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Just wanted to say that I’m new here and I recently just finished all of your previous reactions to season two and might I say that I’m loving it here seeing your point of view in every episode is amazing can’t wait to see this ep.


Side note just watched the ep and loved it.


So I just spend ages writing this long comment about the episode and then Google shut down and lost it all... So I'm kinda pissed now... This happens all the fucking time! So I'll skip all the happy stuff this time, and just talk about the Naley stuff. Like I said last episode, I'm not mad at Haley for following her dreams. I'm mad at her for kissing Chris and then going on tour with him. I'm proud of her and happy for her with the music aspect of it. It's just the Chris part I can't get behind. And of course, leaving her husband for it. I love that Lucas wasn't angry at Nathan for lashing out, and didn't let it get to him. He knows this isn't about him, it's about Haley. And I love how worried he clearly is about him. At the start of their relationship, he was so worried about Nathan hurting Haley, but here they are, the opposite. He never would've thought it'd be Nathan he was comforting and being there for when Haley hurt him... The thing about Deb is that she seemed genuinely sad for Nathan when hearing about Haley leaving, but that doesn't change the fact that she actively plotted to destroy their marriage from the start, or that she was a bitch to Haley. It's like Lydia (Haley's Mum) said back in 2x01 to her Dad. She said her parents forbid her to marry him, then she said "And in the end I married you all the same. But I always loved them a little less for not seeing in you what I did." And I think that applies with Nathan. It's easy for Deb to just swoop in now and act all supportive, but she was so unsupportive of the marriage and she treated her son horribly. It's like she's seen her chance to get her son back now that Haley's left and he's vulnerable, and that's just so messed up... Nathan's problem is that back in S1, he had these huge walls up in order to protect himself. He acted like a complete jerk, and he trusted no one. Then Haley came along and broke those walls down, got him to love and trust her. Then she broke that trust and left. Leaving Nathan to try rebuilding those walls from the dust she left behind. Which is why he's made some comments, but overall you can see how destroyed he is. The walls are gone, but he still needs to try and protect himself. It's really sad. I love the scene with him and Karen too. How he apologised for how Dan treated her and she assured him that Haley's a good person and that she'll make the right choice in the end. That's what he needed at that point. Like, some people after a break up or whatever will wanna talk trash about their ex and hear bad stuff about them. But Nathan's not at that stage, he still loves Haley so much and doesn't like people talking bad about her (as we saw when he punched Dan...) But Karen just adopts the Tree Hill kids. Like "Oh, Brooke, your parents suck and are rarely around. I adopt you! Peyton! Your Mum is dead and your Dad's job takes him away a lot. I adopt you! Nathan! Your parents are Dan and Deb. I ADOPT YOU!" I love her! I'll say this, if one good thing came from this Naley drama this season, it's definitely that Nathan has some brilliant scenes and his relationships with other characters really grow. His scene with Peyton was good too. I love their friendship so much! I'm so glad he told her that what happened with Haley and Chris wasn't her fault. She needed to hear that. But of course, he decides to destroy her hope of anything with Jake (lucky she got over that and they kissed, and she then gave Nathan that drawing to try giving him some hope). Don't worry though! That's not the last we'll see of Nathan the Downer bringing down the mood and destroying peoples hope... It's weirdly hilarious... (In the sense that it makes me sad, but I look at it as funny because otherwise I'll cry...) Okay. Love Andy, he's great! Love Mouth and his friendship with Brooke! So happy for Brooke! Happy for Erica too in the fact that she gets to figure herself out! I feel the same about Dan and Lucas, cuz I know what Dan's like and know it can't end well for Lucas. I feel for Jules as she clearly cares for Keith, she shouldn't have taken Dan's money of course, but he's a manipulative bastard. I think that about covers it. Like I said, I did write more, but everything got deleted... :(

I Am Not Chamari

Maybe it’s because Nathan is my least favorite of the Core Five, but I don’t think it’s fair to blame all of his behavior on Haley. I get it. He’s hurting. But drinking beer in class? Calling his teacher a slut? I enjoyed his scenes with Peyton and Karen, but this is more than just typical self-destructive behavior. It’s disrespectful and I don’t know if I think Haley should carry all of this responsibility for Nathan’s actions. I think this was my issue with the Naley relationship at first. If all of Nathan’s character development depends on Haley, is that actual development, or is it just having a woman change you? If you remove her and all of the development comes undone, it didn’t have a really solid foundation, did it? Well, either way, I hope this bit of a regression helps Nathan not put all of his value or effort into being a good person because of Haley, but because he wants it for himself. I know this is an unpopular opinion but just thought I’d share my thoughts lol


Everyone grieves in different ways. Yes, a little overboard but the fact that he's hurting so much makes me like him more as a character, not less, because it means he has a big heart. And TBH Haley is to blame. With Haley by his side we get nice Nathan, without her, we get lost Nathan. It's a combination between Haley leaving and his grieving,