vampire is a symbolism for growing up and becoming an adult, someone established, not anymore in search of who she is and what she wants, a defenceless young girl but a strong young woman, embracing life as it is, because as John Lennon said “life is what happen while you are busy making plan”. The process of accepting to leave behind childhood and embrace adulthood could be difficult but it’s unavoidable, once you grown up , you cannot possibly be ever again the little girl you where once and accepting it, implies that you have to face who you are and the responsibilities that are coming with it, like it or not. When in Ep 6 Elena told Stefan on the porch “the girl I’ve become is somehow darker”, that is what I see. As an adult you cannot afford sometimes to be anymore quixotic and uncompromising, you have to smooth the edges and get things done one way or another, bending your rules and your morals. She is becoming like Damon. The fact that, while the house is burning, Elena and Damon look ahead of them and Stefan is the only one looking back is the perfect symbolism for who is embracing life as it is and who is straggling with that.

Keith Engel

Oh for sure, her becoming a Vampire was the first step in that, because remember what she was doing when she died, she was heading backwards, back to Mystic Falls. She wasn't quite ready to move forward. That her choice is very deeply related to what she said to Stefan in episode 2 of Season 1. Season 1 and Season 4 have such a deep connection with one another as well, the parallels are astounding. Elena: I would write..."Dear diary, today I convinced myself it was ok to give up. Don't take risks. Stick with the status quo. No drama, now is just not the time. But my reasons aren't reasons, they're excuses. All I'm doing is hiding from the truth, and the truth is that..." I'm scared, Stefan. I'm scared that if I let myself be happy for even one moment that...the world's just going to come crashing down, and I...don't know if I can survive that. What was the status quo in her life when she first made that decision to head back to Stefan in her choice? She was not willing to risk losing Stefan, or her friends, by taking the risk with Damon, of moving forward towards him instead. The status quo of returning back to Stefan, when they first met, was remaining in sadness and depression, Stefan's main character characteristic. She didn't want the Drama that would come if she had chosen to move forward with Damon. So she gave him up instead. I mean she was coming up with every excuse in the book as to why she couldn't move forward and be with Damon in her goodbye phone call with him. Well, if you and I had met first, excuse. Her choice was all based in fear and not wanting to take a risk, because of her being scared that it may actually make her happy. It was better to stick with the status quo, then to face truth. What truth had been hiding from with in herself? We know that answer as her changing into a vampire forced her to finally admit this truth, that she had been hiding from and didn't want to admit, her love for Damon. I mean her becoming a vampire made her become fearless finally. The scared little girl not willing to take a risk. The scared little girl not willing to stick with the status quo because of worried about the drama it may cause. The scared little girl most importantly about taking the chance at being happy. So, the girl died, the woman emerged, the past is gone, there is no going back, only moving forward. As you bring up, it's Stefan that can't accept the change still holding onto the past, wishing the status quo hadn't changed.

Modelo Time

as she slowly came to the realization with Elena through the episode, I thought to myself, "this episode is gonna destroy her" 😂

Alexis Cardarella

This was an episode that really changed my POV of tvd. As in it took to a higher standard for me. Nina's performance moved me so much. But also, they show grief as if it's amplified, when I feel like the human Elena would have every right to react this way. This is coming from someone who has experienced immense grief.


I think it said somewhere that Nina lost her grandfather close towhee they recorded this episode and that's also why Paul looks at the directors for one second, to see if they should keep going or not. I mean I read that and I totally get it. I'm glad they did decide to keep going though :(

Loved By You

Her best acting of the series